《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Soft Hair [Hyuk x Reader]


"Ah~" Hyuk groaned, stretching out happily as his wide, bright eyes grimaced at the sunlight that peered through the curtains. His arms travelled around the mattress, feeling nothing but an empty space. He growled as he rolled around, missing the feeling of his girlfriend.

"Y/N-WOAH!" Him rolling around aimlessly on the bed, childishly, with his eyes shut closed sleepily probably wasn't the best idea. Unfortunately he had only realized that once his face came in contact with the floor. Landing with a thump he snarled at the ground, pouting as he fall seemed to have shoved the sleep out of him. He hastily got up, hurrying into the kitchen of his apartment, Y/N must have been there. Where else would she be at? His eyes glanced around, meeting the figure of his elegant lover, planted near the stove, the pan sizzling with something.

He beamed at the figure and proceeded to creep his way behind her.

"Y/N-ah!~" He sang, hugging her from behind; his secure hands tightening around her waist; causing a small jump and a squeak to erupt from the sweet H/C haired female.

"H-Hyuk?" She sighed, still shocked at his sudden presence. "Yah! Don't scare me like that!" She lightly scolded, as she turned off the stove, setting the delicious-smelling dish on a proper plate. "It smells good~" He complimented, Y/N smiling in return. "But, isn't it way too fancy for a breakfast?" Y/N rolled her eyes at Hyuk, she set it aside, Hyuk still binding her with his arms. "It's for lunch, it's 1:30 in the afternoon right now~"


"Geez, just go and take a shower first. You feel groggy don't you?" She recommended as she gestured to the bathroom.

"Alright..." He agreed, grumbling as he headed over to the bathroom; he was feeling a bit sluggish.


"Ah! That was a nice meal!" He grinned, stretching his arms out, patting his stomach afterwards; brimming with satisfaction.

"I'm glad you liked it at least~" She cooed in response, as she moved all of the plates to the sink about to wash them.

"Don't do the dishes, let's watch the TV together!" He demanded, tugging at her waist, pulling her closer as he embraced her from behind.

"What are we going to watch on the TV?" She wondered, as he playfully tugged her over to the couch, falling back carelessly onto the soft surface.

"Uh, I don't know? Anything~" Hyuk truthfully had no idea what they were going to watch, however, anything was good; anything, as long as he got to spend more time with his beloved girlfriend. It was quite a rare occasion; for the two of them to be free and hang out in the department together. They were both very busy; with very different jobs. But, nonetheless, they still managed. Their eyes simply stayed glued to the screen, occasionally laughing


"Ah! I'm so tired..." Hyuk breathed out, slowly descending onto Y/N's lap.

"Tired? You didn't really do anything today though." She giggled at his childish behavior as he curled up on the couch, using her lap as a pillow.

"I know, but...eh...whatever..." He brushed off, pouting slightly as he faced the TV. "But, what are the odds that we got to spend time together?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah...I guess" She answered plainly, eyeing the males on the TV screen. The five males were very talented, dancing on the stage the way they did; the female fans going wild over their performance.

"Yah! Y/N-ah! Are you listening to me?" He shot up, mock glaring at her. She didn't answer, her eyes stuck on the screen.

"YAH!" He shouted in annoyance, following line of sight. "Why do you keep looking at them? They're just dancing."

"I thought you said that we should watch TV?" She laughed softly, sensing the vines of jealousy churning inside him already.

"Well, yeah. But I didn't actually want you to watch the TV!" The male retaliated.

Y/N had no idea what he meant, however, she just shrugged in response, leaning back comfortably on the couch. "So, then what do you want to do? Since you don't want to watch the TV anymore." She giggled, finding his pouts quite adorable.

"I don't know. Anything~" He sighed, resting his head on her lap once again; getting comfortable.

"What is that 'anything'?" The corner of her lips curled up cutely, as her fingers combed through his soft hair, playing with it on a whim.

"This is nice~" He sang, humming in satisfaction.


His voice was sleepy, despite just waking up an hour or so ago, he was already feeling sleepy. With the sun up brightly hung up in the sky in the field of blue, the sky scattered with white clouds; Hyuk was still sleepy. Why? He wasn't that tired was he?...Or the sense of warmth and adoration? Who knew? Not even Hyuk, the man himself, knew the answer. All he knew was that he loved Y/N.

"Yeah?" She murmured back, giving a small laugh at his behavior. She loved his childish an playful behavior. The first time she had met him, she couldn't stand how cute he was. His voice was a shock, a low voice. It oddly suited him. She found him, all-round, adorable and at the time they dating was just a nice thought to her.


"How do you style your hair?" He asked, curiously as he turned onto his face; facing the TV as his eyes fluttered to a close; relaxed.

Y/N's quiet and humble laugh echoed in his ears, as her fingers began to play with his short locks; tugging at them lightly, other times twirling it around her fingers. The H/C haired female took some time before replying. What do you mean by that? 'How do you style your hair?'

"I'm not too sure myself. What do you mean by that?" She questioned, straightening out his ruffled locks.

"I don't know...like...you know...just styling hair."

The female simply remained clueless as to what he meant. Giving him a blank look, as before sighing; a gentle curl of her ample lips resting on her face.

"You're hair stylist aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. But I still have no idea what you mean by 'How do you style your hair?'..." She repeated, giggling lightly.

"You should style my hair!" He shot up, sitting up straight; his eyes snapping open.

Y/N jumped slightly at his sudden rise in his voice as he lifted himself away from her. After three full years of dating, she still wasn't to his random spikes of energy. Just a moment ago he was falling asleep peacefully on her lap; his voice very soft and subtle. However, in no time at all, his tone want from one to ten, swapping with a much more active and excited tone.

"Style it?" She took a quick, adorable chortle. "Okay, sure~ How would you like it?"

Hyuk's eyes lit up. hopping beside her on the couch. His lips formed a wide smile. "Anything is fine!"

"I think I have an idea~ Let me just get some of the equipment."


"Hey, Y/N-ah? Do you like playing with my hair?" He questioned, the sleep catching up to him.

"Yeah I do~ It's nice and soft~"

"Hehe, thank you, thank you!" He thanked, quite satisfied with the compliment.

"Make sure you take care of your hair well, okay?"


"Hyuk-ah, are you falling asleep? You can just sleep if you want." Y/N paused, seeing as her boyfriend, who was very active just a minute ago, was already falling asleep; wobbling from side to side.

"H-Huh? Oh...no..." He breathed out, exhaling out a shaky breath.

"Are you sure? You can just sleep, you know?" She offered, however he shook his head meekly in response.

"Nah...! I just...get really sleepy when you play with my hair..."

"Just lie down~" She cooed, Hyuk obliging. Not wanting to argue and fight himself mentally for it anymore. It was clear to him that sleeping was the way to go.

"I used to do this a lot when we first started dating, right?" Nostalgia hit both of them.

"Yeah...I still love it..." He smiled, making himself comfortable. "Hey...Y/N-ah..."

"Yes?" She answered, still massaging his head, her quick and skilled fingers playing with his short locks.

"Can you tell me story?" He requested, his voice tired and his eyes closed; basically on the brink of falling asleep.

"A story?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow at his request.

"Yeah, a story. Like, a bedtime story~" His voice wavered as Y/N giggled silently.

"Sure, what kind of story do you want?"

No response. Hyuk's breathing settled to a steady pace; his chest heaving up and down peacefully. His body curled up on the couch; his head resting on her lap.

"Ah, he's gone to sleep..." She mumbled under her breath to herself as she combed through his hair.

She stayed silent, only registering the situation.

"Um...what...what am I supposed to do now...?" Y/N sighed, as she simply idled there, her eyes roaming around the room; pausing the TV screen. 'Some TV will have to do then...' Y/N took a quick, quiet giggle as she glanced down at Hyuk's relaxed sleeping face before continuing to play with his soft hair.

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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