《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Confused [Taekwoon x Reader x Wonshik]


"Wah! Is this all really for us?!" Hyuk exclaimed as Y/N set down a whole lot of food on the table; a wide proud grin on her face.

"Yeah, of course. You guys need to eat or else you'll turn to nothing but bones and muscle, so here. Eat". She offered, as the attention of the other members of VIXX huddled around the table.

"Ah! You're the best Y/N-noona!" Jaehwan cheered, as he hastily took the food, shoveling it into his mouth hungrily; the rest of them joining in.

"Are you sure?" Wonshik the exception, simply raising an eyebrow at the female.

"What do you mean if I'm sure or not?" She laughed. "Of course I'm sure! And plus, what am I going to do with the food now? Bring it back to the shop?"

Wonshik smiled, giving a satisfied little chortle before he joined the rest, leaving no time to spare for the food to enter his mouth. Y/N proudly watched for a while before she took a seat by the table, sitting slightly isolated from the rest of the excited boys. Her smile softly dropped, as she pulled out her laptop from her bag, immediately and swiftly getting on with her work as the lively males cheered and casually conversed.

Wonshik paused, taking a solid glance at the working H/C haired female before approaching her, scooting his chair closer to her. He didn't know why, but today he felt like talking more...to Y/N specifically. Perhaps it was the extra favor that she did today. No...she technically did that everyday. Everyday, working, helping and guiding the six of them with their fame, not once ever getting angry or upset with them. Always bringing out the best in them and they were always grateful to her. So, why was he receiving an extra connection and attraction towards her? Liar. He had been feeling that way towards her for a long time now.

"Wonshik-sshi? Don't you want to eat?" She glanced up at her bright screen, eyeing Wonshik, who was wolfing down food a moment ago.

"Hmm? Ah...yeah I do." He answered, his heart picking up a certain pace; unsteady and unlike the ones he got whenever he was simply tired and panting after practices.


"Then why aren't you being a wolf and devouring all of the food?" She joked, chuckling.

"Huh, oh well I was just wondering about you. Have you eaten yet?" He politely questioned causing Y/N to pause, her fingers freezing as she took sometime to eye him curiously.

"Me? Ah, I haven't eaten yet but-"

"You haven't eaten yet?! Y/N-noona, here!" Wonshik, with his spritely and bubbly personality, happily offered over his meat that he held up on his chopsticks, hanging it in front of Y/N's face. "Say ahh~" He cooed, Y/N simply rolling her eyes at the playful male deciding to play along.

"A...Ahh..." She hesitantly obliged, accepting the piece of meat; Wonshik feeding it to her.

As she chewed Wonshik skipped back to his chair, Taekwoon glaring daggers at Wonshik, who remain oblivious to what he had just done. Taekwoon growled under his breath as he bitterly continued to eat his food. But why? He didn't understand it himself, the fire inside him just decided to blaze up in him. He felt...odd. But why? At this point all Taekwoon had were questions and he wanted ALL of them answered.

It was just Wonshik being his usual friendly self...toward Y/N. That was the problem, he was being friendly to Y/N; too friendly. But Y/N was just their manager; just their manager. Those words ached in his heart; was it possible to...perhaps...morph and develop the relationship between them further.

"Taekwoon-sshi? What's wrong?" Y/N worried as she peered at the glaring male curiously.

"Eh?" He snapped back to reality, the real world sinking back into his head.

"What's wrong?" She repeated, her voice and gentle, full of worry, nearly hidden behind all of the other voices in the room. "Don't feel well?"

"Huh...oh, no I feel fine." He assured, as Wonshik simply peered at Taekwoon and Y/N, taking note of a certain glint in Taekwoon's eyes.

He couldn't...could he? Did he really fall in love with Y/N, their manager? It couldn't be. If it was someone like Wonshik, who was more wild and reckless then it would be understandable, however, Taekwoon? He was usually good at containing his feelings.

"Um...Wonshik-ah, what are you staring at?" Y/N wondered, waving a hand in front of his face.


"Huh? Oh, it's nothing." He brushed it off.

"Do you not feel well? I hope nothing bad was in the food..."

"Nah, it's fine...I just-"

"If you're not feeling well I can drive you back to the dorm if you want." Y/N offered, smiling with a caring intent.

Wonshik hesitated. A lump growing in his throat. He was feeling just fine....however, alone time with Y/N...sounded really good. He would have to lie. It was okay, right? He bit his lips before swallowing sharply.

"Yeah, if it's okay with you..." He mumbled, almost inaudible with all of the noise in the background.

"It's okay, let's go~" She chirped, quickly putting her laptop away as she got up. "Hey everyone, Wonshik isn't feeling too well so I'm bringing him back to the dorm, okay?" She announced before swinging the door open.

"Wait, ah Y/N!"

"Hmm? Taekwoon? What is it? Do you want to come too?"

"Yeah...I'm not feeling too good earlier." He lied, hurrying next to Wonshik, whom just frowned.

"Maybe you two have been working too hard or something..."


"Well, you two can just rest for now. Are you two sure you're not hungry or something?" She questioned as they stepped into the room.

"Nah, I'm not very hungry..."

"Me too."

"Well, rest well, okay?"

"You're leaving?" Wonshik asked, scolding himself for being too entranced in his own fantasies and expectations to see that she obliviously had other things to do than just hang around.

She chuckled at his sudden needy attidude.

"Why do you two want me to stay?" She joked, however, responding, the two of them nodded their heads subtly.

Y/N paused. That wasn't like them at all; to be needy of her assistance. Or did they want something else from her?

"You do?" Y/N laughed it off. "Alright, I might as well stay for a bit. It's been a while since we had a casual talk since you guys are usually busy.


"Oh, it's time! We were talking for way too long." She shot up from her seat. "I need to go and get the others now, see you guys later~" She bid farewell before exiting the room.

Wonshik and Taekwoon immediately turning towards each other; deadly glares hidden behind their eyes. "What was that all about?" Taekwoon was the first to speak up, a growl hidden under his casual tone.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You were being extra touchy with Y/N, that's what." Taekwoon raised an eyebrow at the other male as they simply stood in the doorway.

"What about you? What was all of that flirthing about?" Wonshik retaliated. "You don't usually say things like that."

Taekwoon paused, his eyes gravitating towards the floor. He didn't know what to say. Wonshik was right. He usually wasn't like that. It just felt right at the moment. His hands balled up, the frustration and anger getting to him. It was so easy to keep his cool, even when he was under the worst...It was just too hard to do at the moment.

"Do you like Y/N?" Wonshik questioned, seeing the frustration show on Taekwoon.

He knew what Taekwoon was doing. He had been trying to deny his feelings for Y/N the whole time. Wonshik had realized it a while back...he had just never said anything about it. He couldn't. Dating just wasn't allowed and that was one of the first few things Y/N, herself, scolded them about and at the time it wasn't a problem at all. But that was in the past. Things have changed; relationships had grown.

"You like her too, don't you...?" Taekwoon responded, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Dating-" Wonshik's words were cut off.

"Isn't allowed. I know." Taekwoon shot back instantly. "I just...I don't know..."

"I...I don't know what to do either..." Wonshik mumbled, heading out of the doorway; both of them confused.

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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