《DevilDice: the special show》Part 9 - settle down


Dice had been in his bedroom sobbing for almost a full 3 hours. The casino opened ages ago but Dice still hadn't gone outside, he knew Devil would be out there waiting for him. Pip and dot had come through a few times to knock on the door but Dice never answered. No doubt that the casino staff where worried about him but he couldn't face the Devil, not yet.

A sudden burst of flames appeared and then the elevator to hell was right there. Dice shot out of his bed thinking the Devil was inside, but when the doors opened they revealed a worried looking Henchman. Dice calmed down a little and sat on the edge of his bed. Henchman flew over and sat next to Dice.

"I heard what happened between you and the boss and I just wanted to check in."

"Things ain't going to well Henchman. Boss is mad at me."

"Oh. Is it with that new show stuff?"

Dice wasn't even talking anymore and just gave out a long sigh and then nodded.

"Oh yeah boss told me about that! I took one look at your outfit and was wondering if I was dreaming. It didn't seem right!"

Dice was quick to reply with an agreement.

"Right! My show is meant for comedy and it's turned into a slut fest!"

"Boss must think it's a faster way to collect souls.."

Dice nodded and then had a strange feeling. Henchman's voice had dropped in volume and now he was acting a bit weird.

Then out of no where there was another burst of flames, once they cleared it showed the Devil standing there. Dice almost fell of his bed from surprise and Henchman flew over to the elevator. Only then did Dice see the sound machine in Henchman's hand. Henchman was using it to show the Devil what Dice was saying. Dice stared at Henchman with hints of betrayal in his eyes. Henchman gave him a guilty shrug and then Devil stood in between them. Dice saw the flames behind Devil and then the elevator disappeared.


Dice was backed up against a wall at this point. He was sat in his bed cowering in fear under the horned figure. Dice knew exactly what Devil was going to do, he could see his fate locked into the Devils eyes. Any moment now the Devil was probably going to impale Dice with his pitchfork, or set him alight, or leaving him to suffer in hell, the list goes on. Dice closed his eyes tightly and prepared for the worst. However, instead of pain he felt the bed on both sides of him go down. Dice opened his eyes and was met with Devils face just a few inches away from him.

Dice then let out a little yelp and blushed intensely, covering his mouth. Devil smirked and then chuckled.


Dice was confused, he expected Devil to be over the top mad but that clearly wasn't the case.


Dice was cut off by the bed creaking and Devil moving closer.


Devil had a seductive tone in his voice and was still smirking.

"Only a little..."

Dice felt embarrassed and didn't want to let his guard down, Dice honestly thought this was a test because of how 'out of character' the Devil was acting.

There thoughts where suddenly stopped when Devil kissed Dice on the cheek and then buried his face into Dice's shoulder. Dice blushed and kept quiet. He didn't know what to say since he thought Devil was about to make him suffer for many years on end, but instead just settled into the hug.


Dice felt a huge amount of stress melt away and put his arms around Devil and pulled him into a cuddle.

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