《ethan dolan - imagines》fortnite (part two)


"You're SniperSavage?" Ethan asked. He was still in shock. He was pacing around your bedroom, #1 Victory Royale ! was still on the screen.

"Ethan please calm down." you beg him.

"Calm down?????? How the hell do I do that when my girlfriend is one of the best Fortnite players online right now!"

You bite your lip, "This is why I kept it a secret from you."

Ethan turned to look at you, "Exactly why did you keep it a secret?" he sits down on the bed.

You get out of your chair and sit beside him, "Because I would get made fun of."

"Y/N I would never make fun of you." Ethan said, almost a whisper, "I'm so incredibly happy you're SniperSavage because now I can show off to everybody."

You hesitate, "I don't think that's a good idea."

He tilted his head, "Why?"

"Because I'm a girl Ethan. I'm definitely going to get made fun of."

Ethan grabs your hand, "You could beat their asses at Fortnite and they know that. They would never mess with you."

You laugh, "Alright whatever you say."


Ethan was right. His friends were incredibly accepting and nice. They treated you like one of the bros now. They freaked out when they heard you were SniperSavage and they were happy it was you. They were happy it was a girl. They insisted that you guys play a game together as a team, and your team won easily. (Because of you of course.)

You were so happy your secret was out for everyone to know, and you're happy you have a boyfriend like Ethan by your side.

Author's Note

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