《ethan dolan - imagines》f i g h t (part one)


"Why do you always have to be like this Y/N! You're always on my back, asking where I am! You never let me hang out with my friends because you're just so fucking CLINGY!" Ethan screamed the last word.

You and Ethan were fighting in his apartment kitchen. It was 2:46AM. You were waiting for Ethan all night because you made plans to hang out, but he ended up going out and partying with some friends.

"I'm not always on your back Ethan! We made plans and you bailed!" You fight back.

"Well have you ever thought that maybe I don't want to hang out with you?! Just because you don't have any friends, doesn't mean you need to cling to me! Damn Y/N!" Ethan tugs at his hair.

At this point, tears are welling up in your eyes, a tear rolls down your cheek. You and Ethan have never fought like his before.

"Fine," you start to pick up your things, "you can go out, party, and do whatever the hell you want. See if I care." As this point you're full on crying. You take your stuff and walk out the front door.

You get into the car and start bawling. You bang your hands on the steering wheel. Then you feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket. You take it out then read the text.

It's from Ethan.

bubz im sorry. please come back.

You scoff, what type of half assed apology was that?


You walk into your apartment and take all your makeup off. You put your hair up into a messy ponytail, and change into sweatpants, and Ethan's sweatshirt.

It smells just like him. You begin tearing up, but stop yourself.

You grab some snacks and start binge watching Pretty Little Liars in your living room.


An hour later you hear the doorbell ring and open it up to see.. nobody.

You look down, and see a white rose (your favourite flower) with a note tied to it.

You pick up the flower and read the note,

This doesn't make up for what I did, but I know you don't want to see me right now.

You're probably eating ice cream and binge watching Pretty Little Liars, and it breaks my heart knowing that I'm the cause of that.

I'm sorry, I love you.

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