《How These Floorboards Creak》6
Morning came quick in the house and Alfred was already wide awake, with a cigarette in his mouth and a phone in the other. He was simply confirming the basic plans for the day. It didn't matter how little sleep he ended up getting, he had things to do. Coffee and cigarettes could ease that tired feeling though. The taste wasn't very good but he couldn't judge. He was the one who decided to play drunk scrabble last night.
It would be an absolutely dreadful ride. He'd only really get through it because of Toris. But Toris could only do so much. Alfred would be lucky if one of the others didn't piss him off during the trip through the capital. You know, clashing histories and all that.
He hung up the phone and placed it on the table. He crossed his legs and leaned back comfortably into the seat and watched as the nature of the woods behind his house scurried and hopped around. A puff of smoke filled his vision and he shot it out of his mouth. He took the cigarette and held it with two fingers. He eyed it for a moment, contemplating whether burning himself with it would be worth it or not. It would just be a moment of distraction that would leave a scar that would fade quickly. A small moment of masochism to relieve the building anxiety of being in this damn house with these people.
The thought was interjected and promptly stopped by Toris walking out. He had a funny kind of bed head, with tired eyes and pajamas still on. He gave Al a bit of a smile and went to sit in the chair on the opposite end of the round table. He looked at the pack of cigarettes and the lighter on the table. He quickly pulled on out and lit it.
"I thought you didn't smoke anymore?" Alfred raised a brow.
"On occasions like this, I tend to."
"I can get that." Alfred half chuckled. "What do you think today's going to be like?"
"Who knows." Toris shook his head, letting smoke slip through his lips. He lightly chuckled. "It could either be disastrously irritating or nicely educational. There's only ever ultimatums with them."
"I have large doubts about 'nicely educational'."
"What? Are you just going to praise yourself and all your fathers?"
"That's kind of a natural instinct, hon', there's no stopping that."
"Then I can only hope that none of them decide to ruin that for you."
"Chances are..." Alfred closed his eyes for a few seconds of contemplation. They flicked back open, showing off his blue jewels once again. "they will."
"So, what's your job?"
"Not to get mad." Alfred chuckled again. "You don't have to mother me, darlin'. I know all these things."
"Chances are..." Toris mimicked Alfred's earlier actions. "you're going to get angry."
"Have some faith in me, geez." Both playfully smiled at each other and went back to looking at the forestry behind the house.
"You know," Toris began. "Sometimes I wish that they would understand who you actually are but other times I find myself being selfish because I like being the only one to understand you."
"It's like you have a spoiler that could ruin the movie for everyone, right?" Toris nodded at that, with a smile, his cigarette preventing him from being able to answer. Alfred took on a contemplative look. His legs were crossed and he leaned his arm holding the cigarette on the metal table. "I can see why, it's like having the ultimate power. But everyone ends up seeing the movie at one point, some on DVD like psychopaths, but they still see it."
"What do you have against DVDs?" Toris giggled, smoke blowing from his mouth.
"They're just inferior to projectors." Alfred shook his head, placing the cigarette back in his mouth. "It's like asking why you hate smoking. It's bad for the environment just as DVDs are bad for quality."
"You're actually ridiculous." Toris shook his head. "What am I going to do with you?"
"That could easily be an innuendo, you know."
"Really?" An embarrassed look flicked onto Toris' face.
"Yep." Alfred smirked. "I don't mind that though."
"Oh-h g-o-od." Toris stammered, hiding his face into his arm that leaned on the armrest of his chair.
Alfred laughed, "You got one hell of a dirty mind!" Toris straightened up and looked ready to shoot something back but the back door opened. Both quickly looked to whoever was coming out here.
"Oh, there you are." Ludwig muttered. "I wanted to know when we were leaving." Alfred glanced at his watch and found that if they left now, they would be an hour early. A good idea, if he were to be honest. It was going to be a long day and they would be able to avoid traffic. The less to deal with the better.
"In, like, ten minutes." He announced. "I guess, I'm going to have to wake everyone up."
"Do it nicely, please." Toris pleaded. "I don't want anyone complaining about air-horns because of their hangovers."
"Shit, I already forgot about that." Alfred stood up. "Ludwig, is Feli awake yet?" Ludwig shook his head. "Oh, good, I know who to start with then."
He headed into the house, pushing past Ludwig. He walked through the living room seeing only Francis and Kiku sitting there with tea in hand. The tea admittedly smelled quite good but he didn't have the time to dwell on that fact. He was on a mission to wake the rest of the nations up and have then ready in the next ten minutes.
He practically ran up the stairs and down the hall to the third door. Without hesitation, he opened it and found Feliciano slayed out on his bed in a deep sleep. It was quite the adorable sight with a little snore to top it all off like a cherry to a sundae. He poked at the nation's side.
"Feli, get up." He poked again and again. "Dude, if you get up this very second, I promise to listen to your next five rants about pasta." Feliciano's eyes immediately opened and he sat up. He grabbed Alfred's hands, stopping the poking. His eyes sparkled as they bore into Alfred's.
"Do you mean it?"
"Absolutely, dude. I'm one to keep promises." Alfred smiled.
"Okay." Feliciano let go of the hand. "So, what do you need?"
"I need you to make sure everyone is ready in the next six minutes."
"That's pretty dangerous."
"They wouldn't hurt you though."
"True." He smiled. "Alright, I'll get to it!" He saluted Alfred as the younger nation left the room.
Alfred ran back downstairs and dashed to the front door. He quickly grabbed the car keys and ran to the car. The car engine revved up loud enough for the whole house to hear. Even in the back where Toris and Ludwig currently sat.
"What was that?" Ludwig asked, cringing at the ugly sound.
"The car." Toris causally answered, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray.
"It shouldn't sound like that."
"It's an old car, what did you expect?"
"For him to be reasonable."
"He just likes old things."
"So, what you're telling me is that he's essentially a hoarder?"
"Yes, very much so."
"That's terrible."
"Terrible as it may be, it's interesting when you go through all the stuff he has."
"It must be a lot so he must keep it in some warehouse or something, right?"
"No," Toris stood up. "It's all here." He sighed and stretched. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready in the matter of three minutes." He went inside leaving Ludwig to curiously look up at the large house. That must have been why the attic was off limits. Alfred wouldn't want to admit he's a hoarder. That was respectable in some way.
They were all set on the road. The drive was relatively quiet. Either from some nations being half asleep and others from the ominous threat Alfred had given the night prior. All but Alfred looked in all directions at the passing forestry that slowly turned to one big lane. The city slowly came into view, the traffic making it even slower. Still, they got there. Alfred parked on the edge of the city where there weren't as many monuments. He turned to the crowd in the back.
"Who's ready to walk three miles?" He teased, earning a plethora of groans and sighs. He laughed at the dramatic nature of the others. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" He reassured. "It's only two miles." Softer groans came about as he got out if the car. A car almost hitting in the process. He cursed at the car as it drove off and went over to the side of the car with a side walk. He opened the door for the others with ease and let them poor out.
"Where are we going first?" Kiku asked, camera already in hand. He near sparkled with excitement.
"Well, the closest thing is the Lincoln memorial."
"That's like a ten minute walk, right?" Toris asked.
Thus, they started walking. It became more of a 15 minute walk to due to Alfred getting hungry and heading into a seven eleven to buy weirdly flavored chips. Suddenly, they came across a pathway that let into the memorial. The large stone step cascaded down from the marble building. Crowds of people looked like ants climbing up.
"I though it was smaller." Ivan commented causing Francis to chuckle a bit. Ivan looked at him. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing!" Francis smiled at him innocently.
"God, that looks like too much work to climb." Lovino grumbled next to the two.
"There's worse." Feliciano reassured his brother, with a nervous look.
"I know, but I feel like it's wasted energy given that we have to see the rest of this street."
"How do you know it's one big street?"
"It's not my first time being here." He rolled his eyes.
"You know," Arthur started. "It's a little ridiculous that he has so many monuments of his presidents." He rested a hand on his hip in front of the two brother hind him.
"While I agree, they're some of the most interesting and respectful out there." Ludwig came up next to him.
"I guess but it's excessive just like him." Arthur sighed. "I don't even know why I'm surprised, honestly." Both were blinded by Kiku next to them who practically vibrated with excitement as he excessively snapped pictures of the monument. "Kiku, isn't this like your fifth time here?"
"Yes." Kiku paused to look at Arthur. "But I always love to learn something new and Alfred never ceases to have new information." He went back to his picture taking. Snapping one of Toris and Alfred in front of him.
"C'mon, I can give you a piggy back ride up there." Alfred offered.
"You don't have to." Toris smiled awkwardly.
"But I want to." Alfred insisted. "C'mon it'll be fun." He gave an award winning smile which Toris really just couldn't refuse. "I'll let you carry me to the next memorial."
"Alright." Toris grinned "Fine."
"Great!" Alfred squatted into position to let Toris climb onto him. Toris easily slid into position and Alfred elegantly stood back up. "Ready?"
"Yeah." Toris nodded.
Alfred grinned, "Okay guys!" He looked to the others, gaining their attention. "Let's go up there!" With that, he started running up the steps at record speed. When the majority made it to the halfway point out of breathe, Alfred was already at the top setting a giggling Toris at the top.
"That never stops being fun!" He grinned.
"Then why did you deny me at first?" Alfred faked a pout, hands on his hips to exaggerate.
"I was nervous." Toris' awkward smile returned.
"Oh, c'mon, I don't ever want to hear you be nervous because of the others." Alfred's pout quirked into a smile. "They're not worth it."
"Who's not worth it?"Ivan asked, making it to the top. The two turned to him with a bit of surprise on their faces. It was Alfred to snap out of it first.
"Don't worry about it, dude." He grinned. Instead he directed the Russian's gaze with his own, opting to look at the massive monument before him. His grin faded into a small smile. He looked to be remembering something.
Suddenly, he sat down right then and there, ignoring the crowd of people around them. He continued to look at the large statue. He was almost like a child.
The rest of their group made it to the top. Feliciano piggybacking on Ludwig and Lovino dragging himself up the last step. Arthur and Francis silently glaring at each other as if some fight had started on their way up. Kiku continued to snap pictures.
"You know," Alfred started. "I do really love and appreciate all my presidents but I can't forget the bad things they've done. I can't forget the bad ones either." He turned himself to look at the symmetrical path in front of the monument. The other's falling in line with it. "So, it's my job to look forward and do better."
"Oh, so you aren't oblivious to your problems?" Arthur questioned. Alfred merely ignored it and looked down, his smile disappearing. Francis promptly elbowed Arthur in the stomach hard.
"Five minutes." Alfred announced. "You have five minutes to look around and then you meet back here and we'll go to the next memorial." They dispersed while Alfred stayed in place. Toris stood next to him looking after the other's as they went in. A moment later, he sat down next to Alfred.
"You hate them, don't you?" He asked, looking at the long pool of water that stretched out into the distance between the two monuments.
"I feel sorry for them more than anything." Alfred lightly chuckled. "No point in hating them when I'm forced to work with them." He sighed. "Toris, do you know the reason for this whole arrangement?"
"It's to get them to know me better. And about two do know me well but it's hard to change the others' opinions."
"That's like asking to change who they are."
"Exactly." The others slowly piled back into a group around the two. They were on their way with two seconds to spare.
It wasn't until the Jefferson monument that the group really said anything. It was mostly whining. Alfred agreed to let them rest at this one for an extra ten minutes. As if they weren't ready criticizing him throughout the journey.
Ivan teased him at the Vietnam memorial. Francis commented on his lack of effort at the World War two memorial. Kiku accidentally slid in a comment at the Korean War memorial. Feliciano and Lovino commented on the lunch they had from a hotdog stand. He was lucky that Ludwig had the sense to keep quiet.
Alfred was beyond irritated but kept his smiling going as to not cause a tantrum from one of them. They really were children playing as countries. He sat outside doing some light meditation to calm himself down. He heard footsteps approach. He flicked his eyes open and turned to see Francis with an annoyed look.
"Arthur's throwing a tantrum." The nation grumbled.
"You're kidding."
"I wish I was."
With a sigh Alfred got up and followed Francis to Arthur's location. He found Arthur whining and yelling. Another sigh, and Alfred approached him as if approaching a bull.
"Arthur, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong is that your bloody presidents don't know shit!" Arthur exclaimed. "They werent perfect and aren't even fit to lead you!"
"Arthur, calm down. This isn't the 1700s."
"I know that!"
"Then, why are you mad?"
"I'm mad because you won't take the criticism that your leaders are bullshit."
"Have some respect asshole." Alfred grew increasingly more irritated, nearing anger. "You clearly don't listen for shit."
"But I do and what I hear is bullshit!"
"You're calling judgement bullshit, yeah?" Alfred chuckled; unamused. "Alright then, but I don't want to hear it from someone who has a knockoff Darth Vader running every year to lead my country. If you want to be bitter about things don't do it here." His voice rose in power. "I listen to every goddamn word you say and it's worse than anything I say!" He full on yelled. "I'm getting ready sick and tired of it!"
Arthur shut his mouth up, almost shrinking in front of Alfred.
Toris ran up to the fuming Alfred, pulling him away.
"Calm down." He repeated over and over.
"Will you just shut the hell up!" Alfred yelled. Toris promptly shut his mouth, a frightened look over taking his face. Alfred took notice and realized his mistake. He pulled his arm from Toris' grip and mumbled a 'whatever' before storming off. Toris watched him go.
He turned to the others after a moment. An angry look now replaced the frightened one from minutes ago.
"You know," He started as he approached the group. "I find myself thinking that you all are growing and bettering but damn am I an idiot for thinking that. You can't even do the simple task of appreciating Alfred, you know, the same damn nation that protects pretty much all of you because he's the world's superpower." He stopped in front of them. "My god, you guys are dumber than I thought." He muttered. "You pull one more thing like this and we're all fucked! Especially you Arthur. I'll have you know that Alfred won't go easy on any of you! And neither will I! I'm sick of being nice, you don't deserve nice because you can't even be grateful to have him!" He was practically screaming. "No, you've always been pissy about everyone and everything. It's no damn wonder so much tradgedy has struck out portion of the world! It's because you all can't just shut the hell up and get over yourselves!" He turned around. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find him so he can take us all back to the house." With that he left in Alfred's direction.
"Are you happy with yourself?" Kiku spoke up, directing the question to Arthur. "You ruined our good fun. Why can't you just become better? He constantly does for all of us."
"Frankly, I hate myself for losing my composure." Arthur basically mumbled. "I'm sorry, guys."
"What do we do?" Ivan asked.
"We apologize, of course "
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