《Secrets of the State》Weird Friends


Feat: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians 2012

Alfred parked outside the large house and stretched, it was a long car ride and he driven day and night to get here. Trois got out next then everyone else followed afterward.

Alfred had driven most of the nations with involved letting Belarus control the music to drown out Arthur's complaints. Surprisingly Ivan had just knitted the entire ride without and listening to whatever he listens to. Toris wore sound blocking headphones so he couldn't care. Francis complained with Arthur. Spain was excited about the countryside and all the cows and longhorns that his own thoughts drowned out the music. .

After a few minutes there was blaring music heard in the distance.

"Jackson is here" Alfred laughed as the truck pulled, windows down and a familiar countryman wheel and Gilbert in the passenger.

"I take it you took the scenic route?" Alfred asked laughing.

"You mean off roading and almosting getting stuck in the mud? F**K YEAH!" Jackson laughed.

A few more pulled up in the next hour witch ment constant running back and forth from the cars.

"Feels good to be back north" Valentine smiled feeling the chili breeze.

"Yeah, I'm not dying of the heat" Marc remarked walking by dragging his suitcase behind him.

Finally, everything was in the house and was put in their room they went about their own thing. Valentine, Anastasia, Aaron and Myles sat on the front porch. Valentine knitting away as Myles cleaned his skis. Aaron and Ana were cleaning off their sled.

Suddenly frost gathered at Valentine's feet. She looked down at her feet and put down her knitting as she stood.

"What is it Vala?" Myles asked looking up. Valentine just smiled before jerking her head to the door. He knew what she was hinting.

Valentine walked down the steps and was hit with a snowball.

"FROST" she yelled turning to find him perched on his stick snow gathering at the base. It quickly developed into a snow war.


Snow fell from the clouds gathering quickly as the northern US and Canadain territories went to war.

"Looks like Jack Frost came early" Alfred laughed pulling on his jacket. It was heavier than his normal one and much warming.

"Jack Frost is just an expression" Arthur rolled his eyes.

"Yeah sure, keep you're fey's close. Their little pains" Jackson said to him pulling on his hat walking to the door.

Canada was out the door the moment Frost's name was mentioned.

"Who's Jack frost?" Ivan asked.

"Jack Frost is basically the man who brings winter around here. Well, the seasons do that. He more or less just messes with kids and causes trouble. He's pretty cool though. Literally and metaphorically." Louisiana stated shrugging. "The north likes him because well snow, the rest of us like him but don't like the cold"

"I see" Ivan states, now rather curious of this fellow.

"But there's a catch to him" Acilino said pulling on his jacket, "You have to belive in him to see him, I mean full heartedly belive he exists" The texan smiled tying his scarf.

Ivan hummed happily before walking out side.

Ivan joined the little snowball war.

By the time the war subsited with no winner because Anastasia had created an avalanche she had to be fished out of. The older, non northern, states had made some cocoa for the tired northerners.

"We made cocoa, drink it" Georgia said firmly. No one complained and got their drink.

Frost grabbed his own and stood on the back of the couch.

He hummed as he leaned into his stick, "I should probably get back to the pole before Claus figures out i'm gone" Frost said placing his cup down to many of the nation's confusion. He hoped over to the door.

"Someone open the door" He said sitting on his stick, He didn't want to frost over the entire house, he did it once many years back and got a tiny angry texan after him. Anastasia hobbled over and jumped up and opened the door letting Jack out but a black cat in.


"The kitty got in!" Ana yelled. The black cat weaved around the nations and states jumping onto Alfred's shoulders meowing at him.

"Hey kitty kitty" Alfred smiled nuzzling into the cat.

"Who's that Alfred-san?" Kiku asked looking at the cat.

"Madison's familiar, he's trying to get me to make him lunch. BUT he's already eaten" Alfred said glaring at the kitty. "Your already spoiled by Massa, your not being spoiled by me"

"WHERE'S LEMON!" The house shook at her voice. "Down here!" Alfred called.

Madison stormed down, he looked different with her hair down and out of sportswear.

She took her cat and stormed back off.

"The cat is named lemon?" Jett asked.

"Yup" Jackson laughed, "the unicorn is named Orange" he laughed harder. There was an aura of confusion but they didn't question it.

"Familiar?" Arthur asked putting it together. "Yeah like in witchery and stuff, Massachusetts was the place of the Salem witch trials even if it was before she was bored the witchery and magic still lingers." Alfred shrugged walking to the kitchen.

Arthur was left in shock.

"If it helps almost everything magical wants to bite your head off, don't feel so disappointed" Jackson laughed.

That left Arthur in further shock and others shrugged it off.

-Later that day-

"These children are a nucensses, Alfred shouldn't be allowed to raise them" Arthur huffed

"Matthew is doing fine with his mom cher" Francis states

"There fine with me" Russia beamed, he'd spend the day with Aaron, Anastasia, Benjamin and Jack.

"Alfred is rising them fine" Yao stated firmly, for the children having super strength and having to eat a lot of food to stay healthy they were raised was well as a nation could rise over 50 children, same goes for Matthew.

However Matthew seemed to just have a roughly ten year old that liked to pick a fight with states twice his size.

Nixon hummed along to a random Broadway production. He tapped his foot along to the music that plagued him mind.

"Nix tosse me tha salt" Alabama said in his normal monotone voice. Nixon threw it his way and the Alabamian caught it easily.

"Thanks" He said cooly.

Nixon went about making his apple pie, he was called the 'Big Apple' for a reason. Frederick went about making his pecan pie and the rest of the older southerners where working away at dinner.

They had to tread lightly around the food the Texans would shun if not made the 'right way'. They were incredibly stubborn when it came down to BBQ.

They knew somewhere, somehow, a few of the Canadian's where making maple taffy, or whatever it was called when they put hot maple syrup on a stick.

They worked away happily, they weren't trying to impress the nations, this was a more of a 'welcome to our family' kind of dinner. Since it was made by the south it was held to the highest of standards when it came to home cooked meals of the south.

"What smells so good?" Francis asked walking into the kitchen, he didn't get fair with a knife to his chest from Louisiana .

"Lana no!" The south called using her state nickname.

"Stay out of my way" The Louisiana growled and went back to cooking.

"She is very serious with her Cajun dishes" Mississppi laughed sleepily.

"I see" Francis stated watching the teen go about her business.

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