《Secrets of the State》Chapter Six


Chapter Six - Farewell

Finland had lectured Sealand for what seemed to be forever. Molossia had snuck out of the room as Finland lectured Sealand.

He went up to his room and changed into something lighter, it was more out of comfort then necessary. A shirt that says 'I'm the baby, watch you're cookies', Alabama had gotten him it at christmas of the previous year. Then shorts. He lived there, he couldn't care less about how he looked, Mississippi practically only lives in her pajamas.

"Would they judge me... no no no, Alabama wouldn't hesitate to throw them over the wall if that happened. I'll be fine, i'll be fine. Dad will keep us safe, dad will me safe. Yeah" Micheal said to himself while looking at himself in the mirror. He nodded to himself, Yeah he'll be just fine. Hopefully.

Molo walked down to the living room to see Texas with his suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Micheal asked confused.

"Back to my farm, I have to get ready for harvest season, i'll be back up after that with some fresh stuff. Plus there's to many people for my liking, but i'll be back up but with Acilino and Louisiana." Austin said calmly.

"Is it weird having the same name as your capital?" Micheal asked his older brother.

"Kinda, it ain't bad since Austin's human name is Acilino. Plus he's my little brother so I don't really mind" Austin laughed walking out the door as Micheal followed behind him.

"So you're going to be back in a month?" The younger asked.

"At the most, yup" the Texan sighed walking to the car barn, "Can you make sure Alabama and Kansas know i'm leaving. I'm sure I told them but I want to make sure that they know to go back to doing the morning chores"


"I'll make sure they know" Micheal reassured.

"Gracias Michael" Austin smiled and patted his shoulder before loading his suitcase into the backseat. "See ya hermano"

"Bye Aussie" Michael laughed and sat on the tailgate until they got to the gate. He shut the tailgate and opened the gate waved goodbye and shut the gate.

Alma was in the kitchen busy with Alabama, Kansas, Pennsylvania and Sinaloa.

"Hey Bama, Kans" Micheal said walking into the kitchen.

"Yes?" Calab asked looking up from his vegetable chopping.

"Austin wanted me to remind you two to do the morning chores, he headed out a few minutes again" Micheal explained.

"Oh, okay" Marcel said taking a mental note.

Mexico state sighed, Austin always hated a lot of people. Alma continued to cook thinking about her younger twin siblings.

She remembered when they were little and loving. Now Austin was anxious and angry and Coahuila is mellow and dubious. She wondered what happened, was it just how they grew up? Just their personality? Was it War? She really didn't know but she loved them all the same.

She just pushed it to the back of her mind and went back to cooking.

Finally, dinner was served, The states took their seats. Extra seats had to be dusted off for everyone to sit on. But everyone was ready, the states were a bit too overwhelmed at this time to properly get to know the nations. So they had a plan, brainwash them into thinking this never happened and then they could be better prepared to handle the nations, and possibly have all the states actually present but that was another lecture for another day.


They all had sunglasses or tinted goggles. They slowly put the glasses on threw out dinner. Until all the states and provinces all had sunglasses on. That's when Nevada acted. He flipped the pen in the air and whistled getting the nations' attention and he clicked the pen with a flash of light the nations fell asleep. Their memories of the past few days tampered with.


"That's finally over" Mexico sighed, "I love my hermano and all but he talks too much"

"France wouldn't stop pestering me aboot the provinces and the Luisiana purchase, it's just exhausting, Eh" Canada muttered running the fingers the fur of his bear guardian.

"England kept going on and on about magic and he wonders why I never told him" America complained.

"Time to load them up?" Vermont asked. America nodded.

"Lovely" Sinaloa sighed throwing her napkin on her clean plate and got up to help. Hawaii physically broke down, she was still terrified of Japan but held it in until the end. Alfred ran to the young state holding her close trying to soothe her.

"I'll pull up the van," The once micronation, Fredonia, sighed. He was the starting spark for Texas' rebellion but had existed long before he sparked his little brother's rebellion. He was named Dallas Jones. He looked older then Alfred but under that bread was a baby face worse then Austin's.

"Thank you Dallas" Diago smiled going around to grab Spain.

"This is going to be a treat" Alma sighed throwing her apron onto the back of her chair.

The provinces and territories left it up to their southern siblings.

Cadence and Alec watched, Cadence not strong enough and Alec having to weak joints to join.

"Well at least that worked" Romano sighed picking up his younger twin placing the sun glasses back onto the table.

"Yeah, now I can stop acting!" Sealand declared crawling into Finland's lap.

"I have to call my dad's boss, Mr Canada can I borrow your phone?" Wy asked walking over to Canada. Canada was trying to get Nunavut to eat, "eh? Sure" he handed her his phone already on the call screen.

Romeo sighed, "I feel bad about lying to fratello" the italian micronation started rubbing his arm nervous. The poor boy couldn't keep a secret to save his life.

"It will be fine fratello, now grab his bag" Lovino commanded. "Someone grab the potato bastardo!" Lovino growled.

"Hey!" Idaho yelled, her love of potato's showing.

"Not you!" The oldest Italian yelled already getting bad looks from the southern states.

"Oh, okay!" She chirped at Lovino's response.

Prussia got up prying Pennsylvania off of him before grabbing Ludwig.

"let's hope this is the last time we have to do a re-do" Prussia muttered.

"This is what? The third time?" Rhode Island demanded.

"Fourth" Ohio said calmly carefully picking up China. State strength was a scary thing so they had to be careful.

"We should plan a REAL meeting. Where they can actually meet us. 51 is starting to get annoyed" Dean explained.

"I'll talk to Latin America, they should formally meet you," Mexico stated.

"I guess these ones should too" Canada sighed. Wendy placed Canada's phone on the table.

"The boss is getting everyone flights home and calling their bosses. It seems he's tired of this. If you're planning this you need to do it soon" the girl warned.

Alfred looked at Jackson, looking for some sort of guidance. Jackson nodded, telling him it was a good idea.

"let's start planning then" he concluded.

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