《Secrets of the State》Chapter Four


Russia watched a certain child bounce around with a few other children.

He wore a long blue scarf and a jacket, his hair was brown at the top of his head then white for the rest, not even fading to white just dark brown to snow white. They all laughed and kicked around a red ball, moving their hands at one of the boys. He could only guess that one was deaf.

Taking a guess from the back of the boy's jacket, large bold letters that was occasionally absurd by the scarf the boy wore. But it was readable after a few times, 'Alaska, The Final Frontier.'

He honestly thought Alaska would be older, strange.

Russia sat down under a tree to observe them. It was quite strange seeing children running around carefree with the knowledge that they were in fact immoral beings.

New Hampshire had grabbed her backpack and tossed it into the passenger seat before getting in herself. With a sigh, she started the engine and pulled the door shut.

It would be an hour-long drive at the least to get to the airport to pick up a few guests.

Hannah road up to the gate and pushed a button on the dashboard.

"Hey, open the gate. I gotta pick up people" She groaned.

"Alright, Alright im working on it" Michigan sighed walking over to the gate and undoing the heavy and large lock and large wooden plank that held it in place.

"Thank you" She sang happily.

"No problem, drive safe Hannah" Conner said over the radio.

"Will do, see ya in a few hours" Hannah sighed before turning off the radio.

"Now let's pick up the chaos" Hannah sighed. She had received an extraordinarily panicked call from Finland earlier in the day. Since the countries had arrived just after 0930 and now that it was 1800 Finland had been able to get a flight over to the US of A. How was a mystery to the American but she knew better then mess with Finland when he was being a mother hen.


He had called about Sealand and that he hadn't come home and knowing the states had eyes everywhere. She had told him he had barged in with the other countries and Finland wasn't pleased about his son sneaking off over seas and the other part of him wanted to see the states again. Especially since he hasn't seen them since Christmas.

Anastasia, a white haired 6 year old who's hair was put back into two long braids, was happily sat by the pond soon joined by Makanui.

"Ana, is something wrong?" She asked the white haired Alaskan.

"I'm fine, I want to pet the fish but I can't swim" She sighed a russian accent hanging onto her words.

"Oh! I can help you" Makanui smiled.

"Come on! I think I have a bathing suit that will fit you!" The hawaii said pulling the little Alaskan girl to her feet and dragging her over to the American household.

Spain was happily talking to Mexico reliving when Mexico was a baby. Mexico carefully avoid when Texas was around, Spain tried to bring up the boy, he wanted to see his nephew after all but Mexico always switched it over to Texas' twin, Coahulia.

"Hermano, why do you avoid talking about Tejas? Where is the boy?" Spain asked seriously.

"It's his choice to say who he is and who he talks to. He's barely been able to talk to me most of the time. If he wants to talk to you then he will" Diego explained watching Coahulia who was playing with Vermont, Ohio, Kentucky and Nova Scotia.

"Oh, I um. Okay" Spain said rubbing his arm.

Elsewhere Nunavut, Nevada, and Newfoundlands sat at the table in the living room.

"Okay pick a card Benjamin" Dean said holding out the spread out cards. Benjamin thought for a moment before taking one.

"Memorized it?" The Nevadan asked. The boy nodded, "Okay put it back" Nevada said cooly. He began to shuffle and the cards moved fast and with practiced movements he slapped the deck onto the table.


"Okay Jack take the top card" Dean said to the 3 year old. He reached over and took the top card and looked at it then showed it to Benjamin who looked astounded.

"Holy maple!" Benjamin yelled. Dean just smiled, it was the same trick as always but they always loved it either way. Jack gasped and fell back.

"Careful Jackie, how about a snack?" Dean asked picking up the toddler.

Both cheered happily as Nevada lead them to the kitchen surprisingly seeing England and South talking.

"Hey Uncle Bell" Nevada greeted putting him on a bar stool before helping Benjamin onto another one.

"Hey 'Vada" Jackson smiled, "Hey you two."

"Hello" Benjamin smiled, "dean showed us a cool magic trick!" He exclaimed.

"Oh really? Witch one?" Jackson inquired.

"I picked a card then he shuffled it all up then Jack took the card at the very top and IT WAS THE CARD!" Ben explained in complete bewilderment.

"That's not magic, that's just a trick of the eye" England sighed.

"Aren't you just a ball of sunshine" Jackson sighed, "Vada i'll get them a snack, put the brit in his place"

"Ok" Nevada responded pulling a deck of cards from his jacket pocket then a headband, he tied it around his head covering his eyes. He shuffled the deck before holding it spread out, "Pick a card and memorise it" Nevada spoke, England took one studied it then put it back deciding to humor him.

Nevada shuffled then took a deep breath and launched the deck at the window across the room. The card stuck face up right onto the window. The other side of the window.

England watched in a state of shock and confusion. He looked back at the state only to receive a wink, "you're not the only magic user in this house."

Benjamin and Jack were cheering and excited about the trick while England looked astonished.

"Sick trick but do you know who had the soul book last?" Massachuetts asked walking into the room.

"Don't know Massa, I think Tex has it. He normally has all of the soul spell related stuff" Nevada commented walking over to collect his cards.

"Ok, thanks. Also tell Jersey to call me soon. I haven't been able to find him or call him" Madison asked.

"Will do captain" Nevada saluted.

"Thank you" Massa laughed.

"Soul spells... Children should not mess around with that type of thing!" Arthur panicked.

"Stop your worrying, they just read the damn thing and one of 'em are already soulless" South sighed serving to two canadians, "Massa' go take Arthur to Aust" South sighed.

"Got it" Madison laughed texting Austin to give him a head's up.

Madison led Arthur to the american household. Makanui and Anastasia ran past them back to the front of the lawn.

"Follow me, Aust has the top room" Madison explained. They went up four sets of stairs and they walked down the hall. Madison knocked on the door, "Hey Austin, it's Madison" The Massachusite said aloud. After a few seconds the door opened.

The room was quite big and had a large window seat on one side and a few bookcases. Arthur looked over to the room's owner and felt a rush of memories.

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