《Secrets of the State》Chapter One


The property was huge, a large stone fence that was at least 10 feet tall, surrounded by forests and a large gate guarding the entrance.

A small team played on a basketball court as there was upward of 20 teens running around on the lawn, a few playing tag or wrestling some dancing and singing or just taking a nap under an umbrella. It was a domestic scene and was welcomed by the nations and former nations.

A few waved as the van crossed over a large sturdy bridge that went over a man made fish pond that was surprisingly deep. The van pulled into a building on the far right corner of the property tucked into the corner was a barn like building that was their own little parking garage, although a familiar truck was parked to the side of it, out of the way, to save space on the inside.

Everyone eventually tumbled out of the van, grabbed their bags and made their way to their respective places.

Canada went to a building to the back left. The house where the Canadian siblings and Canada himself. It was actually very nice little home, well not really little.

Prussia to the bottom left, the guest area, they didn't have many but it was there for Prussia mostly. He made himself at home, hanging his flag in the mini living room.

The American duo went to the back right. The house was one of the largest on the property, granted it was where 51 kids lives.

Mexico went to the center back, it's decently sized and mostly empty, only two personifications being found. But otherwise a good home.

The largest building was in the center and was where almost everything was. The kitchen, art room, theater room, a music room and multiple rooms just to hang out. A meeting building to the right of the giant building.

Canada walked into his house to see his capital, Ottawa, sitting in front of the TV with his youngest, Nunavut. Angel looked up to see Canada, "oh! Hi dad" Ottawa greeted.

"Hello Angel, Jake asleep eh?" Canada asked, Angel nodded.

"Yup, I think I'm going to get him on Austin and Aaron's napping schedule." Ottawa suggested, "Just for consisity"

"Good idea" Canada prised patting her head.


Jake the child in question was asleep resting on some throw pillows on the couch oblivious to the world and everything happening in it.

Prussia fell asleep on his couch with an empty bottle of beer.

The American duo went to their own rooms and promptly fell asleep wherever they dropped, it that was their desk chair or comfortable rug is up for interpretation. Alaska walked into North's room to see him asleep on his rug. The winter child lied on his father's back and went to sleep himself.

Mexico fell asleep on his couch, they had just gotten back to a meeting the day before. Hoping the children could control themselves for at least half an hour while the nations took a nap.

Texas and Hawaii put their things away in their rooms and Hawaii ran off to her tea party that she narrowly missed. Rushing to put on her dress and flip flops before dashing back out the door to make it to the the little patio out near the fence.

"Aloha! I'm sorry I'm late. Other nations came by and held us from lunch" Makanui apologized. Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Manitoba, Yukon and Alberta. Or to their human names in order: Serena, Ophilia, Skye, Mia, Charlotte and Ava.

"I'm glad you made it Princess" Serena laughed. Princess was a nickname she had for as long as Makanui could remember. According to Austin, who loved spoiling her, has said her previous form, an older teen, had been given the nickname Prince of the Ocean by the states. Even the states weren't happy with the whole annex Hawai'i thing. But they couldn't stop their government.

The states silently and collectively just decided to nickname Hawaii, Princess of the ocean or just Princess.

"So what did you all do today?" Hawaii asked, excited to know what had happened while she was in the capital. As a former nation she was allowed to listen in on meetings, but behind a one way mirror in the DC meeting building.

"We'll Olkahoma is teaching me to ride his horse. He said Austin taught him when he was a baby. So I have a late start but he says i'm learning fast so i guess that cancels each other out" Alberta smiled.

"That'd awesome, but let me tell you Oka is great as horseback riding." Serena giggled munching on a cookie.


"Mary helped me bake these cookies! And Angel helped me frost them." Skye charmed in.

"Aaron is going to show me his dog sled when we head back north. He said there is a lot that goes into dog sledding, I guess that's why his dogs all have their own clothes and boots" Charlotte said looking around for the Alaskan native, his dogs were around but not him.

"I guess he's inside" Charlotte muttered. Hawaii nodded, "He's probably taking his nap" she said drinking her sweet tea.

"Naps are for babies!" Quebec yelled sneaking up to the girls making them scream.

"Marc!!" Mia shouted tackling him.

Hawaii took a deep breath then stomped on Quebec's hand, "You do not do that! And naps are not for babies you're just a meanie!"

Ava snorted trying not to laugh. Utah sighed and rolled her eyes. Skye huffed and crossed her arms, annoyed that their tea party was interrupted.

Ophilia, who was tired of Quebec's nonsense, called over Alabama, who sighed and threw Marc over his shoulder before walking away. The ginger haired boy emptied Quebec's pockets of everything before dropping him in the pond. That sent the girls into a laughing fit.

"Stop messing with them Quebec, or I'm telling Uncle Matt and Uncle Jackson" Alabama scowled when Quebeck resurfaced. Alabama tossed him back on land and told him to go and change handing him his phone. Quebec ran away back to the Canadian house.

"Tell me if he's acting up again, got it?" Alabama said taking a cookie when he walked back over. There was a small chourase of okays before he walked away going back to his tree swing, flopping back into the tire.

"Why is the state of Alabama so messed up but Marcel is so mellow, is that the right word?" Charlotte asked.

"We represent our states, nothing was ever said about having our own personalities. Only parts of us are like our states. Like interests and hobbies." Serena explained. The other states nodded as the provinces pieced it together.

"OH! I see Ari and Oka! Maybe they'll let us feed the horses!" Mia gasped. Soon enough the girls had ran to the back of the property, well not really. Just where the play area met where the animal's stayed. From Alaska's moose friend to Florida's friendly alligator. It was behind the three homes, a barn right behind Canada's home so all the animals had shelter.

Newfoundland was sat on the fence waiting for Arizona the bring over his horse.

"Oh howdy!" Arizona greeted. Arizona's horse named Pointy, she was a sweetheart and loved being petted and brushed. The girls and Benjamin all reached over the fence to pet the horse.

"If y'all change I'll let you ride on Lavender" a voice said behind them. They turned to meet the eye of green and blue, his other eye covered by his bangs.

"Aust!" Ava cheered hopping over to hug the cow boy hugging him.

"Ay shorty, put on some ridin shoes and a t-shirt and pants and I'll let y'all take turns ridin on Laven" Austin reminded. They all took off toward the homes only Benjamin remained. He had running shoes, a red shirt a dark blue zip up hoodie and jeans.

"Ready?" Austin asked him. The boy nodded his hair like his father's kinda long and very much blonde, but more of a rosy blonde.

Austin lead Beniamin over to the stables where Lavender was, he got the name from where Texas found him, a field of flowers of the color of his name. Until dinner the girls and Benny took turns riding Lavender as well as Olkahoma letting them ride on his own horse, Ginger. Arizona and NewMexie road around on their own horses. Until dinner time when a few of the states rang the bell that was on top of the dining hall signalling dinner was ready. Everyone ran to get there, happy to eat and they neatly went down the line buffet style. Each chair had a flag and name engraved into it so no one would fight on where to sit. It worked most of the time. Even Prussia had his own chair since he was over so often, he liked to be around the children since they loved to listen to his stories no matter how unbelievably.

Tomorrow however would not be like the day before.

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