《-Eight People. One House-》The Healing


//Warning! There are homophobic and transphobic things in this chapter!//

Hercules walked into school, the crowd of kids stopping what they where doing to stare at him.

Everyone looked disgusted, angry, Jr they started laughing.

Sooner or later everyone was laughing at him. But he braved it and walked into the school, getting pushed and shoved and called terrible things.







"Chick with a dick!"



And then he got shoved to the ground, the bell ringing and everyone leaving. Accept for his friends, who's faces where angry and disgusted. But what mattered most to Hercules was Lafayette's face as he walked over.

"L-Laf? Help! I don't k-know what's happening-"

"Save it, bitch. Why would I ever even think I could every love you? That's funny. No one could ever love such a disappointment like you."

Lafayette spits out, kicking Hercules in the chest. Knocking the wind out of him.

"W-What? But-"

"Save it, scum."

He heard from the other side of Lafayette, it was James.

He tried to stand up but was only kicked back into the ground by Lafayette again.

And then the group attacked him, punching, kicking, and ripping his binder.

"You won't need this anymore, Hilary! Fucking pansy."

Lafayette spat before the group walked away, into the darkness.

Hercules began to cry, curling up into a ball and shaking violently.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and someone telling him to wake up. What? Wake up-

Hercules jolted awake from his hospital bed, looking around to see everyone, minus the Schuyler's, staring at him with concerned looks. Along with Lin who was in the corner reading a book.

"Are you ok Herc?"

"Y-You where mumbling w-weird shit in your s-sleep.."


"Like you where telling someone to stop??"

Hercules blinks before clearing his throat.

"It was a nightmare. But I'm good."

Lafayette gave him a look of uncertainty, sighing and holding his hand.

"You don't seem 'good', amour. You seem very shaken up."

"No no I'm fine."

"Ok.. whatever you say."

The taller of the two sighs, planting a kiss on Hercules' hand.

Who blushes and looks away, sighing.

"I love you guys so so much.. and I can't thank you guys enough for, y'know sticking with me through all this.."

He says, looking back at the group, including Washington, who stepped closer to Hercules.

"There is no need to thank us. We know who you are and who you present yourself as is you. No matter what your origins are. We love you for who you are, Hercules. Don't let anyone tell you who you are. It's you who makes that choice."

The principal smiles at the boy, who nods before bursting into tears.

The group shared confused and scared glances.

"Herc? You ok?"

Alexander asks, approaching him.

But soon he realises Hercules is laughing, rubbing his tears away as he laughs waterly.

"Y-You guys are too g-good to me.."

He says, looking back up at the group.

And he got a lot of replies at once.



"What? N-No!"

"We love you and you are the best!"

"Bitch I know."


"We could never match how brave you are."

You can guess which one was from Thomas.

The group of teens pull Hercules into a group hug, which threw him into a giggle fit because he loves his friends so much. Oh and because John is being a prick and poking him.

Washing watched them do this, before turning his head to Lin.

"So, why did you show up?"

"Because I feel a strange connection with your kids, sir. If you don't mind me asking, are they all yours?"

Washington laughs at this and shakes his head.

"Lord no. Theyre my students from my school. They are all sweet hearts, even the southern one, Thomas believe it or not he's not completely a prick."


Lin chuckles.

"Oh and I forgot to say, have you heard of that musical, Miranda right?"

"Yes, its an amazing musical."

"I wrote it."

And with that, Lin walked out of the building, leaving a star struck Washington.


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