《-Eight People. One House-》The Saviour(s)




Hercules shrieks, nyooming down the stairs after his cousin.


James squeaks, hiding behind the couch and praying Hercules didn't see him.

"That's like, The worst place to hide"

Someone hums. James looks up to see Aaron Burr (sir).

"A-Aaron? Help me!" James whisper yells, yanking Aaron next to him.

"Why? Is someone after you? I bet it's Mulligan."

"Yes and h-he's pissed I didn't help him! So help me please-"

"Found ya!"

James shrieks at the top of his lungs as he's grabbed from behind. This caused Hercules to automatically drop him and back away.

James scrambled to his feet and grabs Aaron and dashed away with him.

They run and run until they end up in Washington/Burr's room.

"What are you two doing?"

Washington asks, raising an eyebrow at them. He was sitting on the bed reading a biography of some founding father.


"Slow down."

"Hercules is chasing m-me and I'm s-scared p-please help me!"

James squeaks out in a rush, out of breath from running.

Washington stares at the two for a bit before sighing and shaking his head. "Ok. You can hide out here. Just please don't be loud."

"Thank you s-so so so much! You guys are my s-saviors!"

James smiles a bit, sitting next to Washington along with Aaron.

"What are you reading?"

Aaron asks trying to read the cover despite it being turned over.

"It's a biography of Christopher Jackson"

The principle smiles, closing his book because he knew there would be questions.

"Ooooo! We learned about him in Ms. Veronica's class! He was also a general for the revolutionary war!"


"My favorite f-founding father HAS to be Oak! Because I can relate to him the most"

James hums, kicking his legs a bit as they where dangling off the bed. While Aaron was sitting criss-cross.

"Ya' ever heard of Leslie Odom Jr.?"

"YES! I know a LOT about him! He's the guy who shot Lin-Manuel Miranda!!"

Aaron gushes, this being a huge change in character for him.

The other two simply stared at him, causing the boy to blush and clear his throat.

"Y-Yeah I know a bit a bout him.."

This caused them to laugh a bit and Aaron burying his face in his scarf.

"No no I want to hear what you know"

"Really? You want to hear what I want to say?"

Aaron asks, furring his eyebrows in confusion. No one ever asks him if his opinion or thoughts.


"W-Wow! Well um, He was a soldier in the revolutionary war! Though he was a terrible shot. He was pretty close to the sons of liberty!" The scarf wearing boy explains, smiling brightly as he did so.

He had never really been asked his opinion often. And when he was he'd just lie and say he didn't have one. Though he wanted to speak up so so badly. That's when he came up with his, "Talk less. Smile more" Motto.

"Didn't he know Christopher Jackson at some p-point?"

"Yes in fact! He wanted to be his right hand man until Lin had to come on in and snatch the opportunity away from him.." Aaron sighs shaking his head.

"That sucks! Well a-at least he came together w-with Daveed and Oak in the future right?" James tilts his head, honestly intrigued with the topic.

"I believe he did. Got to take down Lin too" Washington hums, opening his book back up.


"Yeah! I thought that was awes-"

Aaron was cut off by knocking at the door and a void saying, "Mr. Washington! Can I come in?"

"Shit! It's Hercules! Hide!"

James whisper yells, sliding under the bed, Aaron following him.

"Come on in!" The principle yells at the door, watching Hercules shuffle inside.

"Have you see James and Burr anywhere? We have some unfinished business to attend to" He cracks his knuckles, glancing around the room.

"There will be no violence while we're here young man! But no, I have not seen them. But I'll tell you when I do"

"O-Ok Mt.Washington! Bye!"

Hercules waves before open the door and dashing out.

Aaron and James slide back from under the bed, exhaling in relief. "T-Thank you so much for saving o-our asse- Butts!" "Yeah! Thank you!"

"No problem. But try not to ruin the house with all the rough housing."

"Yes sir!" The boys say in unison.

"Oh! And we're going to the lake tomorrow! So he ready!"


This was going to be awesome.

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