《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》You Make Me Crazy


"We should get to Emily and tell her about this victimology." Luke says to Spencer but he isn't paying attention.


"Yeah, and we should let her know how the unsub is an alien. Right (Y/N)?"Luke explains.

"Yep! That sounds correct to me, how about you Spence?"

"Mhm." Spencer replies clearly not listening to anything we are saying.

"Hey, Reid. What's going on? Are you with me?" He shakes his arm a bit causing him to look up at the newer agent.

"Yeah, sorry. I- I'm sorry I just have other things on my mind. Where were we?" He puts his hand to his eye showing that he is having a migraine.

"Reid it's okay if you need to talk about something with us." I say scooting closer to him seeing Alvez shake his head in agreement.

"No, no, it's fine let's go find Emily." He stands up abruptly after I scoot close to him and walks out of our meeting room at the police department.

I shrug my shoulders at Luke and he opens the door for me to walk out. I follow the voices that trail down the hall to Rossi and Tara with Emily. Spencer clearly didn't turn the right way because he isn't here. Luke comes and stands next to me with his hands on his hips. We all start conversing about giving the profile and who will be going where with what team member next. After we are all done talking we separate. I get assigned with Spencer and Emily tells me to go find him. I have absolutely no clue where he possibly could have gone so I start searching. I check empty rooms but there is no sign of him.

I go back to the team and Spencer is sitting on the edge of a table, talking with Garcia on the phone. I walk towards him throwing my hands up in the air.

"Where did you go? Emily assigned me to go to the crime scene with you. Are you okay?" He looks up at me with his phone still to his ear as he hangs up.

"Thanks Garcia. Hey, I got lost (Y/N). I'm sorry. That sounds good can we go to the crime scene already then?" He tries to leave once more and I give in following him to the elevator.


We get to the crime scene and Reid is being so awkward around me. He isn't normally weird with me. We are best friends and he normally comes to me about everything. I try to walk over to him where he is examining something but he stands straight up and walks away to find the chief of police and tell him something. If I did something, I wish he would tell me instead of being so weird. I wish things were back to normal and I don't even know how to fix it because he won't talk to me.

I get back in the car and soon afterwards Spencer does too. We drive back to the station in silence. I turn on the radio and listen for some comfort while I drive since he isn't giving me any.

We arrive back and Reid does most of the talking while he informs Emily of what we saw. After he talks he walks straight away, glancing back at me before speed walking down the hall back to the room where we had the evidence board.

I finally decide to go to the bathroom quickly to take a break and refresh my head. I splash some water on my face and wipe it off, quickly looking at myself in the mirror before heading back to the room that Spencer is in. His eyes catch me though the window on my way there down the hall and he starts to get flustered and tries to walk out of the room. I grip onto his arm and turn him around, pulling him back into the room.

"Reid. What is going on? You're never not focused on work unless something is going on? Did I say something?" I interject keeping my grip on his arm.


"What is it?" I start to get impatient.

Suddenly, Spencer starts walking around the room closing all of the blinds and then he shuts the door. He then proceeds to pin me up against the door and before I know it Reid's lips are on mine. His kiss is passionate and quite honestly insane. His hands are cupping my head and his grip is so tight. He's acting like he's wanted to do this for ages. He doesn't pull away until he needs air. I gasp as he parts from me. I look up into his eyes and back down at the ground.


"You make me crazy (Y/N). I can't work when i'm with you. I've recently realized I have very intense feelings for you and I cant pay attention to any case when you're in the room. You're beautiful and you're personality is incredible and you're so smart and it's all I can focus on when we are with everyone else. You're perfect and I can't keep it from you anymore that I like you a lot (Y/N)." He looks me dead in the eyes.

I take in everything he just said before looking away from him for a second. This has to be a dream. I look back towards him seeing he's worried about what I will say or do. So, I bring my lips to his again. He deepens the kiss by asking for entrance with his tongue. I let him. Our mouths move in sync and it feels like we've been doing this forever. It feels so natural and normal. He props me up on the table in the middle of the room. I smile at him through the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. He finally pulls away for a minute.

"Is that why you were so distracted when we were talking this morning with Alvez? It's because of me?" I ask baffled.

"Yeah. I can't stop thinking about you (Y/N). I'm so happy you feel the same way as me. You do right?" A shy laugh escapes his mouth and he looks to his lap where he fiddles with his hands.

I put my hand under his chin, lifting his face with my index finger and thumb. Once his gaze meets mine again, I place a short and sweet kiss on his slightly chapped lips.

"Yes, I feel the same way Spencer." I giggle at him as he pulls me closer to him, smiling.

"Good. Now, we should probably get back to the case huh?" He laughs.

"Yeah, we probably should." Our heads snap towards the door seeing a Luke Alvez speaking while leaning on the door frame.

Luke, JJ and Tara are all standing at the door watching us. Spencer and I immediately feel embarrassed and stand up quickly. We brush ourselves off and look at each other and then back towards the members of our team.

"How long have you guys been there?" Spencer itches the back of his neck.

"Long enough, boy wonder." Rossi chimes in.

"What have you two been discovering in here? I'm sure it isn't not evidence to add to the board is it?" Tara asks pointing out what we've been doing.

"No, they weren't discovering anything related to the case at all. They were learning more about each other. Maybe we should notify Prentiss about their discoveries?" Luke says pretending to walk out of the doorway.

"NO!" Spencer and I both say in unison.

We look to each other and smile shortly before glancing back at the team. They all laugh and tell us that they've known we have had a crush on each other for the longest time.

"You know there's no way this isn't getting to Garcia right?" I laugh at Spencer ruffling his hair a bit.

"No chance." We both laugh at our colleague.

Everyone walks back to our desks and we see Rossi and Alvez handing each other money so we walk over together to see what's going on.

"Alright, pay up Alvez." Rossi gestures to the wallet in Lukes back pocket.

"Why are you paying him, Luke?" Reid asks confused.

"We made a bet on how long it would take for you guys to admit you liked each other. He lost. So now, I get his money. To spend on scotch." Rossi explains making us all laugh.

"Alright, enough of this nonsense. Let's go find Prentiss and get going with this." I say causing everyone to make their way to Emily.

"Back to the case." Reid says looking at me before interlacing our fingers.

"Back to the case." I smile at him looking down at our hands, feeling content.

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