《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Detox (Part 1)


The case this week has been awful. Horrendous. The worst case I've gotten emotionally attached to in a while. It involves three little kids. Girls. The team and I have been working on this one case for days on end and it's really starting to get to me. In fact, Spencer's behavior towards me this week hasn't been helping at all. He's been extremely passive aggressive and acting like he doesn't need anyone's help with anything. Prentiss came and asked me yesterday if he was okay because he wasn't too kind to her a few days ago. He'd told her she didn't know what she was talking about and didn't know how to do her job.

I was assigned to go to the new crime scene with Reid today, as per Hotch's request. I didn't want to go with Reid. I'd much rather be assigned to the M.E. with Morgan or with Hotch at headquarters but at the same time I wanted to ask Reid what was going on. Hotch looked at me and then looked to Reid with a concerning straight face.

I got in the SUV and Reid got in after me. I could feel the awkward, tense waves radiating off him. He buckles in and reverts to staring out the window. I have a thought that maybe he relapsed on his dilaudid. I really hope not though. Maybe something is happening with his mom and he is just having a hard time and he is neglecting to talk about it with any of us. I start driving but place one hand on his arm. He pulls away immediately.

"What's going on Spence?" I ask him, my (E/C) eyes showing concern.

"Nothing's wrong with me (Y/N). I don't know why all of you seem to be acting different with me lately." He hasn't looked at me once.

"Well, Emily came to me because she thought something was wrong. I just want to make sure you're okay Spencer." I smile but he doesn't return the favor.

"Yeah, well Emily doesn't really know what she's talking about does she?" He glares out the windshield, putting his sunglasses on.

"Spencer, why would you say that? She's a great agent and she's doing her best." My face goes blank again, confused and baffled at his words.


"She's been here for three months (Y/N)! How would you know if she's a good agent or not?"

I don't say anything back to him. We arrive at the crime scene and I find the nearest officer. I walk up to her and Spencer follows me. I hold out my hand to shake hers, smiling as I introduce both of us.

"Hi, i'm SSA (L/N), this is Dr. Spencer Reid. We're with the Behavioral Analysis Unit with the FBI." I show her my credentials and turn around to see Spencer is already gone, examining a body.

I scoff under my breath and apologize to the officer, heading in his direction. I am becoming extremely worried about him at this point. I want to help him but he's not being of any help to us right now with the way he's acting. I stride over to him and give all of the coroners and forensic scientists standing near him a look to say i'm sorry.

"The body had to have been here for at least four days now. What have you people been doing all this time? We could've saved her if you guys just looked harder." He practically shouts at all of Forensics.

I stomp towards him, not happy. At all. I yank him up by his shirt as hard as I possibly can, earning a groan of pain from him and a scowl on his face as he almost tumbles backwards onto the ground again.

"What the hell (Y/N)!" He yells at me, taking off his sunglasses with a swipe, viewing the stern but also sad look on my face.

"What the hell yourself! I know you relapsed Spencer. You need to get yourself together and if you don't I will tell Hotch about it and you'll be removed from the case. I want to help you. I do. But right now we have three little girls missing and you doing drugs and yelling at people isn't helping anyone find them. Now stop yelling at all of those coroners and forensics people and do your job please before someone else dies too." I turn on my heel and walk back over to where there was a quiet place, realizing that JJ was calling me.


"Hey, we found something at the M.E., hows it going with Spence?" She asks though the phone.

"That's good, we can meet up back at the police station and talk about what you found. Spencer isn't great. He started yelling at people and he's been very cold to me but I think I know what's going on so, i'll get back to you on that." I hang up the phone and call Garcia.

"Your friendly neighborhood technical analyst ready and at your service, what can I do ya for?" The peppy girls voice rings through one ear and out the other.

"Yeah, hi Garcia. I need you to get anything you can find on the drug dilaudid. Also, get me all the information on Stacie Jones. Thanks." Before hanging up she yells at me catching my attention.

"Wait! (Y/N), you aren't asking me to research dilaudid for the reason I think are you? Is he okay? What's happened? Please keep me in the loop." She cries to the (H/C) haired girl.

"Just get me what you can. Also dig as much as you can on Stacie Jones. He's gonna be alright. Bye." I hang up the phone.

I turn around and put my phone back in my pantsuits pocket. I scan the crime scene for a sign of a tall genius, but there isn't one in sight. I spin around to the car and see him sitting in the front seat, looking down in his lap. Saying goodbye to all the people who I had talked to and thanking them, I open the car door and slide into the front seat. I turn on the car and pull my seat belt on, seeing Spencer do the same. We drive in silence for a long time. He finally says something.

"I-I'm sorry (Y/N)." He says, his head dropping into his hands in his lap again.

I want to feel bad for him I really do but I can't help but feel angry. He told me he would come to me if he ever felt like relapsing again. He said he would tell me. I feel upset and sad at the same time. As I'm contemplating what to answer, I get a call from Penelope.

"Go for it Garcia."

"So, I found out that dilaudid is a drug that is high risk for addiction and dependence. It can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol.-" I start coughing as I see Spencer's eyes shifting up towards me.

"Hey, Penelope. What did you find on Stacie." I cough loud so she gets my drift.

"Well don't you want to know about- Oh.... OH. Shoot, sorry. Anyways, Stacie was a good student, she attended college, wasnt a party animal. Her parents took good care of her and taught her righr from wrong. All that good stuff. Then, using my magical powers, I found out that about five days ago our perfect college student Stacie went to her first party and was drugged. So, hit me up if you need anything. I'm too embarrassed from before to stay on the phone with you. PG out." She finally left after long spiel.

I don't dare to look at him. He must be so disappointed in me for deciding to snoop like this. In my defense though, I have the right to know what's going on because he confided in me the last time we talked about this. I have the right to be disappointed in him if anyone's about to be disappointed. I turn into the parking lot and before I can even turn off the car, Spencer has grabbed his messenger bag and he's already out of the car walking towards the police station.

I walk in shortly after him, earning looks from Prentiss, Rossi and Hotch. I just shake my head and tell them to let it go. I will be having a chat with him once we finish this case. That's for sure.

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