《Enemies》We are FUCKED


"Sir! Wake up!!" Clay had fallen asleep on the road. He was lucky he didn't crash. "M-Mo-Mom...?" It was all a dream. Clay had never seen his mom. Was she alive though? "Sorry man your moms not here. Let me drive you home. It's not safe for you on the road."

Clay accepted the offer and let the man drive him home. "Thank you sir" Clay felt a little better and he went inside as the man drove away. "The doors unlocked again." Clay said as he turned the knob. "What the fuck" Clay heard glass breaking in the other room. He decided to check it out. Maybe wasn't the best decision.

"Oh my Clay boy. You really thought I died huh?" She had such a stupid grin on her face. This time it wasn't a dream. "How are you alive..."

"Oh It was just a scare honey..." I didn't shoot my head. I shot my arm." She was telling the truth. "Oh but you and the little fucker I told you to stay away from are screwed."

"You guys better run while you can"

"Mom what are you talking ab- why so you have a bat..."

"I'd run while you can. Not just from me"

"Wh-Wha-" Cut off again. No surprise. This one hurt. Metal bat. "UGAH" Clay groans. "If you don't run now the pain you will feel might kill you, and it won't be me hurting you, but if you don't leave now I'll just add to the pain. Run now."

Clay turned around and ran. Well he tried. He was limping...a lot. she hit his leg pretty hard. It didn't break though. "I have to get Geo-George..." Clay knew George wasn't going to let him in, but listening to his moms words...he starts to think she put the cops on them two...

Clay drove fast but not to fast...if he was to get caught speeding and a cop pulled him over and they saw him he'd be screwed. Clay ran up to Georges door and banged on it. It was about 9 pm by this time. "Hel- Clay leave now I don't want you here."

"George no! I'm trying to save your life!!"

"Clay get out!" George says as he goes to close the door. Tried. Clay pushed the door open before George had the chance to close it. "Clay what the fuck get ou- AUGHM!" Clay grabbed George by the neck and pushed him up against the wall. "GEORGE YOU BETTER LISTEN TO ME RIGHT NOW. YOU WILL COME WITH ME TO MY CAR AND WE WILL GET OUT OF HERE!" Clay didn't let go of Georges neck. He enjoyed seeing George stare into his eyes with fear of the man who towers over him taking complete ownership over him at that moment in time. "O-Okay..." Georges words stuttered to get out of his mouth but it was hearable to Clay. Clay let go of Georges neck as George followed him to his car

George doesn't know how he feels right now. It was unexpected. To just ne choked and thrown against the wall then yelled at like he was some sort of pet. "Get in now. We don't have much time." Clay didn't know where to go but he had to go. "Clay!!" George had opened his phone and the news popped up on his phone. They were wanted. Dead or alive..."WHAT GEORGE??" Clay was still aggressive with George. Still basically showing his ownership as George follows his every word. "W-Were wanted de-dead or alive...' Clays eyes widened. It was worse then he thought. Now he knew they really had to get out. "Fuck..." Clay had mumbled under his breath. George heard him and started hyperventilating. "George I need you to breathe for me. Were going to find a way out of this." Clay tried to act confident but he was scared.


Forget about speeding. They had to get out. Clay drove faster then they ever had. "GEORGE POWER YOUR PHONE OFF THEY CAN TRACK US!!" Clays voice scared George. Which just made him listen more. George powered his phone off, Clay already had his off. "C-Clay...I'm scared." George truly was scared. This wasn't really the time to hate each other now. They were gonna have to find a way to get along. "George breathe...in 1...2...3...out...1...2...3..." George listened to Clay and started to breathe in and out along with his words. Once George had returned to his normal breathing pattern Clay stopped counting. It upset George when Clay stopped counting. He felt really safe and protected with his words.

"CLAY!! TURN AROUND NOW I SEE A COP CAR!!" Georges eyes widened in fear...and so did Clays. It was to late. The cop car had spotted him. The lights turned on and he went after them. At this point Clay had the car going faster then it ever has before. Georges eyes started to water. Clay saw him but he didn't say anything about it. He had a reason to cry. "George...were going to get out of this together okay!" Clay was trying his hardest to calm George down but it's kinda hard to calm someone else down when your not calmed down yourself. "C-Clay...I'm sorry for being so rude to you..." George seemed it was the right time to let go of his hate. "George you had a reason to be rude. You don't have to be sorry, it should be me whos sorry. Look were going to have to learn to cope with each other through this okay?" George nodded to what Clay had said.

The cops were still behind them but this time there was three of them. "Clay...I don't think we will be able to escape..." George said as he looked back at the cars. "GEORGE SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE CAN DO THIS OKAY!!" Clay didn't mean to snap but with everything going on he was bound to snap at one point. "SHIT!!" Clay yelled as he looked back and saw the cops had caught up and they hit his car from behind. Clay managed to keep the car under control as the cops continued to hit them. "George I-I...I'm sorry..." And with one last hit there car started spinning as they left the road and crashed into a tree. "C-Clay!! Are you okay!!" George had been fine from the crash with just a little whiplash. "Y-Yeah I'm fine...come on we have to run now!!" Clay and George got out of the car as they peeked out and saw the cops looking for them. It was dark outside and Clay's car blended in with the trees.

George and Clay were out of breathe from the stress but the adrenaline inside them kept them pushing. Clay was a little faster then George. Clay made sure not to leave George behind, even if that meant he had to slow down a little. "STOP NOW!! THERES NO GETTING OUT OF THIS!!" The cops had spotted them. It was over for George and Clay. "Fuck..." Clay and George kept trying to run. "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN I'D SUGGEST YOU TO STOP NOW" Clay kept running but George stopped. "Clay...I'm sorry." George was turning himself in. "GEORGE WAIT NO!" A gunshot had sounded. Not at George but at Clay. Clay looked back seeing George standing there with his eyes watering. That was enough for Clay to stop. "OKAY OKAY!!" Clay screamed as he dropped to his knees. It was really over for them. They didn't know what was going to happen to them. "Get up now!!" The cop had grabbed on to Clays arm as he was aggressively lifted up. Same thing with George. "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!" Clay wasn't lying. They truly had done nothing wrong.


"The murder of your own mother. YOU TWO SURE DID SOMETHING WRONG!" The change of tone in the cops voice made Clay jump. "B-But she's alive..." Clay stuttered under his breath. He watched George get pushed into the car as he looked at him in a way that broke Clay harder then anything. Clay had soon got put into a car as well. Not the same car as George. Clays mind was racing. So much was going through his mind. One thing managed to stay well on top of everything else. George. Clay couldn't get George off his mind. It was the one and only thing he truly cared about right now. "Wh-Where are we going" Clay finally was able to say to the cop. "You and your little friend are going to jail. Not a normal jail. You guys will be put to work, this work has killed thousands. I bet you two are strong enough to stay alive.


George was in the car in front of Clay. He had his legs to his chest and was rocking as he cried. "Stop being a baby." The cop was obviously getting annoyed by George. It was about a 3 hour drive to the jail. It was in the middle of nowhere. The cop wasn't joking when he said this jail wasn't normal. It was one of the highest jails out there. George and Clay didn't understand why they were being sent to this one, but there was nothing they could do. George watched as the trees passed by as it started to rain and the light that was shining on the ground had turned to shadows.

[play you won't let go by James Arthur]

I met you in the dark...you lit me up.

You made me feel as though...I was enough.

The rain only seemed to pick up even harder. The tears flowing out of Georges eyes didn't seem to slow down in anyways. Clay...George was just as worried as Clay was worried about him.

Then you smiled over your shoulder...for a minute, I was stone cold sober.

I pulled you closer to my chest

All George wanted right now was to be in Clays arms. To hug him tighter then anything in the world. Clay made George feel safe in this situation. Three hours without him is hard for George. Same went for Clay. They just wanted to be in each others arms.

I knew I loved you then...but you'd never know

'Cause I played it cool...when I was scared of letting go.

I knew I need you...but I never showed.

But I wanna stay with you...until we're grey and old.

Just say you won't let go.

Just say you won't let go.

This was painful. George didn't know how to feel or what to do. The rain only picked up more and more as all civilization slowly disappeared.

"Get up!!" They had finally arrived at the jail. George got up immediately. He wanted to see Clay. To run into his arms and hug him. For all the pain to drift away. "Clay!!" Clay was standing facing towards the jail. "GEORGE!!" They were so happy to finally see each other again. "That's enough socializing you two." The cops were strict here. They weren't aloud to hug each other. That really hurt them. They just wanted to be in each others reach.

"Cell 78 and 79!" The cop yelled at the guards as they lead George and Clay into the building. George just wanted to break down as he saw the cells. All the people sitting in there. The emptiness in there eyes. Clay was being lead in front of George. Clay looked back at George "G-George..." Clay said under his breath but enough for George to hear. Clay could see the pain in Georges eyes. He knew he wanted the same thing as him.

"Alright you two get in." Clay and George were thrown into separate cells but they were next to each other. There was a opening with hard metal bars that they could see each other through. "George...look at me okay? We are going to get out of this. I promise you." Clay watched George expression. There was no expression. George was numb, he had no feelings. "C-Clay...I need you..." George truly needed Clay at this moment. "I need you to George..." They were broken. Standing in there cells. Surrounded by broken beds and cracked toilets. The place wasn't kept up to any standard. What did they expect though? Clay took one last look at George as a tear flowed down his face. Clay put his head down as he turned around and sat down on his bed. It felt like a brick.

They didn't know what to do. They just wanted each other. To be in each others arms. To be back in Georges bed...

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