《Pottah ✔》Chapter 11


Draco crunched on his toast angrily; transfiguration was first which mean he had to deal with Mrs Minerva McGonagall. He could bet 100 galleons that Mrs McGonagall hated him and get 200 galleons back.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Blaise snorted as he watch Draco bite into his butter toast, feeling quite sympathetic for the actual toast itself.

"My sleep was actually great, thanks. I've got bloody transfiguration first and I'm sure McGonagall hates me." Draco groans before taking another bite.

"Ahh... Draco's first whine of the day. You owe me 5 galleons, Blaise." Greg sniggered at the wide-eyed Blaise.

"Pray tell what's this bet about this time." Draco asked sarcastically while grabbing a sausage and some fried eggs. Greg and Blaise always had the weirdest bets in the school, usually Blaise would win so this was a rare time that Greg had won.

"I bet that you would whine about Transfiguration during breakfast and Blaise said you weren't so now I have 5 galleons." Greg shot a smug look at Blaise who was rolling his eye so hard that it practically got stuck staring at his brain.

"Can you pass me the jug of water, Blaise?" Draco asks politely and to which Blaise obliges. They might be gits but they still have manners. Pouring into his cup, Draco then turned to Blaise. "I'm disappointed Blaise, you know I hate transfiguration."

"But you were in such a good mood yesterday, maybe you wouldn't whine about it." Blaise pouted as he reached into his pockets to pull out a 5 galleons.

"Was I?" Draco looked up from his plate with an eyebrow raised. "I don't recall."

"Yeah, especially last night. Did you get lucky or something, you dirty wanker?" Greg grinned as he snatched away the 5 galleon with pride.

"Bloody Merlin no, you crude fuck. Also, I literally read a book and then went to sleep. And I was cranky, how is that me in a good mood?" Draco furrowed his eyebrows, he was genuinely confused.


"You wished us a 'splendid night'." Blaise said in a mocking voice. Trying to think of some form of comeback, Draco opened his mouth only to close it. There was absolutely no reason he'd do that. Draco pursed his lips, that was something he wouldn't normally do, even in a good mood.

"I was sleep deprived." Draco stuffed a piece of egg into his mouth, making the explanation short and simple. They should stop prying since it's pretty rude to, but they're gits and worse of all; Slytherin gits- they will get what they want and they want to know why Draco was in a good mood. Was he though? He thought he was being completely normal.

"Ohhhh... you and your boyfriend met up, didn't you? Did you go all kissy kiss with Mr Potter too?" Blaise smiled slyly, leaning into Draco's ear as he whispered this. Choking, Draco chugged down the glass of water he had poured for himself as he death-glared at Blaise.

"Blaise, what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Potter's not my boyfriend and we're not meeting up like Romeo and Juliet! Bloody fucking hell. What do you take me for? A lovestruck Ginny Weasle-ly?" Draco hissed softly, tried to at least. He probably sounded like a Gollum with his voice still hoarse from choking. Blaise snorted at Draco's reaction, it was certainly funnier than the 'Harry's cozy hand' jokes.

"I'm just saying, you guys are spending a lot of time together recently." Blaise shrugged, sipping his pumpkin juice.

"Who is?" Greg turned to the both of them. Blaise flashed Draco a sly smile as Draco squinted suspiciously in response.

"Don't you bloody dare." Draco mouthed as he gave Blaise a menacing glare before standing up.

"Nobody in particular." Blaise flashed a store-bought smile at Greg before Draco finally finished adjusting his coat.

"I don't want McGonagall's detention so I'm taking my leave." Draco grumbled, his throat still sore from choking on an egg.


"Alright, have fun." Blaise chuckled with Greg beside him as Draco left the Great Hall.

Draco reluctantly trudged to McGonagall's class, book in hand and ready for insults. The class was completely empty of not even a single soul when he reached class. Sitting down, he begins to recap all the spells they have learnt, it was better to not mess up in front of Mrs McGonagall.

"Mr Malfoy, you're early." Mrs McGonagall enters the class, her voice sounding mildly surprised for a second. She was quite sure that he hated her classes. He didn't really have a choice if he wanted to be an Auror, he needed an 'O' in transfiguration for his grades. Nodding at McGonagall, Draco doesn't even spare her a look.

"Yes, just recapping before class starts. I can't be left behind the other blokes." Draco grumbles. Finally, he sets the book down and points his wand at a glass.

"Avifors!" He commanded. Immediately a blue string wrapped around the glass and it began to shake and spin violently into a black crow. It was one of the first transfiguration spells he had learnt a few years back.

Smiling slightly, he says another spell softly and the crow turns into a small puppy. A little cocker spaniel, wagging his tail with yellow ember eyes. Hm... he should have green eyes, Draco thought to himself before tapping the dog's nose with the wand. The final and last spell was casted and they waited in anticipation. The puppy had its eyes shut tight for a while before he opened to reveal brilliant emerald eyes.

"Good job, Draco. What would you name him if you were to keep him?" McGonagall smiled as the small dog barked at Draco excitedly, as if knowing what was happening.

"HP." He said without hesitating, smiling at the tiny dog as he picked it up. "It's a boy."

"Are you keeping him?" McGonagall asked. Draco paused for a second, was he ready for a puppy? He'd like a griffon or a magical beast as his first pet at Hogwarts but a puppy? It was as if he was a muggle. Besides, why would Mrs McGonagall care? It was his choice whether he kept it or not.

"No." Draco sets HP down before casting a spell, before he knew it, a gorgeous glass goblet sat where the puppy once stood. He wasn't ready for a responsibility like that anyways, he needed to focus on school. Plus, puppies are too much work like in all the muggle stories he's read states, why waste time training a puppy?

"Why not?" "I have to focus on studies." "Right." McGonagall sighs, turning away as if disappointed.

"What?" Draco retorted at McGonagall's reply, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"I just thought you'd like a little companion to cheer you up. I'm sure you've read all those muggle stories... they all have little companions just like our magical beasts, but their companions aren't as useful so the companions try to make up by spending time with you instead. I thought you'd like that." McGonagall smiled. Draco pursed his lips, cheer him up? Straight 'O's would make him delighted. Was McGonagall taking pity on him? Draco hoped not. This was surely coercion, Mrs McGonagall was acting quite strange.

"I'm doing fine on my own, but thank you for worrying, Mrs McGonagall." Draco picked up the glass goblet and threw it in the air.

"Evanesco!" He shouts, the goblet disappears mid air and Draco turns to McGonagall with a deadpan face. "They all will leave anyways."


If you guys are curious, I'll be updating 2 chapters of 'Pottah' everyday because I'm personally hooked on writing this.

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