《Dragon mating season》Proposal


Natsu's POV

I clapped and unclasped my hands nervously waiting for Gray to return home from the guild. Today was the day I was going to propose to him. I opened the small velvet box and examined the ring once more it was a gold ring with a fiery red stone in the middle. I had got my self a matching one but with an ice like crystal instead.

I heard the front door open and I yelled "Gray"

"Hey flamebrain" Gray greeted

"Sit down" I said gesturing for him to sit on the sofa. "Uh okay" Gray said confused

"So um...well...um" I stuttered

"You okay Natsu? You're acting kind of funny" Gray said concern etched onto his features.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I said getting down onto one knee and taking his hand in mine. "listen Gray I love you more than anything in the world and I want to spend my life with you so Gray Fullbuster will you do me the honour in becoming my husband?" I asked

Gray stared at me shocked "N-natsu" he stuttered at a loss for words "of course I will marry you" he cried flinging his arms around my neck and sobbing into them.

"I love you Gray"

"I love you too Natsu"

"Freed do you wanna go for a walk by the beach?" I asked

"That sounds wonderful Laxus" Freed replied

"Great let me just grab my jacket then we will go" I told him rushing up the stairs I grabbed my jacket which had a small velvet box hidden in the pocket

I was going to propose to Freed down by the beach.

"I must say Laxus this is quite unusual for you to suggest us going for a walk" Freed said smiling at me.

"Yeah well I Justin felt like it" I lied praying that I wasn't going to give away the surprise.


Freed gasped loudly "look at the sunset" he said smiling "it's beautiful"

"Not as beautiful as you" I said cheesily and at that moment I got down on one knee and looked Freed in the eyes saying:

"Freed Justine you have always been there for me and I always want you to be there for me in a few months we're going to have a baby girl that we can love forever so I was wandering if you would do me the honour in becoming my husband?" I asked blushing

"Yes, yes, yes a thousand times yes" Freed shouted jumping into my arms as I spun him around happily.

"I love you Freed"

"I love you too Laxus"

I checked for the fifth time that Rogue was asleep then told Lector and Frosch to keep an eye on him as I just went out to get something.

I rushed down to Crocus's best jeweller flinging open the doors and saying proudly "I want to buy an engagement ring please"

"Ahhh Master Sting it's an honour to have you in our shop" the manager said

I blushed at the use of master then said "Just Sting is fine"

"My apologies Sting so did I hear correctly that you would like to buy an engagement ring?" The manager asked

I nodded "and it's gotta be really special because the person I'm planning on marrying deserves the world" I said meaning ever word

"Ahhh is by any chance Rogue Cheney?"

"Yes" I said blushing an even deeper red

"Follow me I think I have a ring that would be perfect." The manager said leading me to a huge display of engagement rings.

He then reached in and picked one out which had a sign similar to the ying and yang sign but different somehow.


I gasped "it's perfect" I said "how much is it"

"2 million jewels" the manager said

"2 million? 2 million?" I asked "I'm sorry sir I don't have that kind of money right now but please put this ring on hold for a little while until I have the time to take some missions to pay for it" I asked politely

"Of course Master Sting sorry I mean Sting" the manager said

I thanked him and left the store I sighed Rogue and I were barely affording to stay in our tiny apartment how was I suppose to get two million jewels.

Money's been tight as Rogue can't take missions and the fact that we have to buy things for the baby.

It doesn't matter I will find a way to pay for it because Rogue deserves it and I really do want to marry him.

I walked back to the apartment thinking of ways that I could afford to buy the ring.

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