《Dragon mating season》Kicking


I was lying on the sofa. Staring at the ceiling bored out of my mind. "Laxus!?" I whined not long after I called my boyfriend came down the stairs.

"You called my Prince?" Laxus asked kissing my forehead.

"I'm bored" I whined childishly

"Oh" Laxus said not knowing how to react when I was acting like this.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" He suggested I nodded "what movie?" I asked curious as to what the lightning dragon slayer would choose.

"What about incredibles?" Laxus questioned raising his eyebrow.

I nodded happily. Laxus then turned on the movie and we watched cuddling. I snuggled into Laxus's strong chest.

Smiling to myself as he wrapped his muscular arms around my body.

I suddenly gasped "Freed?" Laxus questioned worriedly "you okay?"

"The baby" I gasped moving my hands to my stomach.

"What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" Laxus asked terrified

I nodded "the baby kicked" I said smiling.

"WHAT?" Laxus shouted "Really?"

I nodded "feel" I said grabbing his hands and moving them towards my stomach. We waited in baited breath for our baby girl to kick again.

Suddenly I felt the slight nudge against my stomach and gasped saying "do you feel her kicking?"

I didn't get a reply so I looked up at Laxus his hands were still on my stomach. "Laxus?" I questioned confused on why he hadn't said anything.

He then picked me up and spun me round. "That's our baby girl" he yelled smiling happily

"I know." I said happy tears falling down my face

"We're gonna be a family and I promise I won't let anyone hurt you" Laxus said looking into my eyes.

"I love you"

Gray and I were sat at a table in the guild with Lucy and Erza. We had left Rogue at home so he could sleep whilst Sting went to buy him some special crackers or something.


"So Gray how are you feeling?" Erza asked

"Fine I mean I get pretty bad cramps every now and again but that's because of the shopping trip incident" Gray said.

"Do you think your baby boy will use ice or fire magic?" Lucy asked curiously

"Fire" I said instantly

But Gray has said "ice" we looked at each other shocked.

"No way is our baby boy gonna use ice magic popsicle" I said to Gray

"What you think he's gonna be a flame brain like you?" Gray retorted

"It's better than being an ice princess" I said back

"Oh yeah" he said standing

"Yeah" I said standing up as well.

"Bring it on ash for brains" Gray said getting into a battle stance

"I'm gonna burn you to a crisp snowflake" I said lighting my fists on fire. I had missed fighting with him. It's not like I was gonna go full out on him I would never hurt my mate on purpose.

I took a step towards him but he suddenly gasped. "Gray?" I asked suddenly worried

Gray put his hands on his belly looking shocked "Gray?" I questioned again getting more and more worried.

I walked towards him "Gray?" I forced him to look at me. I didn't know if he was having another cramp or something but I was very worried.

"The baby just kicked" Gray gasped

"What are you serious?" I shouted

The whole guild stared at us going silent. "Here feel" Gray said intertwining our fingers and pulling my hands so they rested on his baby bump.

I felt a small nudge agaisnt his stomach. I gasped smiling happily "do you feel it?" Gray asked softly.

I nodded "that's our baby boy" he whispered smiling

"Did the baby just kick?" Lucy asked


Gray and I both nodded grinning "May I feel?" Erza asked we nodded. Erza walked over and put her hands on Gray's stomach.

She smiled as she felt the kicking of our child. "You two are going to have a beautiful family" She said happily

"We know" Gray and I said in unison.

I was lying in Natsu and Gray's spare bedroom. Sting had gone to the shops to get the crackers I could eat. As we hadn't expected to stay in Magnolia for this long so we hadn't packed anything.

So I was wearing one of Gray's maternity shirts. It hung off me loosely as I was shorter than Gray and the fact that I had lost so much weight meant that the shirt fit weirdly.

Luckily for Sting him and Natsu shared a similar sense of style as Sting has always looked up to him and based his look on Natsu's.

So Sting wore similar clothes to usual whilst I had to wear oversized maternity clothes. I signed bitterly this pregnancy really was exhausting.

I didn't know what I would do if I had a miscarriage it would break my heart to lose Sting and I's baby boy.

I stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I was reaching for a glass I suddenly a soft kick against my belly.

I gasped the baby was kicking. "Sting!" I shouted but then realised he wasn't home. Damn he was missing the baby kicking for the first time.

I was walking around the shop attempting to find Rogue some crackers. But they didn't have any I didn't realise they would be so hard to find in Magnolia.

I finally gave up and walked back to Natsu and Gray's house hoping that they would have something that Rogue could eat.

I opened up the door and heard Rogue yell "Sting!" As soon as I walked through the door "Rogue everything okay?" I aske worried.

"The baby. The baby's kicked Sting it kicked" Rogue said smiling happily flinging his arms around my neck.

"What really?" I asked shocked

"Let me feel" I said reaching for his stomach.

I rested my hand on his belly and felt the nudging of the baby moving around. "I can feel it. That's our son" I said grinning

"We're gonna be a family" Rogue said smiling.

That was the first time he had smiled in a long time

I just prayed it wouldn't be the last

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