《Dragon mating season》Cuddle


I led Rogue out of the hospital and towards our house. We walked in silence neither of us wanting to discuss what had happened.

We finally made it home. Rogue went straight to the room and shut the door clearly not wanting to talk about it.

"Rogue?" I said knocking on the door

"Go away" Rogue said clearly crying

"Babe please we need to talk about this" I said

Rogue groaned but then opened the door. I walked in and pulled him into a hug "everything's going to be okay" I said

"How can you say that? We could lose our child" he said crying

"We need to talk" I said

"No we don't it's simple I'm not getting an abortion" he said stubbornly


"No Sting I'm not getting rid of the baby" Rogue said

"But Rogue look how much this has effected you and you're not even two months in. I don't want to lose the baby either but look at you" I told him stroking his hair

"You don't understand" he said sadly

"Help me understand" I said desperate to understand what Rogue was thinking

"When you left I was alone I didn't go to the guild because what would they think if we broke up nobody would choose me they would kick me out being the ex of the guild master. The baby was the only thing I had. I can't lose the baby now" he said tears rolling down his face

Guilt pooled in my stomach how much did me leaving actually effect him? "I'm keeping the baby Sting even if it kills me" Rogue said determination evident on his face.

"Rogue are you sure?" I asked concerned "it's going to be tough and could leave permanent damage and even ki..." I trailed off not wanting to think about losing Rogue.


He nodded"I have too Sting"

I sighed "okay Rogue but I need you to be really strong" I said

Rogue nodded "everything will be okay now you're here" he then flopped backwards onto the bed lying down.

I lay down next to him and pulled him close wrapping my arms round his underweight waist. I sighed worried that this could be one of the last times I would be able to cuddle with him.

I was back from the hospital and Laxus was treating me like a king and I couldn't pretend that I didn't love it.

I got up from the sofa and took a step but Laxus was straight by my side asking "where are you going?"

"I'm just going upstairs to have a little nap" I told him

"Okay" he replied simply but then he sweeped me off "Hey Laxus what are you doing?" I asked surprised

"I'm carrying you to our room duh" he said like it was obvious

"And why is that?" I asked still confused

"Because I'm not letting you overwork yourself and because I love you" he said kissing my nose

"I'm perfectly capable of walking up the stairs" I told him

"Well it's better not to take any chances" he teased

He then carried me up the stairs to our bedroom. He gently placed me on the bed and asked "do you want something to eat?"

"Some soup would be nice" I said taking advantage of Laxus being overprotective

He then left and came back a few minutes later with a steaming bowl of soup. "Thanks babe" I said kissing him.

"Anything else my Prince?" Laxus said

"Could you stay here with me for a bit maybe we could cuddle?" I suggested

"Of course" he said smiling he then kicked off his shoes and lay down next to me pulling me into his chest, "I can't wait to have a family with you my Prince" Laxus said abruptly


I blushed at the nickname "we're gonna have the perfect life" I smiled falling asleep with my head resting on Laxus's chest.

I loved it when we cuddled

I gripped my stomach the pain was becoming to much. I hadn't told Natsu because ever since the whole attack incident has been blaming himself. So I didn't want to tell him about the after effects.

I whined trying to stifle my pained cries by putting my hand in front of my mouth. "Gray you okay?" Natsu asked walking in.

I immediately sat up and said "yeah of course"

He looked at me sceptically I got up but nearly collapsed as the pain in my stomach finally caused me to cry out in pain.

"Babe" Natsu said catching me and helping me back to our bed. "Cramps?" He asked

I nodded he sighed "the doctor said this would happen and let me guess they're worse than before"

"So much worse" I groaned.

"This is all my fault" Natsu cried lying down next to me.

"No it's not" I said pushing the pink strands of hair out of his eyes.

"If I hadn't gone on that mission-" he started but I cut him off

"It's not your fault I shouldn't have gone to the shop alone" I said gripping my stomach as the pain grew worse.

Natsu turned to me and let a small smile grace his lips he then rested his hands on my stomach and heated them just like when I usually got cramps.

It helped a bit but I still was in too much pain to do anything. "Better?" Natsu asked

"A bit" I said biting my lip in pain.

"Babe I'm sorry" he said sympathetically

He then curled his body around mine and I felt the pain in my stomach lessen as his body was like a personal heater.

I sighed contently loving our cuddle.

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