《Dragon mating season》Hospital


Natsu was out on a mission with Lucy, Erza, Wendy and Happy leaving just me alone at home. I was looking in the mirror staring at my bump. I was getting bigger by the day and I started to become more and more self conscious.

I mean at the moment I could mainly still hide my bump but I knew soon I wouldn't be able to. I sighed I hate being pregnant it's so much work.

I groaned walking downstairs to make myself something to eat I was craving ice cream so I checked the freezer but we didn't have any. I groaned again where did all the ice cream go?

Oh wait I ate it all last night. I sighed I really want ice cream. I decided to just go to the shop as my morning sickness wasn't due for another couple of hours

I grabbed the nearest t-shirt and threw it on. I then grabbed some money and started walking to the shop.

I bought four tubs of ice cream which should be enough for the rest of the week. I then walked out of the store.

I was lost in my thoughts as I walked home "Look it's Gray Fullbuster" someone on the street yelled

I was use to people pointing at me and whispering as that was natural being a mage of Fairy Tail. But these people were a group of men who looked slightly dodgy.

They walked up to me confidently "what do you want?" I asked coldly as a wave of nausea had hit me and I just wanted to go home.

"Look at his stomach" one of them said pointing and laughing at my stomach I covered it self consciously.

"I thought Fairy Tail was for strong mages not overweight wizards" another one said maliciously "shut up" I growled angrily.


"Don't speak to us like that Fullbuster" the man spat back angrily

"Let's see what you've got in the bag" one said reaching for my shopping bag and pulling out the ice cream tubs "oh look the pigs bought more food"

"I thought I told you to shut up" I growled again

"Hey why don't we teach this fatty a lesson?" One asked

They all nodded in agreement. Two of them took a step forward as they attempted to punch me I said "ice make: ughhhhh..."

My attack got interrupted by one of the mans fist connecting with my stomach causing me to vomit.

I vomited onto the pavement. "Ewwwww" the men said in disgust "looks like Fullbuster isn't strong after all"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" I heard somebody yell from behind me

I felt a comforting hand rub circles on my back as I continued to vomit "it's okay Gray just let it out we've got you" Freed said soothingly.

I snuck a glance up and saw Laxus pounding the men into the ground.

Laxus and I were walking around town our fingers intertwined until we saw Gray get punched right in the stomach by some men and start to throw up.

Laxus and I looked at each other then ran to his side. Laxus got there first as he wasn't carrying another person in side of him.

As soon as I reached Gray I rubbed his back he leaned against me still vomiting. Laxus was beating the men who had attacked Gray until they were unconscious.

He then walked over to where I was trying to hold Gray's trembling figure he looked at Gray's pale face.

He was still vomiting and his vomit had blood in this was bad like really bad. "Laxus we need to get him to hospital" I said urgently

"Gray can you walk?" Laxus asked crouching down to his level Gray paused for a second then nodded but as soon as he took a step he nearly collapsed.


"It's okay Gray just relax we will get you there" I said trying to calm him down. "Laxus can you carry him?" I asked

Laxus nodded then picked Gray up and started to run I behind them

I finally managed to find Gray a doctor. They took him away and said they were going to run some tests on him.

"Freed I think we should call Nats-" I said turning to where Freed was.

Freed stood panting, leaning against the wall "Freed?" I asked worried "You okay?"

"Just... ran... to...far" Freed said in between pants.

"Freed" I said worried I walked towards him worried but then he suddenly collapsed

"Help! Help!" I yelled "I need a doctor!"

Rogue's health wasn't getting better I was starting to get really worried. I bought loads of the crackers that he could eat but he barely had the energy to feed himself.

He looked terrible as well he had dark bags under his eyes I was starting to think that this had something more to do instead of just the pregnancy.

"Hey baby you would tell me if something's bothering you?" I asked stroking his hair as he lay down on the bed.

Rogue hesitated I stared at him his eyes swirled with emotion. He then just nodded. "Rogue?" I asked worried

"I'm fine Sting" Rogue said sounding exhausted "I'm going to go have a shower" he said standing up.

"But Rogue-" I tried to say but he was already gone.

I didn't know what was going on with him. But I was determined to find out.

I turned on the shower trying to block out my thoughts. I felt my body tremble with exhaustion. I could tell something was wrong I tried to move but couldn't I yelped in pain my body going slack beneath me.

"Sting" I begged weakly praying that he would hear it over the rushing water and the locked door.

I was worried about Rogue but knew I wouldn't be able to find out what was upsetting him unless he wanted to tell me.

I didn't know if I had imagined it but I thought I heard Rogue bet "Sting" I'm guessing I only hear different it because of my dragon slayer hearing but I rushed to the bathroom door and banged on it.

"Rogue everything alright?" I asked worried

"Sting help" I heard Rogue say vulnerable I tried to open the door but it was locked I then kicked it down worried about my boyfriend.

I saw him crouched on the ground of the shower shaking like crazy. I rushed towards him terrified

"Rogue babe it's okay I'm here it's okay." I said turning off the shower

I took his hands in mine "Babe it's okay what's wrong?" I asked worried by his behaviour

"Rogue? Please Rogue answer me. Are you hurt?" I stared at him intently

I knew Rogue was scared but I needed to what had happened. So I picked him up and carried him to our room. All the time whispering "it's okay, I'm here, don't worry"

I helped a Rogue into the nearest pair of clothes which happened to be some of mine but then he suddenly started coughing badly.

"Rogue you okay?" I asked worried about the coughing now

He covered his hand with his mouth then vomited blood. "Oh God I'm going to take you to the hospital just relax okay" I said trying to even my voice to keep Rogue calm.

I carried him towards the hospital trying to remain as calm as possible.

I knew something was seriously wrong.

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