《Dragon mating season》Submissive


After Sting stormed off I ran back to Gajeels house. I flung open the door and shouted desperately "Gajeel? Gajeel? Gajeel?"

I heard Gajeel running down the stairs "Ryos what the hell? What's wrong?"

"My magic it won't work" I said stressing out "it won't work. Gajeel tell me why it won't work" I begged

"What?" He asked worried

"I was attacked on the way home and I tried to defend myself but my magic isn't working. Why isn't it working?" I explained desperately

"Wait you were attacked?" He asked angrily "are you okay? Who attacked you?"

I brushed off the questions with a simple "I'm fine"

"But what about my magic? why isn't my magic working?" I asked desperate for him to answer

"I don't know" he sighed

I let out a cry of frustration "hey it's okay Ryos we can sort it out" he said rubbing my shoulder

"LEVY!!!" He shouted up the stairs

A few moments later the bluenette came rushing down the stairs "Is everything okay?" She asked looking taking in the situation.

"When I was going through mating season you bought a book about it didn't you?" Gajeel asked Levy she nodded.

"Can you please go get it?" Gajeel said Levy rushed out of the room

With each second that passed I could feel my whole body tremble. I didn't know what was happening.

"Thank you babe" Gajeel said when Levy returned with the book and he then gave her a kiss she smiled then left.

Gajeel skimmed through the book. "Well?" I asked impatiently

"Hang on kid be patient" he snapped back

A few minutes passed when he finally said "found it"

"What is it?" I asked desperate to know what was wrong with me


"Here read this" he said handing me the book. I looked down and read the paragraph he was pointing at it read:

They're are two kinds of dragon slayers during mating season. Most dragon slayers are dominant which means they will experience the usual symptoms. But the other kind is incredibly rare and are known as submissive dragon slayers it commonly takes form in females dragon slayers and when another dragon slayers mate is another dragon slayer but can also take form in any dragon slayers. These dragon slayers will experience different symptoms. The submissive dragon slayers will experience similar symptoms to the mates of there fellow dragon slayers but will also experience some of the dragon slayer symptoms.

"See that's why you're magics not working cos you're a submissive dragon slayer" Gajeel said casually

"I'm submissive" I said shocked "guess so" Gajeel said calmly

"It explains everything" I said dazed

"Go to bed kid you've had a long day" Gajeel told me

I woke up but let out a gasp. I was boiling I hated being hot but as an ice mage I never got this hot. It felt like my whole body was on fire.

I groaned. Why was I so hot?

I looked in the mirror my face was dripping with sweat I put a hand to my forehead it was so scorching.

I sighed and getting ready going to the guild. Maybe it would get better in an hour or so. I walked to the guild panting as my whole body was overheating.

I arrived at the riverbank close to the guild

"Yo ice brain. What's up?" I heard Natsu's voice call after me I turned around trying to force a smile even in my current state.

Natsu gasped I guess I must of looked pretty bad.


"Hey flamebr-" I tried to say but the heat just became to much for me as I collapsed.

I saw Natsu reach out to catch me. Then everything went black.

I reached out to catch Gray as he fainted. But as soon as I touched his skin I could tell something was wrong.

Gray was burning up.

He's an ice mage he shouldn't be this hot. Grays face contorted in pain. I picked him up bridal style and ran him to the guild.

Mira gasped when he saw us and rushed us to the infirmary. Master came in and told me to leave so they could figure out what was wrong with him.

But I knew what was wrong it was my fault.

But I left and went to find Sting.

Laxus and I walked towards the guild as we did so I felt my whole body tense up as I stopped walking.

"Freed?" Laxus asked confused by why I stopped

I opened my mouth to reply when my whole body started to spasm it felt like I had been hit with lightning. The pain was unbearable I couldn't control my body. I didn't know what was happening.

"Freed? Freed? Freed?" Laxus asked desperately I felt my body fall to the ground suddenly everything went black.

The last thing I remember was Laxus's worried face catching me before I blacked out.

I didn't know what was happening to him but his body started to spasm and then he collapsed. He was clearly in a lot of pain.

I picked him up and rushed him to the guild. I ran up the stairs to the infirmary where Gramps and Mira stood looking at an unconscious Gray.

"Gramps" I said desperately "it's freed"

Gramps looked at me then at Freed "lay him down Laxus" he said I gently lay Freed down on the nearest bed.

"You can go Laxus I can handle this." He told me

"I'm not leaving him" I said stubbornly

"Laxus do what's best for him" he said

I nodded and got up to leave as I was nearly out the door Gramps said "Laxus go talk to Natsu you could help each other... figure somethings out."

I nodded and left to find the Salamander

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