《Dragon mating season》Promises


I woke up in the guilds infirmary. I tried to sit up but winced in pain I looked at my arms and saw that they were covered in bruises.

I tried to remember what happened. Natsu. Natsu attacked me I couldn't believe it. Why did he do that?

My whole body ached. "Hey how you feeling?" I looked to see Rogue standing in the door frame. He had a black eye and scratches covered his face.

"What happened to you?" I asked shocked at the state of him "Sting" he said simply

"Wait what why?" I didn't understand why Sting would hurt Rogue. "No idea I guess the same reason Natsu attacked you" He said sadly.

I went to check on Gray to see if he had woken up yet. He was awake when I got there and I asked how he was feeling.

He seemed confused on why my face was all scratched up so I explained what happened.

"But I still don't understand why Sting and Natsu attacked us?" Gray asked

I didn't know if I should tell Gray about dragon mating season. But I wasn't sure if it was because of mating season that made Natsu and Sting act like that.

I mean there was no doubt in my mind that Gray was Natsu's mate so it could have been because of Mating season and Levy was telling me how Laxus had nearly hit Freed with his lightning so I guess they could be mates as well.

But then why did Sting attack me and why didn't I experience the need to attack my mate. Maybe there was something wrong with me.

"Rogue? Rogue?" Gray asked waving his hand in front of my face

"Hmmm?" I said "what?"

"I said what's going on you're hiding something" Gray demanded

"Ummm" I said trying to think of a way to get out of the situation.

"That's what I want to know?" I looked to where the voice came from. Freed walked in and walked towards us.

"Rogue you know what's going on with the dragon slayers. And I demand that you tell us" freed said glaring at me.

"I-i um...well" I desperately tried to think of an excuse that they would believe.


"Rogue? Can we talk?" Once again I looked towards the doorway and saw Sting, Laxus and Natsu standing in the doorway.

I flinched away as Sting tried to reach out for me. His face flashed with a hurt expression

"Rogue please I just want to talk?" Sting said

Even though he had hurt me I knew that he still cared about me and he hadn't meant to hurt me on purpose. So I nodded he let out a sigh of relief and signalled for us to leave the room.

Me, Sting and Natsu walked up to the infirmary we could all smell Rogue, Freed and Gray so we wanted to go and apologise to them all.

When we entered the guilds infirmary Sting managed to convince Rogue to go talk to him. They left leaving just me, Freed, Natsu and Gray.

I knew I needed to apologise to Freed "Freed can we go and talk please?" I asked trying to sound calm.

Freed looked at Gray and they exchanged a silent conversation but it ended with Gray nodding and then Freed said "as you wish Laxus" he then followed me out of the room and I led him to a empty room.

Once I closed the door I began to speak "Listen Freed I didn't mean to yell at you and I certainly didn't mean to nearly hurt you" I said

"I just have a lot on my mind right now" I continued

"Laxus I need to know what's going on recently. Why are all the dragon slayers acting strange?" Freed asked

"I promise I'm trying to work everything out and I know that the other dragon slayers are doing the same. Once I work everything out and work out what's going on I promise you will be the first to know. But for now please forgive me" I finished

"I forgive you for now but I need to know what's going on soon"

Laxus and Freed left as Laxus closed the door he gave me a reassuring nod then shut the door. I turned my attention to Gray.

"Listen Gray I'm so sor-" I tried to say but Gray cut me off

"Forget it Natsu it doesn't even matter. Please just leave" Gray said sadly turning away from me.


"Gray of course it matters I'm not going to leave until we talk about what happened" I said stubbornly

"Fine if your not going to leave then I will" Gray says swinging his legs over the bed and standing up he got a metre away before his legs gave out. He hit the ground.

I reached out offering a hand to Gray. "Don't you dare touch me" Gray yelled backing away from me.

"Gray please just listen to me. I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm so so sorry" I said trying to apologise.

Gray sighed "Listen Natsu I know we fight all the time but we have never fought that badly. Why did you take it so far?" Gray asked sounding hurt.

"I honestly don't have an excuse me and the other dragon slayers are going threw something right now and I truly am sorry that I brought you into it." I apologised "is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?"

Gray just looked at me hesitation crossing his face but then he said "I need you to promise that you will tell me when you've figured everything out. But for now I just need you to help me up and change my bandages flame brain."

I laughed at him offering my hand again and this time he took it I pulled him up and helped him back to his bed.

I then grabbed some bandages and started re-bandaging his wounds.

I let out a sigh of relief as Rogue followed me out of the infirmary. We left the guild and I led him towards the river.

We walked along the river bank in silence for awhile. I kept looking at his face his black eye and the cuts decorating his face I couldn't believe I had done that to him.

I suddenly stopped walking "Rogue I'm so sorry" I said forcing him to look at me "I really didn't mean to hurt you it's this stupid mating season I promise I would never ever hurt you on purpose"

"It's fine Sting" Rogue said I knew something was bothering him and I knew he was lying "it's not fine Rogue I hurt you and I betrayed your trust"

"I said it's fine just leave me alone" Rogue said trying to walk away but I grabbed his wrist "hey Rogue what's going on? why are you acting like this?" I said confused by Rogues strange behaviour

"Don't pretend like you care about me " he spat

I was shocked Rogue must be pretty upset "of course I care about you. You mean the world to me. So why don't you tell me what's actually wrong?" I said pulling him into a hug.

He was silent for a bit but then I felt his body start to shake as sobs racked his body and tears stained his face.

"Hey shhhh it's okay I'm here" I soothed "has mating season really got you this worked up?" I asked I'd never seen Rogue like this.

I felt him nod into my chest "why? I mean there are lots of reasons but what's got you so upset?"

"My mate won't ever love me back." He cried "and it hurts Sting I'm not like the rest of you"

"What do you mean Rogue?" I asked confused

"Well all of you felt the need to attack someone but I didn't I'm not like the rest of you. I don't know what's wrong with me" he sobbed

"Nothings wrong with you. You are the most amazing person I've ever met and if your mate doesn't love you back then they're an idiot. As for not wanting to attack somebody it's just like Gajeel said we would all experience different symptoms so don't worry" I said trying to calm him down.

After awhile Rogue finally calmed down and I looked at him asking "So am I forgiven?"

He nodded "but promise me you will tell me what made you attack me when you figure it out"

I agreed.

We sat down at the riverside and watched the boats go by.

I wish we could be together

I love you Rogue

I lent against Sting melting into his embrace

I wish we could be together

I love you Sting

Gray was asleep

I wish we could be together

I love you Gray

Freed was gone

I wish we could be together

I love you Freed

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