《The Fire and White Dragons》The dragons meet


Natsu and Happy, with small smiles on their faces, were walking around Crocus, looking at all of wonderful decorations in the streets. Everyone was enjoying themselves before the Grand Magic Games, that is in just two days.

"Hey Natsu, it's starting to get dark, I think we should go back to the hotel." Natsu nodded her head at that. All of a sudden Natsu smelled two very familiar dragon scents, Weisslogia the White dragon and Skiadrum the Shadow dragon. Natsu quickly grabbed Happy into her arms and runs towards the two scents as fast as she could.

Natsu, with Happy still in her arms, stopped and saw two men and two male exceeds, but the one who mostly got Natsus attention was the blond one of the two men, and Natsu started to blush a little when she saw his handsome face. Natsu putted Happy down gently onto the ground, who was blushing like Natsu is looking at the blonde, at the brown furred male exceed, who she thought was very handsome in her opinion.

The blond male looked in Natsus direction and blushed just like Natsu because she is the famous salamander that he heard so much about, and that she was even more beautiful than what he had hear. The brown furred exceed looked at Happy and started to blush, just like the blond, because of how cute female cat is.

"Sting" "Lector." Then two voices came from the black haired one of the two men, and a green exceed in a pink frog costume snapped all four of them out of their trances. "We need to get back to the hotel."

"Right, I'm coming." Sting turned his back and walked. "Wait a minute, all four of you." All four of them stopped and turned to look at Natsu. Natsu swallowed a nervous lump that formed in her throat.

"Why do you two smell exactly like Skiadrum and Weisslogia?" The two men eyes widened in shock because she knew their foster father's names and she could smell their scents on them.


"They were our foster fathers. How did you know them both?" Sting still stood in surprise and shock. Natsu turned her head away from the two,she had figured out now knowing who raised them, dragon slayers.

"I knew them when I was a baby, they also willingly gave me their scales to create my White and Shadow dragon armors, so I can kill my uncle, the king of all dragons, Acnologia. Uncle Acnologia was willing for me to kill him so I can end his suffering." Tears started to come down Natsus face.

"Weisslogia and Skiadrum also told me if they ever had any foster children they would let them kill them so they can protect what they care about." More tears ran down Natsus face from remembering the two kind dragons. Natsu wiped away the tears from her eyes before turning around on her heels.

"Happy, we should go now." Natsu and Happy started to walk back to the Honey Bone Inn before someone grabbed both of their writs see that Sting and Lector stopped them and pulled both of them into a very tight hug.

"So you were the little baby pinked haired girl that Weisslogia talked about 14 years ago before he asked me to kill him. He also told me to protect her when I actually and finally meet her." Sting let go of Natsu, wiped her tears from her eyes, and turned to the black haired dragon slayer and the black haired dragon slayers exceed.

"Lets go Lector, Rouge, Frosh. See you during the games, Natsu." Sting and Lector stopped all a sudden and turned to Natsu, Lector turned to Happy, both Natsu and Happy both have confused looks on their faces.

"Oh I almost forget something." Sting ran toward Natsu, kissed her on the lips for a little bit and quickly ran back to his original spot with a small smile on his face walking away. Lector also kissed Happy on her lips and ran to Stings side with a smile on his face as well, walking away with Sting.


Natsu and Happy gaped at the two walking figures, while the two who are with just looked at them with surprise looks on their faces. Sting and Lector just had huge smiles on their faces while walking back to their hotel.

Natsu and Happy snapped out of their shock and walked back to their hotel think about the kisses, blushing really hard. Those were their first kisses and they both felt sparks.

When both got back to the hotel the master started to name the people who are going to be in the games this year. He named Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Wendy. Team Natsu will be the one who is participating in the Grand Magic Games this year.

"Yea, now we can really show people how strong Fairy Tail wizards can really do!" Natsu bumped her fists into the air in excitement.

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