《A Normal Day... | Monster Girls X Male Reader》12. Full Moon Fever (Finale)


Oh god. That voice. Oh no. For all that is holy please don't be exactly who I think it is...

Slowly craning your neck around you come face to face with Apophis. Unlike the other girls who were sort of disheveled looking, she seems to look exactly the same, not including the unidentifiable and quite frankly terrifying look in her eye.

(Y/N): "Hehe w-what's a nice g-girl like you d-doing in a place like t-this.."

She gives you a deadpanned look and starts inching forward and thats what did it for you. Quickly and swiftly grabbing the door handle you yank it open with all your strength and absolutely tear it out of the car park, or at least you would've if a snake tail hadn't wrapped around your leg and thrown you back into the car. You, yet again, doltishly move your head and meet her. This time though, she looked pissed off, .

Apophis: ""

Her tone of voice made your blood run cold. Just knowing the fact that she can have her way with you right this second and you not been able to do anything about it didn't sit right with you, and your face clearly portrayed this fact.

Apophis: "What? You think I'm going to have sex with you in the back of a car? Please. I know you booked a hotel room.. so how about we get moving before I lose my temper and do it right here."

You put your hands up defensively as her tail slowly withdraws from your ankle, giving you a little freedom to move around, but not fully as her arm snaked it's way around your back and her head lay on your shoulder. Only god knows how screwed you are.

(Y/N): "I hope you realise that if we're caught I go to prison and you girls go to other owners. I won't be able to protect any of you from behind bars."

Your feeble attempt at provoking an inkling of remorse or any form of emotion was in vain, as the woman just looks at you with a lustful face, another smirk creeping across her lilac skin.


Apophis: "Lets not get caught then~"

For fu-

Apophis: "Now, get moving, before I make you"

Raising both your arms you slowly began pacing forward at a minor speed, trying to prolong the inevitable and wait for the sunrise.... in a few hours.

The foyer to the hotel was in of itself, something to behold. The decor looked like something straight out of a Greek temple and the contemporary/modern art was actually breathtaking. However, you couldn't stop as the snakes grip got increasingly tighter around your arm, to the point of stinging.

(Y/N): "Hey, I uhhh booked a room for the night..."

Receptionist: "Name?"

(Y/N): "(L/N) (Y/N).."

Receptionist: "Let's see here... Ah! The penthouse suite. I see. Here's your key sir and enjoy your stay"

She shoots you a wink and you proceed to the elevator.

Slowly exiting the elevator you begin to waddle your way to the penthouse, the snake girl still strewn across your upper body, tightly clutching at you as if you were going to disappear at a moments notice.

(Y/N): "Alright Apophis you can let go now, we're here..."

Apophis: "I don't like how that bimbo in the lobby looked at you, does she not understand the fact that you are "

Oh god her yandere side is showing, think (Y/N) think..

(Y/N): "You do realise that said "bimbo" was the receptionist and I had to talk to her to clarify my identity? It's not that deep Apo-... Apophis?"

Glancing around you saw that the demi-human was nowhere to be seen. Oh great. That was until you looked directly at the penthouse door and saw it was loosely open, propped open by a... feminine shirt. Deciding to face the facts you venture forth into the unknown, prying open the suite door.

The penthouse itself was luxurious. It came with essentially everything your house had in a more miniature form. There was an open living room with a kitchen off to the side, a balcony which contained a few deckchairs and fairly large pool, oh and the skylight.


(Y/N): "Apophis? Where'd you go?"

Immediately after uttering those words a lighting bolt hit far off in the city, and the torrential rain began to pour.

(Y/N): "As if this terrifying situation couldn't get anymore cliche..."

Taking a left in the hallway you notice one of the doors is open, and looking inside you recognise it as the master bedroom.

(Y/N): "Ugh, where is that girl?"

As if on the cue, the bedroom door slams shut and you're flung forwards onto king sized bed, the feeling of the silk blanket gracing your senses. Looking up you see the outline of Apophis, stood directly across from you in the darkness.

(Y/N): "Okay! okay okay okay you don't have to do this! It's the moons influence making you do this. Can't we just talk this out like rational humans/Demi humans and come to some sort of compromise where I don't get my dick crushed?"

Apophis: "No"

Her tail immediately shoots from across the room, wrapping around your legs and restricting your movements once again. In the heat of the moment you pick up the shirt you found earlier and launch it at her, said shirt colliding with her face and momentarily stunning her. In the confusion you swiftly bolt it to the bathroom and lock the door.

(Y/N): "Alright I'm getting major deja-vu... I need to call Smith ASAP"

Patting yourself down you're met with the sudden and harsh conclusion that... you dropped your phone.

(Y/N): "Oh my god I'm actually a FUCKING IDIOT.."

A few hours had passed whilst you were sat in the bathtub, staring at the unstimulating and quite honestly wearisome white bathroom wall. You hadn't heard anything from beyond the door for quite some time and that facf disturbed you as it was still dark, only 3am by your count.

(Y/N): "Okay (Y/N) man up. This situation isn't that bad.. I guess? There's two outcomes, if she's on the other side of that door at least I get some coochie, no matter how wrong and painful it may be. If she's not, that only means she's elsewhere and is waiting. Either way I'm either metaphorically or physically screwed so might as well embrace it"

Turning the lock on the bathroom door was the hardest thing you'd ever done, besides that pod racing level on Lego Star Wars, uhh just thinking about it made you shudder. Upon opening the door the only audible thing was the pattering of the rain against the skylight and your heartbeat.

The bedroom itself was clear, so deciding to check the living room seemed like the only other option, and that's where you saw her.

(Y/N): "Hey"

Apophis: "Hey..."

(Y/N): "I uhhh, are you okay?"

Apophis: "Do you not find me attractive? Most men would leap at the opportunity to bed someone like me, yet you're so hesitant, why? Do you not find me appealing? Do you hate me?"

What the hell just happened. The entire situation did a full 180 and you were utterly confused. The golden eyed girl just kept sipping at her mug whilst watching the rain fall.

(Y/N): "Listen... it's not that I don't find you attractive, because quite frankly you're stunning. But if this is truly what you want... a relationship that isn't platonic, you have to build it up over time. I've only known you for half a year and I know nothing about your personal life, and anyways, I'm not about to take advantage of you whilst you're in heat(?)"

Your words seemed to bring the tension in the room down to a manageable level, and with that you walk over to her, plopping yourself down next to her and wrapping your arms around her figure, bringing the girl into a warm embrace, which she gladly reciprocated.

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