《Evolve》9 - Keeps the Girls Away
We go back to the boys dorm in the morning, to see their reaction to our prank. They're all standing in the courtyard, staring at the statue of the school founder, which we dressed up as a woman. The dress, the makeup, the wig, it's all there. Even the underwear underneath.
"Mornin', boys," Zoey says, as we approach them from behind.
"Hey, nice statue," Nicole tells them, while we all watch them with broad smiles.
"It really makes your dorm look special," Dana mocks.
"Hey, Logan, is that your dress on him?" Zoey asks, sweetly.
"Wait," I squint, pretending to look at the statue closely. "No, he only wears dresses with floral prints." She makes a thoughtful sound and Logan is clearly upset.
"You're not supposed to prank us back!" He argues, and I'm about to explain that it doesn't really matter, when I spot the Dean coming towards us.
"Uh oh," Dana says, alerting the boys that somethings wrong.
"Dean Rivers," Nicole gasps, as the Dean and a stranger pull up by the statue.
"Rivers!" The man says, and the Dean looks afraid, which scares me because the stranger must be powerful.
"Yes, sir?"
"Would you care to tell me why the statue of my father is wearing that?" I gulp, watching as a photographer takes pictures of the statue. "Oh, Daddy, what have they done to you?" The man wails, while the Dean recovers from his surprise at seeing our creation.
The Dean runs over to the photographer, "don't take pictures!"
"Here, let me get this off of you," the man says, trying to remove the dress, and revealing the extreme measures we had gone to, aka Coco's bra. "Undergarments!" We all laugh, and the Dean runs over to us.
"Who did this? I demand to know this instant." We all freeze, feeling less good about the prank now that we're going to get into trouble.
"I'll tell you who did it," Logan says, and my eyes snap to him, knowing we're doomed.
"No!" Chase interrupts him, "because we don't know who did it, right?"
"I'm not taking the heat for this," he tells Chase.
Michael says, unhelpfully, "man, that's a big bra!"
"I'm not gonna ask you again, who did this?"
Chase holds his hand up, "uh, technically, sir, you did just ask again." I gawk at him, impressed that he had the guts to say that.
"Chase!" The Dean warns.
"We did it," Zoey says.
"Who is we?" The man asks.
"Us girls," Dana tells him, and I raise my hand, along with Nicole.
"Well, I should've known," the man says.
"Come on, it was just a prank!" Chase defends us, and I nod.
"We didn't mean any harm," I add, hoping to seem like a naive young teen who got caught up in the prank week tradition.
"This is what I get by letting girls into Pacific Coast Academy!" He shouts, "no harm? Look at my daddy's statue!" He points at the statue, and this time no one is laughing.
"Alright, now, wait a second-" Zoey tries to calm him, but he's not interested.
"My father always intended for this school to be for boys only, and so did I. But I let my wife talk me into letting girls in, which I knew was a mistake!"
"Sir-" she tries again.
"Girls, enjoy your next few months here at Pacific Coast Academy, because after this semester, this school goes back to boys only!" We all watch, shocked, and I feel tears come to my eyes. The man points at Chase, "and you! Get those panties off my father!"
We go to the Dean's office to try and fix things with Mr Bradford's son, who I now know is called Mr Bradford.
"Maybe I shouldn't go in," I tell the girls. "I barely know anything about him or his father, what if that upsets him more?" They pull me in anyway and we sit before him, pleading that he at least give us a chance to explain.
"I meant what I said," he tells us, "after this semester, no more girls at PCA."
"Mr Bradford, this was just a harmless prank," Dean Rivers says, defending us.
"Harmless prank? They disgraced the memory of my daddy, and his underwear!"
I carefully address the man, "sir, no one can disgrace his memory while PCA remains to be so wonderful, not even if his statue is wearing underwear." This doesn't seem to please him, and I look desperately at Zoey.
"Sir, if I could just please explain-" she says to him, and he cuts her off.
"This is exactly what happens when you put teenage boys and girls together. You know what you get? Hijinks! And I don't like hijinks, I like my jinks low." Him having a worse attitude than Logan is almost shocking. At least Logan is slowly learning and has years of growth ahead of him, this guy is married! I find myself frowning on behalf of his wife.
"Look, we're really, really sorry," Dana tells him.
"Please don't make me go back to my old school!" Nicole begs, and I silently pray that she doesn't mention boys, because a would not help us here. "The boys are all dumb and gross!" And great. I pull Nicole back.
"We shouldn't have even done it, we know that now!" I say, genuinely.
"We swear it'll never happen again," Zoey says.
"Oh, I know that," Bradford states, "because after this semester, you're gone. Pacific Coast Academy will once again be an institution for boys, and boys only."
"You can't do that!" Zoey shouts.
"Oh, yes I can. My father founded this school, I can put ducks in the toilets if I want to!"
I wait a second before asking, "can you do that? That would be really cute!"
He slams his hands down on the desk, "no!" I flinch back and look down, smile falling. "Now, good day, girls," he says, and leaves the office, while we slump deeper into our misery.
We go outside and find a bench, where Nicole and I sit down, while Zoey and Dana stay standing.
"I cannot believe we got kicked out over a dumb statue," the blonde says, and I hug my bag, tightly, while Nicole leans over and sobs into her own bag.
"I'm sorry, Nicole," I say, gently rubbing her back.
"I don't want to leave!" She says, raising her head from her bag to look at us. "This is the best school ever. It's got a swimming pool, and cute boys, and it's across the street from the beach, and has cute boys!"
"Well, I'm sure there's cute boys back at your school in Kansas," Zoey tells her, while I push the brunette's hair behind her ears and away from her tears.
"No, they're all dumb and gross!" She cries, waving Zoey away. "I want to stay here at PCA!"
"This is all the guys' fault!" Dana yells.
Zoey agrees, "I know! Them and their stupid prank week!"
"Actually," I say, knowing that their blame is unfair, "we weren't meant to prank back, but we did and now we're paying for it. It's our fault." I frown, realising how stupid it was to get involved, and wishing I hadn't had any role in it. We all sit with our guilt and sorrow, while a familiar girl walks up behind us.
"Quinn, did you hear?" Dana asks, and the girl stops, turning to us all.
"This is gonna be our last semester at PCA," Zoey explains, and I watch to see how she reacts.
"Can't talk. Plotting revenge." She smirks and runs off, holding her sonic device, and I begin to feel exhausted, and about to cry.
I lean back into the bench, listening to Nicole, "I'm gonna miss her freakish ways."
"Okay," Zoey says, when Nicole dips back into her bag, and tears brim in my eyes. "That's it, I'm gonna fix this right now."
I barely acknowledge her, and trudge to the boys' dorm, so I can attempt to cheer up by taking my mind off it all. I go straight to the boys' room, and only Logan is there. Knowing Chase and Michael there makes me feel less embarrassed about crying, and I nearly start sobbing.
"Hey, Harp," Logan says. "Can you believe the girls got kicked out?" He's making light of it, and I immediately break down. I fall onto the nearest bed and let the tears take their course, barely registering his look of surprise and discomfort. "Uh, hey," he says, gently sitting next to me, and scooting closer when I don't shout at him.
"Of course I can believe it, I'm a girl, you jerk!" I say, and he frowns. "I'm not going to be here anymore," I sob, and he sighs.
"Oh," he says, and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Well, it's okay, we'll fix it!"
"We can't!" I tell him, and give him a brief explanation about our meeting with Mr Bradford. "So, I'm gonna have to go home, and I won't be able to see you!" I hug him, and find myself thinking of how much closer we've gotten so quickly, about how my friendships here are already better than any I had back home. I'll miss PCA, and nothing will compare to it.
"I'll ask my dad, he could talk to them," he says, and I pull away.
"No," I mumble. "But thank you. Just, let's agree to keep in touch."
"You're making it sound like we're never going to see each other," he says, seriously.
"Maybe we won't," I say.
We stay in silence for a while, before I decide to go back to my dorm, all cried out and ready to sleep off the remaining sadness. I bump into Zoey, and I ask her how it goes.
"Only I'm leaving the school," she says. I stare at her, unsure what to say. "You all get to stay, it's okay, Harper, I fixed it."
"No!" I protest, following her to her room where she explains to the others.
We watch her begin to pack, and Nicole tries to stop her. "You're not leaving," she says, pulling clothes out as they're packed.
"Yes, I am," Zoey says, putting the PCA hoodie back into her suitcase. Nicole pulls it back out. "Nicole, will you stop unpacking me?"
I shout at her, "Zoey, you sacrificed yourself for us! We're thankful, but you shouldn't have to go!"
Zoey puts the hoodie back into her case, looks at Nicole, and firmly says, "yes." She then looks at me, "well, I have to! It's okay." Nicole pulls the hoodie back out, and Dana also reaches in to get something. "Dana, you're gonna have to let me leave," she says, and I feel touched that the tough girl is showing some heart.
"I know, this is mine," she says, and Zoey apologises. "Here, take it," she says, and I watch as Zoey eyes up her roommate, while I feel my fondness for the group swelling.
"You sure?"
"Take it!"
Nicole bursts out, "this is so wrong!" And I stroke her hair while she leans on my shoulder. "Zoey, you can't leave! It's-"
"Here come the waterworks," Dana says.
"Dana, her friend is leaving and she's upset!" I scold, feeling bad for Nicole and mad that Dana is using this time to take jabs at her.
"I can't help it if I cry!" She pays her face, "wait, no tears are coming out." She smacks her head, confused by this, while we watch on in concern. "Nothing, I cried myself dry. That's so sad," she says, and I almost expect tears to appear with how emotional she sounds.
Vicky enters the dorm, "hey, Zoey, um, there's a phone call for you downstairs in the lounge."
Vicky leaves and Zoey asks us, confused, "who calls me in the lounge?"
"Come on, let's go down there," Dana says, and we all follow her down, to where a group of girls are waiting to thank Zoey and say a proper goodbye.
"What's goin' on?" Zoey asks, spotting the cake.
"We wanted to say thanks."
"For fixing it so that we can all stay here at PCA."
Zoey carefully approaches the cake, as her grateful dorm mates watch. "We'll miss you, Zowie?" I look at the cake and see the error, laughing slightly.
"They misspelled it, sorry," Vicky says, bashfully.
Zoey laughs, "it's okay." She blows out the candles. "Thanks guys!" She goes over and hugs them and I gently tap her shoulder when the guys come in.
"What's up?" Chase asks.
"Just, sort of, saying goodbye."
"Listen, Zoey, we feel kind of bad, cause, I mean, the whole prank week thing kinda got out of hand, and, you know, we didn't know anybody would, um, listen we didn't want you to, uh... you know what I'm saying," Chase says, and we all watch him as he butchers his speech.
"You don't even know what you're saying," Michael tells him. "Look, Zoey, we just came by to say that we think it stinks that you have to leave. And, uh, we got you something." He pulls a bag out from behind him.
She opens it and pulls out a stuffed toy. "Aw, it's a bunny with a PCA shirt on it," she says.
"Chase picked it out," Logan says, and I wink at the bushy-haired boy when I meet his eye.
"Okay, why tell people?" He asks, flustered, and I bite my lip, finding his crush, and the things he does for Zoey, to be very sweet. And also entertaining.
"Come on, let's eat the Zowie cake!" Vicky says, and we all move in on it.
Logan pulls me aside when we've both got cake. "I'm glad you're staying."
"Me too. But, it's sad that Zoey can't stay, she deserves to, especially after all she's done for us." He stays quiet, and I look at my empty plate. "Can't wait for cake," I tell him, faking a smile and he nods, lost in thought.
"I've done it!" Quinn says, repeatedly, as she enters the lounge. "None of you thought I could build a sonic neural neutraliser that could render people unconscious with sound waves! But I've done it!" She jumps, thrilled with her own creation. "Now, when I activate this orb, you will all be knocked out, so try to fall on something soft. Ready?"
None of us move, and Zoey tries to stop the girl, but she presses the button anyway, another loud noise overwhelming us all. It knocks off the power, leaving us in total darkness, and I groan. I feel my elbow hit something, "sorry, Logan." He probably didn't even hear what I said.
"Is anyone unconscious?" She yells, over the noise.
"No!" We shout back, annoyed. She turns it off, and I watch as she walks off, into the dark. We hear a sound like glass breaking. "Okay, who put that lamp there?"
We all help out with the cleaning, and go to bed tired but full of cake, which is the best kind of tired. The next morning is less successful, as we all gather to watch Zoey apologise publicly for the prank, before she will leave the school, forever.
Dean Rivers is the first on the podium, and I watch anxiously as he begins to introduce Zoey.
"It's going to be okay," Logan whispers to me, and I smile at him, glad that he's being nice, but also aware that it doesn't change anything.
"Alright, students. Zoey would like to say a few words before she leaves. Zoey?" They swap places, and I frown at the sight of her behind the podium.
"Fellow classmates, I just want to apologise to all of you," she begins, "and most importantly to Mr Bradford and his family, for dressing his father up in ladies' clothes. And I know it was very wrong and disrespectful, and I'm just really, really sorry." She comes over to us, as Mr Bradford steps up to make his own speech.
"Thank you, Miss Brooks. Now I'd like to say a few words about my father," he says, looking back at the statue. "Although he wasn't a good-looking man, my father had a great vision when he founded this school, Pacific Coast Academy."
"This is it," Michael discreetly says, and I watch the boys, not sure what's happening.
"This is what?" I ask, quietly.
"Here we go," Chase says, and I watch as Logan picks up a remote and then pushes me past Chase and Michael, so I'm stood with Zoey. "Do it," Chase tells him, and I watch as he presses something and the statue begins peeing.
We all laugh, alerting Mr Bradford that somethings happening, and he goes over to block the water, "what in the world? Who did this?" I don't even bother covering my face, letting the loud laughs out as he gets soaked by the statue, which still looks like it's peeing. He stops, and walks over to the podium. "I demand to know who's responsible!" He shouts, and I watch the boys, carefully. "Who did this?"
"I did," Logan says, hand raised.
"You? Well, let me tell you something, mister-"
"Wait, I helped him," Chase says.
"What?" Bradford asks, watching them.
"Me too," Michael says.
"Yeah, in fact, all of us guys did it together," Chase says. "Come on, raise your hand if you had anything to do with this."
Everyone raises their hands, and Dana jumps in, "well, it wasn't just the guys!"
"Yeah, it was us too!" Nicole says.
"Yeah, all of us," Vicky says, as we all raise our hands.
"Rivers!" The Dean runs up to Bradford, not sure what he's expected to do.
"Well, what do you want me to do, sir? Expel them all?"
"He's right," Chase says, "if you expel Zoey, you have to expel all of us." We all show our agreement.
"Alright!" Bradford caves, "just stop my daddy from peeing," I snort, covering my mouth to hide from Bradford's wrath, "and no one gets expelled!"
We cheer and Logan turns off the water, I run over and hug him, "thank you," I whisper, and feel him squeeze me once in acknowledgment.
Zoey runs over to thank the boys, "Chase, you're the best!"
"Thanks, but, actually it, um, it wasn't my idea," he tells her.
"Michael?" She asks.
"Not me."
"Then who?" Michael points at Logan, while Chase dramatically turns his head. "Logan, why would you want to help me stay at PCA?"
He glances at me briefly, "uh, if you weren't here, who else would I pick on?" They both smile, her understanding that he isn't so bad, and him being willing to show it, for once.
"I've done it," Quinn says, "I've done it!"
"Quinn," I groan, "you said that last time!"
"I've done it!" She insists, "I've perfected the sonic neural neutraliser. It's time for revenge against the boys!"
"Quinn, will ya stop?" Nicole asks.
"We made up," I tell her, and she looks from me to Logan, and at all the boys mingling with the girls.
"It's over," Dana says.
"Over?" She repeats.
"Yeah, the guys helped us! I can stay at PCA!" Zoey explains, and the scientist is mad.
"Yeah, we don't need your neural neutraliser thingy," Nicole tells her.
"Which wouldn't have worked anyways," Dana snarks.
Quinn sighs, "fine. Make me do all this work for nothing." She throws the orb into the trash and walks off. I look at it, impressed she could build it, even if it doesn't work as intended.
"That girl, is just a little bit nuts," Chase says.
"Yeah, she is," Zoey agrees, as everyone begins laughing at the situation.
Suddenly I feel weird, and we all collapse, unconscious, as Quinn's device activates, successfully.
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