《5SOS SICKFICS》Michael - stomach flu


Michael had woken up in the early morning. His stomach hurt a bit and he decided to go use the bathroom and see if that would help any. So he went out there and sat there for good 10 minutes before having a bad wave of diarrhea. Michael groaned, cleaned himself and got made sure to use the air refresher before leaving.

It wasn't long until Calum had to use the bathroom. Not because of diarrhea. Just normally. But the bathroom stank. Calum covered his nose. "Eeeewwww!!! Who have been in here?!" Calum asked. Ashton and Luke both answered with "it wasn't me." But Michael hadn't answered yet. He was just quiet.

"Mikey your asshole! Are you rotten on the inside?!" Calum yelled.

"I-I'm sorry.." Michael said sadly and blushed from embarrassment.

Ashton came over to him.

"What's wrong Mikey?" Ashton asked.

"I-i didn't do it on purpose I swear! I-I-I.. I didn't meant to! Don't be mad at me."

"No no no. Not that," Ashton said kindly. "I meant, are you alright?"

Michael shrugged and Ashton laid down next to him. Ashton cuddled Michael from behind.

After about 15 minutes Michael gagged. "A-ash!" He panicked. Ashton reacted fast. "Luke! The bin!" He yelled and Luke rushed over with the bin. Michael headed over and threw up violently.

It took 10 whole minutes before Michael could catch a break and even 5 more before he felt like he was done. He leant onto Ashton who had been rubbing his back the entire time.

Ashton laid his hand on Michaels burning forehead. "He definitely have a fever." Ash state. Luke nodded and cleaned the bin.

Ashton carried Michael to the couch and covered him up with blankets. Luke placed the clean bin on the floor next to him. Luke wasn't trying too hard to help because he knew Michael, and he knew that when Michael was sick he got groggy and didn't wanted help.


When Michael had sleep the entire day and the boys headed to their bunks they let Michael sleep on the couch. But Luke woke up around midnight and heard Michael throwing up. He went to the couch but didn't sat down. He just tried to figure out wether he wanted help or not.

"Are you Alright?" Luke asked softly.

"I'm fine!" Michael said harshly.

"You doesn't look fi-"

"I AM FINE!!" Michael yelled and spat in the bin. Luke raised his hands into the air in defense and headed back to his bunk.

Michael hated yelling but he couldn't help it. He got pissed when he is sick. He wanted the comfort, he wanted the love, he wanted the hugs and the cuddles and he wanted to hear Ashton's giggle and wanted to see Lukes blue eyes and he wanted to feel Calums breath in his neck while cuddling. He wanted love. Love from the 3 guys e loved the most in the entire world.

He sobbed out softly. He regretted yelling at Luke. He wanted him to come back.

Ashton heard Michael crying that night, but Luke had just come back and said that Michael wanted to be alone. That wasn't Ashton's plan though. As soon as both Luke and Calum were back to sleep Ashton tip toed to the couch where Michael were sobbing, Ashton laid next to Michael. He cuddled him, played with his hair, hugged him, comforted him and made sure to make Michael feel loved.

Ashton giggled when Michael said something funny and he went to Luke and Calum and told them to get out in the living room. Soon the room was filled with Ashton's laugher while he was laying sitting next to Luke. Calum laid behind Michael and breathed in his neck and Luke looked at Michael. They made eye contact and Michael realized that the last piece of his wish happened. He was looking at Luke's blue eyes.

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