《Stuck on a desert island with Zayn Malik ( One Direction /Zayn Malik Fanfiction)》Damn i'm late


“Sarah .” he stuttered shyly . I noticed that Alex left us minutes ago . Just ME and Zayn. That thought made me shiver .

He looked at me insecurely and waited .

I couldn’t believe that he thought that Alex was my boyfriend . Zayn was jealous . this is the most cute thing I’ve ever seen.

“I’m so confused . well I thought that … I’m sorry.” He replied sadly , rubbing the back of his neck . I busted out laughing making him a little bit shocked . How can he be sorry? I just saw his weakness . He revealed it . Zayn was jealous . That me laugh . I don’t know exactly why .

He started giggling too . But I totally knew that he was faking it .

“hahahahahah” “hhahahahaa.” “hahahahaha.”

We spent like 3 minutes laughing nervously without reason . He sat quietly next to me , letting some fe centimeters between us as we finished our hysterical laughs .

“ I feel so stupid…” he announced in a very guilty way .

“Don’t be .” I grinned . his ‘guilty face’ made me want him more . I wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him exactly like we did in the island . I guess all those things are kind of impossible now . Everything changed now .

Zayn’s P.o.v.

“ I feel so stupid.” I admitted . How did i? why I didn’t think that it’s her brother before ? Why am I that stupid?

“don’t be.” She grinned .

I couldn’t support it anymore . I spent 3 months without her . I wanted her so badly . Only her , no one else .

She curved her lips slightly , staring at the empty road . I looked at her perfect shaped lips who’d fit mine flawlessly . I licked my lips and widened my eyes .

She caught me looking at her . I blushed instantly & lost control .

“ you know ….. I think you shouldn’t find it stupid it’s cute … I mean ..” she stopped ; blushed & put a piece of her soft hair behind her ear .


Sarah’s P.O.V. ( sorry I changed the p.o.v’s too much but now I will stop .)

“you can’t imagine how much I miss you.” He whispered in my ear , making me shiver .

“ me too.” I smiled . He suddenly hugged me tightly without saying any word . I put my head on his shoulder as he started rubbing my back smoothly .

“Sarah… I think we should leave now .. I’m seeing some annoying papparazzis over there . “

I noticed them behind a building waiting for us to…do some thing and nodded “agreed.”

He held my hand carefully , kind of scared of my reaction , just like he did the first time he did , when we were walking in the beach. That made me feel happy . we walked towards his car. He opened the door for me then sat beside me and started driving . In the middle road , he put his hand on my lap . I looked up , his eyes were focused on the road .

“ I was thinking of… I mean drive you to our home . I’d love to introduce you to the boys . if you want of course.”

“ I’d love to meet them , I’m really..” I managed to answer , but got interrupted by my phone’s ringtone . Someone was calling me :”dad.” The thing that ashamed me is : the ringtone is Zayn singing let me love you .

I felt his eyes on me as he heard his voice in my phone . I blushed and replied : “ hh hello dad.”

“where are you Sarah?”

“with my friend…”


“a.. a friend.” I glanced at Zayn

“ you have exactly 10 minutes to come back to the house . or you’ll be punished.”

“dad I’m not 10 !!!!” I protested , gazing at zayn .

“ understood? I’m waiting .” he finished .


“but daaaaaaaaaaaaad ! dad? Dad?”

He hung up.

I groaned , closed my phone and looked at Zayn again .

“ I think you cannot accompany me today.” He announced sadly.

I nodded “ no…..dad.”

“ yeah I under stand . we can report it to tomorrow? I mean you can meet the boys tomorrow? What do you think about it?”

“good idea. I’m with it.” I smiled.

“ok now I’m gonna drive you home.” He shrugged and changed the way .

We arrived in front of my house . I stepped out his black Porsche and waved “bye!”

“see ya tomorrow at 11am?”

“okay! Bye!” I grinned before closing the home’s door . That’s when I realized how much my heart was beating . *zayn’s power*

“wow I need to calm down.” I giggled to myself , touching my chest & looking around .

Alex was laying on the sofa , watching his favorite Tv show , eating pop corns .

I took some pop corns & crunched them .

“hey it’s mine!!!!!” Alex shouted .

I stick my tongue out and threw my shoes away .

“DAAAAAAD IM HOME. SATISFIED?” I screamed hoping he’d hear me .

“ push your ass off and let me sit.” I groaned , pushing Alex.

“ I think you’d never talk like that with Zayn.” He teased me.

“ certainly?” I replied In a sarcastic way and grabbed the bowl full of pop corn .

“ I told you it’s mine Sarah.give it to me” He pouted .

“puppy dog face? Haha NO IM HUGRAY!” I put a lot of pop corn in my mouth , trying to look like an insane .

“oh sista I cant’ understand something.” He brushed his chin.

“whooot.” I asked , my mouth full of pop corn.

“How did that Zayn fall for you ! seriously ! you eat like a pork .” he smirked.

“Dumb!” I giggled and threw the bowl on him then ran upstairs before he could catch me . His curly hair became Pop corn hair , it was so funny .

I closed my room’s door and tried to call Madeleine to tell her about what just happened . she’d literally faint if she knew it . But she didn’t answer . Maybe she was showering or something like that . So I decided to Call Mona .


“MONAAAA!” I screamed.

“what’s wrong?” she laughed .

“ I met Zayn I just met him he invited me Mona I can’t believe it….”

“ I’m coming .” she mumbled & hung up . That kind of surprised me .

I shrugged , threw my phone on my bed and went on twitter as always . I reblogged some few funny stuffs .

“I AM HERE!!!!” mona opened my room’s door , carrying her bag and a pillow .

She ‘decided’ that she will sleep with me tonight . Yeah that’s Mona.

I spent the night talking with her . Telling her the whole story with all the details .


“sweetie… sweetie….” Mom’s voice woke me up.

I opened my eyes and found myself laying on the carpet , with Mona’s pillow. I looked up , she was laying on MY bed with MY pillow . What a girl .

“whaaaaaaaat.” I mumbled & close d my eyes again .

“the guy of yesterday ..is waiting with his friend downstairs.”

“What guy? ZAYN?” I jumped and glanced at my watch : it was 11:12am I slept a lot : because of mona .

I opened my window discretely and found him , Zayn with Niall waiting in his car .

Damn I’m late .

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