《Stuck on a desert island with Zayn Malik ( One Direction /Zayn Malik Fanfiction)》The interview


He gave me his last amazing kiss , pulled away then disappeared in the crowd , letting me alone , shocked .

“SARAH OH GOD!!!!!” someone shouted .

I glanced at my left and perceived mom , dad , my family , my friends.

Mona jumped in my arms crying “OH my god SARA you’re ALIVE OH OMG OMG YOU’RE BACK SARAH WE MISSED YOU.”

Mom cried and hugged me too.

Dad smiled “ we missed you Sarah . you cannot imagine how much I was worried.”

I just hugged him. I was glad to see them again.

When we came back to the house , everyone was asking me 85852 questions without letting me the chance to speak. I missed them so much. I missed London too.

“girls . what time is it? It’s still summer?” I asked , kind of confused.

“Sarah we’re in September . we started school days ago.”

“wow.” I dropped my jaw : I spent more than one week in that island with Zayn . That’s a lot .

The first thing I did when I went home is : sleep in my room. I missed it too : sleeping on banana’s leaves isn’t really comfortable . But it was incredible because Zayn was with me. I closed my eyes and slept peacefully . I was so tired.


“wake up Sarah school!!” mom’s voice woke me up.

I groaned , got up and walked towards the bathroom . it had been two months since I came back from that island . My life is pretty much normal now . Except of some people who point at me when I’m hanging out and they are like “ you’re not the girl who….. you know . Zayn kissed you in the airport?’

And I always nod :” no it’s not me . I’m just a look like maybe.”

I brushed my teeth lazily , thinking of all those depressing things . That week when Zayn and I came back from the island , everyone was talking about us . On the internet especially : that picture of him kissing me became so famous . I also found a trend called :”Zarah”


How did they know my name. Perhaps because Zayn tweeted it one day after our return . “I already miss you Sarah. :- (“ that’s what he tweeted

I was like obsessed during two months : I did my best to join Zayn . I wanted to call him but didn’t have his number , I tried to send him some fanmail but I guess he has too much mails , he cannot read all of them . Also I tweeted him too much , hoping he’d notice of course he didn’t : too much tweets .

I started giving up little by little . I didn’t want to break that promise but I need to forget him .

Because every time I remember the last words that he said to me , I spend my night crying .

“promise you’ll not forget me.”

“I promise.”

“ I love you.”

Then that kiss , that amazing last kiss . It was driving me insane , totally . I’m really falling for him . But sometimes I remember something really old : when he hated me . we did a deal . He let me alone in the airport without taking my number . Maybe he was just playing . Now he’s in London . Perhaps I didn’t break that promise but he did? He’s famous . he meets girls everyday . He forgot me . Or if he meets me again he will laugh at me . like he did to me the first day I met him in Spain . Certainly .

I finished brushing my teeth & fixed my hair promptly ten went downstairs . Mom was there , preparing the breakfast .

“you’re late.’ She shouted as she saw me.

I just nodded , grabbed an apple then ran outside .

SCHOOL . always school forever school.

“how’s Zayn’s girlfriend doing today?” Mona teased me.

“Shut up.” I giggled . She was calling me like that every day . it was pretty much annoying because it reminds me of him . But she’s my bestfriend . Zayn probably forgot me.


Madeleine came , running a fool holding a laptop & shouting my name .


“what’s wrong, you saw a wolf?” I joked.

“Sarag I’m serious . you need to check this !”

She opened her laptop and started searching through the youtube videos.

“seriously ….Madeleine? you brought your Laptop with you to show me a video!” I giggled .

“it’s an interview. It’s about Zayn.” She explained .

My heart skipped a beat .

“what’s wrong with Zayn?”

“what’s wrong with you girl ! you didn’t watch it . I can’t believe it.” At that moment , the bell rang .

“school time.” I pouted.

“ I don’t care you will watch it you need to watch that .just write on youtube “ zayn crying interview.”

I don’t care I don’t give a f..” she got interrupted by the teacher : “Miss Madeleine . you will cry if you don’t go to your classroom. RIGHT NOW!”

“Ok sir.” She blushed and gave me that “watch it or I will kill you.” Look.

Zayn crying? I started being a little bit worried . I knew all his actualities , saw all his tweets , everything . But that “crying” thing I never heard talking about it . it’s certainly a recent . I couldn’t support it . I needed to watch it . We were in the classroom.

I took my phone discretely , hoping the teacher wouldn’t notice & I went in youtube.com and searched what Madeleine tpld me . I found the video , it was really recent :”5 hours ago.”

I put my bag on my lap and hid my phone in it , then started watching discretely . I wasn’t hearing the talks very well . I leaned towards my bag . My head was totally in the bag . it was kind of funny . I was hoping the teacher wouldn’t notice .

I started watching ….. ** **

Zayn’s P.O.V… in the next part ;) lol

Leave some votes PLZZZZZ : =) hope u like my story & spread the word plz :( anyways :D tell me watcha think bout it… love . –zineb.

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