《•Accidentally in Love• Bakugou X Uraraka》Chapter 32: Acceptance and Graditude


[Bakugou Pov]

I sit down at my desk and grab a pen. My breath was held and i'm slightly nervous. I look over at Ochako sleeping in bed and i have her a light smile. I wanted to express my feelings for everyone here at UA. After hanging out with my friends at the arcade yesterday. I need to get my thoughts out of my head. and i guess this is what i have to do.

I pick up the pen. and i begin to write...

"This is it. This is what everything has come down too. When i first started here at UA high, i was a selfish wannabe. I had no other desire but to beat deku and everything. I yelled all the time, well fuck i still yell but back then it was worse.

Deku never gave up on me. He never once let his hope disappear and i've always wondered why he never let his faith drop, i had always had the fear of disappointment. I was alone. i truly was alone. I don't think i had ever been so alone in my life before coming to UA.

My first friend here was Kirishima. Now we didn't get along right away. In fact i yelled at him almost all the fuckin time. But he never lost that spikey grin of his. He taught me what it was like to not be alone anymore. We practically did everything together in fact. He became my best friend. And i'm not ashamed to say that anymore.

I soon made other friends. Sero. Kaminari. Mina. Me, ShittyHair, and them clicked instantly. it was the type of bond that no one understood but didn't question. We drank, we laughed, we always had a good time. It felt good to be surrounded by people who cared.


I was no longer the big bad man on campus. and i honestly don't care anymore. I had become the person i wanted to be. and that's what i cherished.

Me and All might had created a bond. After fighting deku, i realized that i truly was just a kid and i didn't have to be as tough as i pretend to be. All might showed me that. And it's something i can cherish forever.

I thought my life was perfect.

But it wasn't just yet.

Me and Uraraka became friends after I almost broke my hand. Almost ironic that i have a broken arm now. She stopped me from punching a wall and never left me alone. I remember i was so fucking annoyed beyond belief.

I began to train her, And i remember she admitted to not even wanting to train at all. It was just me she wanted to be with which took me a while to understand.

I remember hanging out with her and never failing to make her laugh. I had loved every moment with her. The way she giggled. the way she held my hand. I was falling in love with her without even realizing it.

Our first kissed was rushed, But i remember my heart stopping in a way i couldn't describe.

We almost got caught. But i still haven't forgotten the way it felt.

We soon made love, and i remember every moment of passion and delight. It was truly beautiful. And i'll never forget holding her that night.

A while after..

I lost sero and kaminari as friends. I hated them for a long time because they had spreaded a rumor that i couldn't take back. because it was true. It wasn't a rumor. I had lost my virginity and that night and hated the fact that now everyone else knew. But i almost lost her.. I yelled and yelled at her. And Hated myself for it. I still remember me crying to her and begging her for forgiveness.


and i told her i loved her.

She loved me too. and it's something i'm grateful for every day i wake up.

Deku loved her too.

When i found out, my heart was overflowing with anger and anxiety. I couldn't believe that someone else looked at her the way i looked at her. And when I saw him kiss her. I lost it.

I got drunk, and for a horrible moment. I thought she didn't love me anymore.

I didn't know that He kissed her without her permission. And he said goodbye. We didn't have to deal with him anymore.

All of this, Has made me who i am. Her and i have been so happy together in a way that i love more than life itself. I love her more than life itself. Coming to UA was the greatest decision of my life. I made the decision to Apply out of Vain, and i am going to leave with happiness. She is my absolute world. And i promise you. One day i'm going to Marry that girl. I swear on my life.

This Life isn't always what I planned it to be. But god damn it's a good one. -Katsuki Bakugou"


i hope you guys have enjoyed. thank you for being along for the ride.

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