《GhostMyers OneShots》Je te laisserai des mots


This was inspired by one of bizzare_hat_ drawings on Instagram, I suggest checking him out he's a great horror artist! ^^

|| Major character death! ||

The sounds of painful crying rattled Haddonfield, the place seemed colder than it already was the wind now seemed more hallow as it whispered its faint sorrows as it pushed along the leaves, 2 figures sat in the middle of the road one cradling the other close the feeling of sadness draped over them.

Danny was slouched over Michaels cold body tightly holding his head as close as possible not wanting to let go of his lover as he limply laid on his lap Danny's desperate cries echoed through "Michael! Please just get up please. Your ok right? Please tell me your ok... Michael!" He pleaded denying the bitter sweet scent of iron that filled the air as the blood slowly began to leak down Michaels chin as his already pale face slowly turning paper white with whatever life was left in his limp body melted away, Danny had ripped off both their masks in desperate measures only moments ago, moments ago that now where lost.

They were only walking along heading for a huge trial meet up with the other killers when the sharp sound of air being cut in half was heard through out Haddonfield originating from beside him where Michael was walking along leaving a horrific sight for the Ghostface to react too.

Michael laid trapped in the spikes that drove through every vital organ in his torso before the spikes violently pulled away leaving Michael on the ground his stiff body now completely limp.

He didn't disappear, why didn't he disappear in the shrouded embrace of the entity?! why didn't she take him to fix him up as good as new again?

The silent man slowly lifted his head up at Danny, his glossy eyes giving a look of sadness before slowly laying back down like a tired old dog. The realization hit as him, She has abandoned Michael leaving him to die one final time.

A sharp sting hit Danny's nose and eyes began to over flow as he collapsed quickly taking Michael in only to see in his eyes he was gone, he hadn't cried this hard in so long he didn't even know he was capable of such emotion as he shook trying to control himself the rush of emotions flooded him like a tsunami wave crashing down with anger, sadness and lost of someone important, finally he let out the shattering scream creeping up his throat he never thought he'd give in a million years for another person specially for another killer.


He sat like this for a long time as the entity cooed and whispered in his ear telling him to leave and let go of his sweet Michael, but the killer stayed.

blocking out the consistent nagging of voices until it finally fell silent leaving the both of them alone in eachothers presence for one final time that Danny wasn't gonna let end, this moment didn't need a photo he thought to himself as he felt the tears stain his cheeks.

It wasn't long until someone came along looking for the two, surprisingly it wasn't one or two killers coming in concern but four, The legion came walking into the realm nonchalantly chatting away and laughing like teens do as they had been looking for their favourite killers since the trial ended thats when they all suddenly fell silent as they looked upon the distant figure of GhostFaces his slouched mass holding a much bigger figure.

Running up in concern they soon realized who he held as he sat in a puddle of the cold iron scent of blood surrounded like a island lost at sea.

Susie ran up to the two as her caring nature overtook her senses Frank quickly protested but it was too late the GhostFace had lashed out at her like protective guard dog grazing her leg as she backed away fast but as quickly as he reacted he pulled away paying all his attention back to Michael, in shock of seeing both masked killers out of mask and one of them dead they all decided it was best to stay away from. The Ghostface for now, not daring to question what happened to the quiet giant that laid limp in his arms, obviously something seriously fucked up happened sometime before or during the trail.

Silently the teen group left Julie holding Susie close as she had a slight limp, all quietly deciding to go announce the news to as many killers they came across leaving the GhostFace to mourn some more in silence, only the cold Autumn breeze to keep him company.


After months without Michael and the Haddonfield realm disappearing Danny had taken up residence in the legions ass freezing crusty ski resort, he hadn't been out of his cold creaky bedroom much. Completely shutting himself out from everyone as no one could coax him out the teenagers tried everything they knew from offering gifts, charms and the such until they gave up only bringing him dinner which mainly was junk food but he couldn't complain.

The killer was much more different even at trials the entity forced him into, they where dull as ever he didn't even try to kill, stalk or chase anyone leaving the entity disappointed in him every single time, even if it absolutely ate at Danny to not kill the little rats and take beautiful photographs with them he couldn't bring himself to do it as he lost all motivation to do so. He missed his silent partner in crime admittedly a bit to much, he felt like a helpless dog without a owner or a school girl who's boyfriend moved 2 states away, he felt like a character in one of the many cheesy 80's rom com's he grew up watching.


He hated the weakness he was showing so like with everything he began to mask it like he'd done so with many things. He began to show anger constantly snapping back at anyone, constantly lashing out like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and staying silent driving everyone away obviously noticing his playful attitude and chatterbox side had died along side his companion, no one got near except maybe Susie and a few other friends of his but he dug himself into a pit unable to listen or even pay attention to others for long.

It was another failed trial when the entity had enough of her once prized beloved killer had completely stopped bringing her beautiful blood or even new complex emotions to feed off of besides his own that only consisted of numbness and mourning that tasted bitter and awful. She had been receiving this for months before finally coming to a decision on what to do with Danny, she was gonna do what she did to Michael.

The day that started this little show.

Danny starred out into the cold winter blizzard the wind swirling and blowing the snow around like a child with a new toy, but soon a creeping unsettling feeling had ran up his spine, the familiar whispers of the entity telling him sickening things slowly clouding his mind like a thick fog, he knew what was to come of him as he walked over to his small side table he grabbed his favourite photo of him and Michael, it had been taken only moments before Michael began choking the shit out of him and killing him which was the first time they had met, once in his hand he felt the sudden sickening sharp pain go through his chest before pulling out leaving him to hit the floor hard, just what he deserved after all for being such a love sick fool.

No doubt the rest of the small crew heard it all but he just laid there helplessly in a sticky warm mess accepting the inevitable holding the photo close to him like he had done with Michael, reliving the event like yesterday.

Silently he slid the mask off his face for the final time and sticking his middle finger up into the air with a mad mans grin shouting his final goodbye to this cruel sick dimension that was a savour and a hell "f-fuck you!" He let his head tilt betwards the door, his throat began to fill with blood he spat it out before his vision started to fade the last thing he saw was all 4 teens storming into the room knifes drawn out like some sick scooby doo gag it was quiet funny to see.....


Danny bursted awake in surprise looking wildly around his surroundings which seemed somewhat familiar in realization and shock it hit him he was in "my apartment?" He mumbled confused it was just how he left it last with the light on at his desk with laptop lazily left open, his mug sitting on his windowsill still half full with cold coffee in what seemed to be forever ago he was last here in the final snapshot he'd left behind in what seemed years ago now......

Coming to his senses he quickly began scrambling around the messy apartment before he found his phone under his jacket still soaked in crusty blood from his last hunt...

Turning it on revealed the night he was taken by the entity the only real difference was it was 3am "I only missed 3 hours?!" He said getting up and quickly heading to the washroom in disbelief wondering if this was a dream or not "I was in there for 2 god damn years and I missed 3 hours?!" He complained turning on the light to check if he still had any scars he had gained from what seemed to be actually a pretty rad long ass dream in the realms, checking he only had few of the scars from before though much more faint and less noticeable I guess it actually was real... turning on his sink and splashing his face he than realized this wasn't a dream either.... "THAT MEANS!" He shouted as he heard banging from the other side of his apartment wall and yelling he quickly ignored it racing over to his laptop he had research to do straight away.

Jed Olsen had a new story planned for the front cover of the news it was going to be a lot of work and convincing but it will be worth it...

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