《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 47
"Was that everything?" Legacy asked closing Roman's trunk. I nodded my head with a frown. This school year was fun and annoying as hell, but I sure as hell wasn't ready to leave my baby. Miami and New York were at least like five to six hours away from each other and that was just too far just for a day visit. "Fix your face, we'll be back in no time and besides aren't you stopping by Miami?" He smirked wrapping his arms around me. Just remembering I began to smile. "Yes sir, a whole month to be exact." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. We planned this before I left, just so Leigh could stop crying over me and let me go catch my plane. Even though I wanted to go with Roman to Trinidad this year, thank God I never asked or actually told him. Or he would've been mad as hell, but yeah let's thank God. "You see? There's no need to pout Love, August isn't around the corner but its near." He chuckled making me smile. "Fine, but it would be better if somebody comes to New York for a weekend or two or three." I smirked as we shared a laugh. "I'll do two just for you. Okay?" He smiled, so I nodded my head. Roman honked his horn making us laugh even harder. I pulled Legacy closer to me as we began to kiss as he picked me up, so I wrapped my legs around him. "Is this the Notebook?" Calvin scoffed sitting inside of Legacy's car. "You'll be missed too Calvin don't worry." I teased getting down and hugged Legacy. "Yeah whatever. My nigga can you just hurry up?" Calvin frowned making us laugh at him. He was missing his Clementine already, she had to leave two days earlier because her mom was rushed to the hospital for one of her seizures. "Fine. Go ahead, I'll call you when I make it home." I let go of Legacy and went to get inside of Roman's car, but got pulled back. "Who said to listen to Calvin?" Legacy asked making me laugh at him. "Nobody. But he's going to complain and besides ya have to check on Cle, she hasn't been answering me all day and I'm worried about her." I frowned. "Okay. Later baby, I love you." He tapped kissed me. "I love you too. Call me when you get new information from Cle and tell her I love her as well." I smiled before climbing into Roman's car. As Shante sat up front, she looked mad as hell and so did Roman, but Kaiden was in the back looking relaxed. Cassandra been went about her way so they were fine with leaving each other. "I'm sorry if I took too long." I apologized just kill the tension in the air. I was planning to go home and enjoy my summer, not deal with drama. I dealt with that shit this whole school year; including vacations. So I believe I deserve a drama free summer vacation. "Nah you good best friend." Roman smiled looking back at me. "Oh okay." I mumbled. So they were having their own little problems huh ? I sat back and plugged my headphones in. Seeing Shante and Roman snapping at each other, I took my head phones out of my ear and began to listen. "Aye! We just ended a successful year of school! Why can't everyone be happy for once?!" I yelled hoping they would shut up. Shante head snapped in my direction as she mugged me. "Shut up you're the cause of this." She spat while rolling her eyes. I looked over at Kaiden and he just shrugged still playing calm. "How?" I jerked my head back facing Roman and Shante. "Tell her! Tell her what you did Roman!" Shante yelled making me frown. What the hell did I do that caused them two to fight ?! And why didn't Roman come to me ? I mean he comes to me for everything else. "So are you going to tell me Roman?" I asked crossing my arms. He cleared his throat and lightly sighed. "Just leave it alone Kay, its nothing that deep." He muttered as he pulled out of parking. "How not? Shante is telling me shut up and making me the blame for your problems. I believe I have the right to know what did you do." I said making him suck his teeth. "Yeah you could most definitely drop me off at the bus station now." Shante snapped. I furrowed my eye brows and just sat there. "Hello Roman." I said as he continued to ignore me. Shante let out a sharp chuckle, but kept quiet as well. Did he lie on me ? Kaiden must know what's up. But I know he's not about to open his mouth, he always sides with Roman. So I just left it alone, if no one wants to tell me then fine don't. I just know I'm not as guilty as they make me seem. Roman had the music playing as he pulled up to the bus station for Shante. So she cut it off and turned around facing Kaiden and I. "Bye Kaiden." She smiled and snatched the bag from under my feet. "I don't know what your problem is with me, but I would sure like to know." I faked a smile. "This asshole said your name last night when we were having sex - hell he's been mumbling it for the past two weeks." Shante said before getting out of the car. "Help me with my fucking bags Roman!" She yelled making people look over at her. I just ignored her and began to scroll through my phone. Roman sucked his teeth and got out of the car to help Shante. "Why would the fuck would you actually tell her?! I told you that I was sorry!" He yelled. But I kept quiet. I wasn't even going to brag about how right I've been all this time.
"So is it true?" I asked while looking over at Roman. He bit down on his bottom lip as his eyes fell to the floor. We were grabbing my suit cases and bags out of the back of his car. "Come on you could tell me." I said sliding the straps of my Nike duffle bag into my shoulder. "What difference is it going to make?" He shrugged. I gasped and stared at Roman. After all this time of us fighting over me dating Legacy - it wasn't because he cared about me getting hurt, its because he had feelings for me. I'll let him slide though. That's something he'll have to deal with. "I'll probably be with Kyrie today, so I might be busy. But you could come over today." I shrugged ignoring everything he just said. I really didn't feel like doing all of this today. "Aight." He said and passed me my suit cases. "Thank you." I said before walking towards the front of the car. "See you later ugly." I stuck my tongue out at Kaiden. "Shut up big headed ass and besides I'll be seeing you this whole summer." He teased making me laugh at him. "Oh yeah? Says who?" I raised my eye brow up at him. "Me. Even when you don't see me, I'll see you." He smirked making me laugh even more. "See you later creepy boy, later best friend!" I yelled before walking over to my house door. Knocking on the door, Gloria opened the door and scoffed. "Didn't you find your family already?" She smirked. "It was nice seeing you too Gloria." I smiled walking pass her and kept on walking. "Kaylee!!" Malaysia yelled while running to me. She was back to her slim self, her hair was just much shorter. "Hey Lay Lay!" I squealed dropping my bags and pulled her into a tight hug. "I missed you!! And yes that blonde hair had me ready to cry!" She yelled making me laugh at her. "Thank you, but I promised that I'll be natural for the summer and two months for school to give my hair a break." I giggled. "I liked it." She smiled. "Thanks and your hair. Where is that pretty hair?" I faked a whined making her laugh at me. "Garbage, I needed something new." She shrugged making me smirk. "I like the sound of that. I hope you went to Jessica." I said and she started to laugh. "See what had happen was Jessica was team you, so you have to put that name in for me." She said making me smirk. My reasons for loving Jessica, even though Roman listened and got upset when I always told him my problems. Jessica was there giving me advice as well. So she wasn't too fond of the girls. "Okay fine I'll do that for you. Where's my child?" I asked her. "Waiting for his favorite aunt to come get him so mommy could go on her date with his daddy." Malaysia smiled making me laugh at her. "Tell him give me five and where are you guys going?" I cooed as we began to head towards my room. "He said its a surprise and told me to get cute." She blushed making me smile. I was actually surprised but happy at the same time that they actually stayed together throughout the whole pregnancy. But that's because Roland always been a sweetheart. "Awwwe." I smiled placing everything down in my room. I didn't need to do laundry being that Clementine and I did that Tuesday night. And speaking of Clementine, I needed to check on her again. So after putting my clothes and everything else up, I gave her a call. After three rings, she answered.
"Don't kill me! I know I wasn't answering but that's because I was scared for my mom! She's fine now though!" Clementine said all in one breath.
"Oh okay thank God, I was just as scared. So what did they say about her?" I asked as Malaysia walked into the room with a sleeping Kyrie. And she mouthed 'I'm running late'. So I fanned her off as she placed him on the bed with his chair.
"She's fine. She just need to keep on taking her medicine which I'll stay on top of that, but she's right here asking who's asking about her." Clementine giggled making me laugh with her.
"Tell her its one of your cutest sisters from school." I smirked making Clementine laugh at me.
"She hears you and she said to tell you hello and thank you for caring." Clementine cooed as I smiled.
"Hi momma Cle! And you're welcome next time tell your stubborn daughter to answer my call because I almost had six anxiety attacks thinking about you guys!" I slightly yelled.
"She's laughing and trying to pinch me!" Clementine yelled making me laugh at her. "But how did you say goodbye to your annoying ass boyfriend? He came to the hospital crying like if something else happened." Clementine scoffed making me giggle.
"Awwwe I have to check on my baby, but we said goodbye a thousand of times. While your hating ass boyfriend complained. I think he wants Legacy all to himself." I teased making her laugh at her.
"He do, I think so too. But I'll let you go I know you're probably under your little man Kyrie, you couldn't stop talking about him." She teased making me smile and look over at Kyrie.
"He's sleeping, but okay. Later Cle, thanks for making my freshman year the best and I hope to see you next fall." I smiled as my eyes began to water. I really hoped we would end up in the same dorm again. Maybe including Jayde even though the other girls might want to join us too.
"I know you're about to cry because I'm crying! But no thank you! And we're going to be roomies this fall or I'm going to fight Ms. Camara!" She yelled making me laugh at her.
"Okay, later Cle." I giggled.
"See you in August!" She cheered before hanging up. I tossed my phone to the side and laid back with Kyrie. He must've been in a deep sleep with all of the snoring he was doing. I giggled and kissed his soft chubby cheeks. He looked so much bigger now and I couldn't wait until he wake up.
Laughing as Legacy tried flashing me on face time, I gasped as Malaysia made her way into the living room. "Damnnn Malaysia!" I cheered as Kyrie smiled. As soon as he woke up, I had him smiling non stop. I think he like the sound of my voice. "What?" She frowned making me giggle. "You look good! Go ahead mommy Malaysia!" I cheered making her laugh and fan me off. I was serious though, she looked good and she better thank Kyrie for them hips he made her grow. Dressed in a royal blue crotchet top, white pencil skirt as her feet wore some pretty silver sandals that showed off her freshly pedicure toes. She rarely wore make up, but her lip gloss was popping as Lil Mama would say. And her lashes were flapping naturally, as she always liked. "Can I show you off?" I asked making her laugh at me. "Can you stop? Before my head pop from you gassing me up!" She laughed grabbing her clutch then kissed Kyrie's cheek. "Say mommy you look niceee!" I cooed making him show his gums. I giggled and kissed the other side of his chubby cheeks. "Thank you Kaylee." She laughed. "Where are you going?" Gina asked as she walked into the living room with Mrs. Graham and Zaine. "Hey what you doing here? Your favorite cousin isn't here." I teased making him smirk. He took a seat on the couch next to me and looked over at Kyrie. "I'm bored at home and I knew that you were pulling back up today." He shrugged making me smile. "I'm stuck babysitting until Malaysia comes back and that's if she do." I winked at her and she started laughing. "Ma get your child! She's trying to have me thinking I'm Beyonce around here!" Malaysia yelled walking out of the door. "Have fun Lay!" I yelled and Zaine chuckled. "She looks cute right?" I smiled and he shook his head 'no'. "I thought you found your family. Why are you still here?" Gina asked. I laughed and lowered the volume on my phone. Legacy started cursing her out, but she didn't need to hear that. "Gina!" Mrs. Graham yelled at her while Mr. Graham just scolded her. I didn't care though. "What were you planning to do today?" I asked looking over at Zaine. His mouth hung open as Legacy hung up on me. He's probably going to call back after he cool off. "Nothing really. But let's go get something to eat." He said. "Okay, I'll be back." I said carrying Kyrie in his chair and went back to my room. I was about to get us both dress since we were both lounging around in our pajamas. So I got him undressed first and put him in a white onesie, green jumper that had little dinosaurs all around the jumper and the bucket hat to match. Sliding on his socks he began to randomly smile at me. "What?" I cooed making him smile even bigger. He was too cute, I couldn't take him. Changing my clothes, I wore my Isaiah Thomas Celtics jersey dress with my white and green Sam Smith's Adidas. Letting my curls drop how they were earlier, I combed through them lightly before coating my lips in my new favorite lip gloss, Shine Shot. Filling my bag up, I slid my phone inside then began to fill up Kyrie's baby bag. "We're going outside?" I smiled as I picked him up and we back downstairs. "I called up Roman too, he said he'll be here in like ten minutes." Zaine said as I strapped Kyrie down in his car seat. "Less traveling for us." I smiled crossing my legs. "Don't suck dick in front of my nephew, please and thank you." Gina smiled. I chuckled and slowly placed the bags down. "How many ass whippings will it take for you to shut up? I'm not having this bullshit this summer." I said making Gina sit up and smirk. "You didn't beat my ass, maybe you beat Malaysia's scary ass but not mine." She laughed dryly. "So shut up then, if you could beat me then go ahead about your day. Aren't you old enough to have your own apartment? Go do that and while you're at it go find someone who'll love the bitterness out of you." I said while rolling my eyes. And I can promise myself that'll be the last argument I have for the rest of the year. I'm tired of giving these people more than twelve rounds and they would still want more. Especially her and her sister. Like we fought plenty of times, they even jumped me. But what changed ? I'll still be the same fun out going Kaylee that they can't stand. Its just a waste of time with them. Gina started cursing me out while I laughed and texted Legacy letting him know that I was perfectly fine. "Hey! Hey! Who's cursing like that?" Mrs. Graham asked rushing into the living room with a spatula in her hand. "Your child." I giggled making Mrs. Graham look over at Gina. "What's your problem?" She frowned. "Welp! Roman's outside come on Zaine." I said standing up and carried Kyrie outside of the house. "Oh shit look at him." Roman chuckled while he opened the door for me. "Thank you. And right? He's gotten so big!" I smiled fixing Kyrie's car seat. "Facts look at him." He smiled as I closed the door. Roman just stared at me as if he wanted to wanted to say something. So I spoke first to lighten the mood. "So I was right all this time?" I teased pinching his cheek. "Shut up." He chuckled and slapped my hand down from his face. "And why are you dressing like me?" I teased seeing that he had on the same exact jersey. "You've been watching my style. Stop it." Roman chuckled as we climbed in his car and here came Zaine laughing.
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