《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 28
Getting ready to go to Roman's house, I had took another shower so I wore my white v neck sweat shirt, light denim Robin jeans and my chocolate brown Uggs. Since my hair was already straightened, I just rubbed some lip gloss on my lips and put on my coat then grabbed my phone. "I'll be back." I said to no one in general, but since everyone was in the living room I felt the need to say so. "Where are you going?" Mrs. Graham asked. "No one cares, just let her go." Gina fanned me off as she rolled her eyes. "To Roman's." I smiled ignoring her. I'm not going to let her ruin this weekend. "Oh okay. Zaine and them are coming over again." Mrs. Graham smirked. I started laughing and shook my head. She seen us kiss during the night I had to stop him from wanting to hurt his mother. So now that's all she teases me about. "Oh okay I won't be out all night." I said before walking out of the living room then out of the door. Roman was already parked outside waiting on me, Mr. Graham didn't really like him because Roman always cursed out Gina, Gloria and Malaysia anytime they said anything to me. So yeah he really wasn't welcomed into the house. "Hey, hey!" I cheered hopping in his car. "Why are you so excited?" He chuckled as we hugged. "I'm home and I already finished Christmas shopping." I shrugged with a smile. "And what else?" Roman smirked. "Malaysia and I are cool now." I shrieked. I always wanted a little sister, that's why I loved Kamira so much even though she's my niece. But big sister's and little sister's bonds are the best. And hopefully we'll get to have that. "That's what's up. How did that happened?" He smiled as he pulled out of parking. "She's pregnant and needed my help." I shrugged calmly. "Pregnant, by who?!" Roman asked making me laugh at him. "By her boyfriend Ro and she knew right off the back the twins would only judge her and forget it with Brandon. But do you know he plans on coming up to the school to get to know Legacy? He asked how you felt about him and all." I said making Roman laugh. "That nigga Legacy better lose that cocky ass attitude that week." Roman chuckled. "He's going to be fine, let's pray Brandy likes him." I shrugged and put on my seatbelt. "Yeah yo ass need to pray. That's just my friend, that's your nigga." Roman teased making me laugh at him. "Yo you're no help and did you tell your mom about Shante?" I smirked. Unless she didn't notice his chain that Shante brought him. "Nah, not right now. But this little girl told on you about Legacy." Roman said and I rolled my eyes. My ass is going to be in the hot seat tonight. "Please tell me none of the guys are there." I whined. Tiana always on somebody Snapchat running her mouth, today she'll be kindly getting deleted and blocked. "Nah they're on the their way though." Roman snickered. "Oh this about to be fun." I sighed and sat back. "You'll be good, I'll even tell them about Shante." Roman patted my thigh. I started laughing. He's only going to get in trouble by Ms. Angela, she's going to curse him out then me. But I have Mr. Aldon, Uncle Joseph, Uncle Roscoe, Grandma Pam and Ms. Angela to get interrogated by. Good luck to me though. Looking over at Roman, I started laughing. "What?" He laughed along with me. Before I could even say anything, my phone began to ring from a face time call.
"Hey Ugly Face." I smiled. It was a call from Legacy laying in his bed and shirtless. That boy loves to be shirtless and have his bare feet out as well.
"What's up? And you always going somewhere." He smirked while playing with his curls.
"I'm going to Ro's house so hush up. You're always shirtless." I playfully rolled my eyes.
"You like that though and tell Roman what's good?" Legacy smirked. Since we were at a red light, Roman took the phone from me and started to talking to Legacy. I jerked my head back, but started laughing. "Ewww nobody wanted to talk to you either Legacy!" I joked making them laugh at me. "I'm sorry baby this my bro!" He yelled making us laugh at him. I playfully rolled my eyes and stuck up my middle finger. "What you fucking with though?" Roman asked placing my phone in the window as he began to drive again. We were only like ten seconds away from his house anyways. "Ain't shit. Everybody complaining how cold it is out here. So a nigga stuck in the house. What ya fucking with?" Legacy asked through the phone. Roman parked the car and took off his seatbelt, so I did the same and got out. Roman had already grabbed my phone, so I closed the door and walked over to his house. Roman passed me the keys, so I unlocked the door and walked in smiling. Ms. Angela and Mrs. Graham do the same thing, cook big dinners the whole Christmas break, but on actual Christmas day is like Thanksgiving all over again. "Honey I'm home!" I yelled making Grandma Pam laugh at me. "We're in the kitchen honey!" Grandma Pam yelled back. So I made my way over to them, leaving Roman talking to Legacy. "Hey my favorite ladies." I cooed while walking into the kitchen with the biggest smile ever. "Hey my favorite grandchild." Grandma Pam joked as we hugged tightly. "Hey baby. I see you hiding that hair again." Ms. Angela smirked as we hugged right after. "Had to, it soon start snowing and I can't get this hair nappy." I joked as they both laughed at me. Taking off my coat, I took a seat at the table and smiled at them. "Why are you so happy girl?" Grandma Pam furrowed her eye brows at me. "You two are making my favorite meal." I cheesed making her laugh at me. "Kaylee did always eat like she was overweight." Ms. Angela shook her head making me laugh.
"So you have a boyfriend huh?!" Uncle Roscoe yelled while busting into Roman's room. After eating the mixture of alfredo and some garlic bread, I ended up falling asleep. I looked up and started smiling. "Hi Fat man." I sat up. Tiana must've been downstairs. "So who is he? What is he studying? What is he like? How do he act? And you do know I don't like him already right?" Uncle Roscoe frowned at me. I started laughing and walked over to him. "How about we save all the questions until Uncle Jo and Mr. Aldon gets here?" I hugged him tightly. "Bet. How are them grades looking though?" He asked as we walked back downstairs. "Great! Would you like to see?" I smiled. I know that's one of their problems of me having a boyfriend, making sure my grades won't slip. But trust me, I got this. My degrees and career will always will be here, boys won't. "Yeah let me see." He said. "Let me get my phone from Ro." I said and walked into the living room. Roman and Legacy was still on the phone. "What are ya talking about still?" I smirked as I sat next to Roman. "Grown folks business." They both said making me laugh at them. "Just to burst ya bubble, that wasn't fly. And Legacy my brother seen that you brought me that onesie." I smiled making Legacy smile. "He was like I don't even know why he got you that." I giggled. "He's right, she don't shut up about Golden State." Roman chuckled making me playfully mug him. "Facts, but I thought that'll help." Legacy snickered. "Oh that's how ya feel? Fine." I said and stood up walking away from them. Walking into the kitchen Tiana was on Snapchat; the irony of that. "Ro is still on the phone and hey Tiana. What you doing?" I smiled taking a seat. "On snap." She smiled right back and flipped the camera. "Say hi to my real cute cousin, she's taken though." Tiana said as she recorded me. "Shut up." Uncle Roscoe said making me laugh at her. That's what her ass get for trying to be funny. "How's school though? I miss high school, every single day used to be lit." I smiled at her. Let's mention things that happen on snap now, her ass is always skipping class or smoking someone's weed. "Its aight." She shrugged ignoring her dads stare. I mentally laughed and shook my head. "Why? You don't have friends there?" I smirked. She rolled her eyes and I started laughing. I got her exactly where I wanted to her to be; on point. "Yeah, I have friends." She mumbled with a eye roll. I slowly nodded my head. "Oh yeah that's the ones that you're always smoking with right?" I asked playing clueless. Her eyes grew huge as she quickly looked over to her dad then to me. "What?!" He snapped. I shrugged and got up from my seat then walked back into the living room. That'll teach her to stop running her mouth. "What the hell is she talking about?!" Uncle Roscoe yelled even louder. I just shrugged and sat next to Roman. "What did you do?" He smirked. "Nothing we were just reminding each other what we be doing on snap since we're both on it." I shrugged smiling innocently. Call me petty Betty, yup that's me ! "You're fucked up, her ass about to get slid on." Roman chuckled making me laugh with him. I was tired of being the victim, it wasn't okay to become the bully either. But it was time to fight back, the easy way. Using this smart ass mouth of mine.
After having a whole three hour talk about sex, drugs, boys and my grades with Uncle Joseph, Mr. Aldon and Uncle Roscoe, I was able to go back home. They kept cutting me off and they even spoke to Legacy over face time. The amount of times they threatened him was the worst, but he didn't mind. And Roman ass didn't even help me out, they actually kicked Grandma Pam, Ms. Angela and him out of the kitchen. They knew one of them would easily give in and let me easily escape from the kitchen with out a second thought. So I was all alone, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. They actually was on my side more than anything, just letting me know how sneaky boys can be. They even used Kaiden's crazy as an excuse, but I low key understood where he was coming from. Unlocking my house door, I walked in hearing that everyone was still in the living room. So I closed and locked the door then walked over to the living room. "Zaine!!" I squealed rushing over to him. All the adults laugh at me as I jumped into his lap giving him a big hug. "Only Kamira and Zaine gets that treatment." Mrs. Graham smiled. "He's my favorite." I cooed and broke our hug. "What's up?" Zaine smirked as his dimples deepened. "I'm fine. What about you? Oh and Ro said to tell you hi." I smiled kicking off my Uggs then sat in the extra spot that was next to him. "Oh why he didn't pull up?" Zaine furrowed his brows. "Because he can't." Gloria smiled while flipping her hair. He looked her way and shook his head. He didn't fuck with them after the thanksgiving weekend either. "Yeah, but I have so much to tell you." I smiled while resting my head on his shoulder. "We out. I been wanting to get out of these girls face for the longest." Zaine hopped up as he mumbled the last part. But I heard him since I was close enough. "Okay we can go." I giggled grabbing Uggs then walked off with him. Walking into my room, I smiled feeling how cold my room felt. "I knew it would be like this and that's why I didn't take off my sweater." Zaine shook his head with a chuckle. "I love being cold inside of the house." I said placing my Uggs down then hung up my coat. "Zaineeeee!" I cooed jumping in my bed. "What's up?" He chuckled slouching in my big plush chair. "I missed you.... I know you wasn't ducking me?" I raised my eye brow up at him. He shook his head 'no' and started laughing. "Lying ass! But let's get serious, how you been doing since the whole thanksgiving weekend?" I asked him. "I'm cool. I've been doing good actually, I even asked my moms to meet my biological parents and she said she'll help me too." He said and shrugged. "I wish I had the nerve to look for them." I mumbled with a pout. I'll hate to actually meet the parents that gave me away and live freely without even caring how miserable my life turned out. Well that's until I actually got to move away from here. I love that I could actually go back after a few days. "For real? I know I'll be mean as hell to them at first, but nothing to off the wall to scare them away." Zaine chuckled which made me laugh at him. He's a lie, his attitude is always off the wall. "Don't scare them people away Zaine." I giggled and he smirked. "I'll try not to, but what's new with you?" Zaine crossed his arms. I started blushing and mentally rolled my eyes at myself. Even though that reminded me to fight Legacy for letting Roman steal all his attention when he called for me. "I talk to a boy, but its not those kind of talks either. Its like we're only talking to each other. No side chicks, no hoes, no secret baby mothers or anything like that. And I also got a job, but I'm on break right now being that my arm is a little messed up." I shrugged making Zaine smile. "My little Kaylee is actually growing up.... This shit feels so unreal. First college, now a boyfriend and a job. What's next? Your own car?" He smirked making his dimples deepened. "Stop it Zaine, you're hyping me up." I laughed playfully tossing my pillow at him. "Nah its a fact, but I'm proud of you. You didn't let this shit destroy you and turn you into a miserable individual or blame the city for your failure. You doing the damn thing." He said and I smiled real big. I wonder how many people felt this way about me. Minus Mrs. Graham, she actually cried over me getting a job. "Thank you Zaine. You can't see it nor hear it, but my heart is actually jumping all over the place." I giggled while dabbing at my eyes. He scrunched his face up and started shaking his head. "I forgot how emotional you could get." He chuckled. I sucked my teeth, but ended up smiling. "The only thing that stayed young on you is them braces." He snickered making me playfully roll my eyes at him. "And they're getting taken off a week before my birthday." I smiled before flipping my hair at him. "Oh shit. Kaylee about to fuck the club up." Zaine chuckled making me laugh at him. "I hope so." And we started laughing again. "Kaylee?" Malaysia cried as she walked into my room with a face full of tears. "What's wrong?" I panicked hopping up off of my bed and ran over to her. "Nobody wants to make me some shrimp and nachos." She cried, I looked over at Zaine and he slightly shrugged. "Okay stop crying and we can go get them okay?" I asked as she slowly nodded her head. "So get dressed." I said and slipped my Uggs back on. "Okay." She sniffle and walked out of my room. I sighed and grabbed my coat. "I know I'm not the blindest person in the world, but is Malaysia pregnant?" Zaine asked with a slightly raised eye brow. My head quickly shot up and I stared at him. He slowly shook his head and acted as if he zipped his mouth shut. "That's why she's so cool with you now huh? You blackmailing her mean ass?" Zaine asked with a bored look. I shook my head 'no' and softly sighed. "She's scared and I was the only person she could turn to." I slightly shrugged. "You're a sweetheart, I hate it. But I promise to keep my mouth shut." Zaine stood up. If Zaine was able to put two and two together that fast, how in the hell didn't everyone else did ? She probably avoided them at all times. "Are you ready?" Malaysia smiled. "Yeah come on, Zaine are you coming with us?" I looked over at him. "Yeah I could eat, but one of ya treating me though." He joked making us laugh at him.
"So now you miss me huh?" I smirked while staring at Legacy through my phone as we were on face time. After coming back from eating with Malaysia and Zaine, I began to grow tired again. So I took a shower then tried falling asleep but Legacy ended up calling me and telling me how much he misses me. I can't lie I missed him as well, but I could hold out on him being that I missed my family as well. Also Malaysia needed my help more than anything. And speaking of Malaysia, I had to let her know having these random outburst and weird ass cravings had to hold off until Christmas day. Even though she cried over that, she agreed with controlling herself.
"Yeah I miss you Brace Face. What did you do all day?" Legacy smirked while twirling his curls. Once again he was shirtless as his gold band chain dangled from his neck, but this time he was in some basketball shorts and a pair of Elite socks.
"Went to visit my second family, took my baby sister out to eat and played dolls with my niece until she fell asleep holding all three dolls. How about you?" I smiled until I heard a knock on the door. "Hold on Legacy." I said before getting off my bed and opening the door. There stood a sleepy Zaine dressed in a white Nike shirt, black Nike shorts and some Nike slides that were held in his Nike slides. "Okay Nike boy. What's up?" I smirked making him chuckle and walk pass me. "Yo I cannot sleep." He groaned climbing in my bed. I sucked my teeth and just got comfortable as well. He's such a big baby for sleep, so I'm not even going to fight with him. "I'm back!" I cooed picking my phone up.
Legacy shrugged and we started laughing uncontrollably. Him and that damn smart ass mouth of his. "Who was that?" Legacy asked before licking his lips at me.
"My spoiled ass favorite cousin." I shrugged and he nodded his head.
"What, she don't want to share her Kaylee." Legacy smirked as if he was doing something. I laughed and shook my head 'no'.
"Its a boy and he don't like anyone's bed except for mine because I'm a princess." I shrugged with a smile.
"Oh that's what's up. But do you still got your ones?" He smirked.
"Hold that thought." I giggled as I got off my bed and grabbed my headphones. Zaine didn't need to encounter on how this conversation was about to go down. "Ewww go in the living room!" Zaine yelled at me. And I started laughing. "Stay up because I miss you." I spoke to Zaine while I stood at the door entrance. That was my excuse just so I won't be up by myself when Legacy and I ended our call. "Aight hurry up freak nasty." Zaine mumbled and turned on the TV. I laughed before walking out of my room then downstairs into the kitchen. Grabbing a pack of birthday cake Oreos and took a seat on top of the island. "But yeah I have my ones. What's up? What we're about to do with those?" I smirked.
Legacy chuckled then ended it with a smirk. "Where's that thong?". I started laughing and took a bite out of my cookie.
"Upstairs in the dirty clothes, but I have plenty of more." I shrugged with a smirk.
"I like that shit, this week need to hurry up!" Legacy said making me laugh at him.
"But what's going to be my entertainment?" I faked a frown while tilting my head to the side. If he was going to be able to see me dance for my money then I would love to see what he'll do for his.
"I'll think of something look at you getting all kinky and shit." Legacy snickered while I playfully rolled my eyes at him.
"Do you expose girls? And don't say no just to say no because I would hate to be plastered all over the internet for trying to start this relationship off with a bang." I squinted at him. That's one of my biggest fears minus meeting my parents. But to be exposed for trying to entertain a thirsty nappy headed boy. Especially since Gloria been getting exposed since she grew a body.
"That's for little boys and you're mine so why would I want for the next nigga to be geeked off what's mine?" He scrunched up his face at me. But I was still unsure, I know all about boys and their little swindles. "I never understood when niggas did that childish shit, I like having what niggas don't. But you have nudes for me?" Legacy smirked. I shook my head 'no'. Making him suck his teeth at me then frowned. "So why'd you ask?".
"Just making sure and since when I became yours?" I smirked trying to hide the fact that I was actually blushing.
"Since I laid eyes on you. Nah I'm fucking with you, Kaylee will your stubborn but beautiful ass be my girlfriend?" Legacy smiled at me.
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