《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 12
Ringing Roman's doorbell, I secretly hoped one of them were home. I didn't have time to call because I was rushing out of my last class. Hearing the the locks twist and turn, I sighed lowly. Kaiden was the one who opened the door. "Oh shit! What's up Kaylee?" He said with bugged eyes. "Hey. Why the surprised look?" I frowned walking pass him. Kaiden looked as if he just stole from me and now he was planning to duck me. "I haven't seen you natural in so long it looked different and your hair is even out... What's going on?" He frowned passing me a water. "Thank you and no. What I'm ugly now?" I scoffed while rolling my eyes. I was never the one to be insecure about myself nor my looks, so hearing "you're ugly" was hearing someone speak in a foreign language. I didn't understand it. "Hell no, I'm just saying you only do this when something is messing with you. So what's up?" He kicked his feet up on the extended couch. "Where's Roman? And I need my hair done. Do you know anyone who knows how to do hair like Jessica?" I frowned at Kaiden. That was the only problem about going away for college, my hair stylist who's been doing my hair since I was fourteen wasn't going to be right here with me. And I'm very picky about who touches my hair. So now I was stuck with my hair undone and me looking plain. I mean I love my natural look because that's all me, but I do also love getting dolled up. Kaiden started laughing while shaking his head. "Just wear your hair like that, its not like you're bald and struggling to pull that into a ponytail." He shrugged staring back at the TV, that displayed 2K16 on the screen. "Excuse me? Halloween is practically here!" I snapped making him laugh at me some more. "Yo you females and this damn Halloween party." He chuckled and paused the game. "You know Cassandra doing the same shit you're doing right?" He laughed. "Later for that ho, she's only going to choose the brightest hair anyways. I can do that with my eyes closed." I rolled my eyes, but started smiling seeing a sleepy Roman walk into the living room. "I knew that was you." He mumbled sitting next to me then laid on me. "Hi Ro and do you know any of these girls that knows how to do hair as good as Jess?" I frowned again. Roman started laughing and shook his head. "I swear I knew this day would come." He continued to laugh. "This is soooo not a laughing matter, I feel myself losing hair already." I whined making them both laugh at me. "You guys suck ass." I rolled my eyes while unlocking my phone and sent a text to Paisley.
Me : Pai do you know anyone who does hair ?
Me : Very good ?
Me : I'm not trying to wear my hair out for this Halloween party 😓😓😓
Hearing the doorbell ring, we all sighed but Kaiden got up and opened the door. "Oh I was just talking about you baby." Kaiden said to whoever was at the door. "Awwwe really?" The girl cooed and he moved to the side letting her in; Cassandra. I rolled my eyes even harder, nobody planned to sit here and argue with this girl for the next few hours that I was here. Especially now that she always have to say something to me or Jayde whenever we're in her presence. "Yeah baby." Kaiden smiled walking behind her after he closed and locked the door. I rolled my eyes and went back looking into my phone, Paisley still haven't texted me back. "Ugh, what did I tell you about this?" Cassandra scoffed. Ignoring her annoying ass voice, I texted Quentin. Zeus stay around girls, hopefully one of them girls have go to a good hair salon.
Me : Baby daddy ?
"Yo what I tell you about calling him that?" Roman mugged me and snatched my phone. "That's my god sister, you must've lost your mind thinking I would drop her for yo ass bruh." Kaiden said making my head snap in their direction. Hell Roman could delete Quentin's number for all I care right now. This bitch really tried to make Kaiden distance himself from me ? She must've lost her cotton candy head ass mind ! Not my crazy Kai. "What happened?" I asked standing up. Yes those were fighting words and if she was a little closer, no words would've had even been crossed. "Chill Kay." Roman pulled me back down. They already knew how this fight would end. "No this ho wanted Kaiden to distance himself from me, for what? Afraid that I'll take your nigga?" I laughed trying to take Roman arm off of my hip. "Sis I could've been had him a long time ago sweetie..... Matter of fact as of today Kaiden you're my nigga. Have a seat." I said making Roman and Kaiden laugh at me. "Chill Kay." Kaiden laughed but winked at me. See ? She don't even know the half. "Go in the room my nigga." Kaiden mugged Cassandra. "Hi Roman." She spat as she stomped over to Kaiden's room. Roman still didn't let me go even when we both heard the door close. "You can let me go now." I said mad as hell. Cassandra didn't even deserve to be sitting with a bare face right now. That ho deserves a few knots and black eyes. "Nah I been wanting to talk to you." Roman frowned at me. "Why the frown? And what's up?" I asked getting comfortable in Roman arms, I already knew that he wasn't going to let me go. "Cause what did we come here for?" Roman asked me. "Where?" I asked tilting my head to the side. "Kaylee don't get fucked up, why are we in college?" He sighed. "To better our education so later on in life we can smile at our bank accounts while sitting somewhere in a place neither of us can pronounce." I cheesed making him laugh at me. "Stop I'm trying to be serious and who's going to distract us?" He asked raising his eye brow up at me. And my mouth formed a 'o'. I already knew where he was going with this. If Legacy went running his mouth like a little bitch, I'll be a faint memory to his ass. But I'm going to see what Roman already knew. "Boys and girls, but what's up?" I asked crossing my arms looking at him in the eyes. "Everyone keeps on telling me how they seen my best friend all up under Legacy and this is like a every other day thing. I mean I wouldn't mind ya doing ya, but I don't want for my best friend to get distracted over some dude who's going to make it in life over some sports and not his brains." Roman said making me nod my head totally understanding. But here's the thing how can Roman have all types of girls around him, when I can't be under just one boy ? Reading my mind Roman started smirking. "And I know your smart ass probably like but how is that fair that he have girls and I can't be with boys? Its fair because I'm not looking for a relationship. These girls be random booty calls while on the other hand, you're looking for a relationship. Or if not yet, you'll be expecting one." He said making me sigh softly. Roman was absolutely right, but how can I get distracted so easily ? Over a simple ass boy. Like think about it, I can keep him waiting while we talk and by that time the school year should be over and I'll be fine. "I don't even know if Legacy wants me or if I want him." I shrugged telling the somewhat truth. Yes we're attracted to each other, been knew that since the first time we laid eyes on each other. But Legacy be doing his own thing when I'm not in his face. And I don't say I do my own thing, but I don't stop Zeus from calling me on Face time whenever he wants either. So its like yes we like each other's company, but I don't belong to you and you don't belong to me. Simple as that. "So why do ya be with each other everyday?" Roman smirked. I laughed and shook my head at him. "We do not be with each other every day!". Roman smirked and switched from the game to cable TV. "Hmm." He mumbled. "I swear! Its like two days out of the week and not even two." I rolled my eyes while smirking. "So what's this shit going on with Quentin?" Roman asked. Well damn who is this boys research ?! He knowing names and shit like I never knew I had a paparazzi following me. "Quentin, really? That's Jayde's ex! I would never even do that to my baby nor myself." I laughed while shaking my head. "Move over." I said so he slid down some and I kicked my feet up. "Now let's talk about you and your hoes!" I smirked while looking up at him. "Chill that's grown folks business child, don't you have something to do?" Roman smirked passing me my phone back. And I smiled seeing that both Quentin and Paisley had texted me back. "Now this, you can't act like my daddy and not let me act like your mother." I said unlocking my phone.
Baby Daddy : Yo ?
Me : Ask Zeus where do his girls get their hair done at ?
Paisley : Wya ? I'll take you there myself. I go to Pam's all the time
Me : Ro's and okay good. I'll be waiting for you
Baby Daddy : What kind of shit is that ? Lmfaoooooo !!
Baby Daddy : PS I miss your big headed ass 😒😒😒😌
Baby Daddy : Zeus do too 😜
Me : Lol I want to know where do these girls get their hair done at ! I took out my weave and I'm not trying to go to that Halloween party with my natural hair
Me : And I miss you guys too ! I'll stop by today if I have time
Baby Daddy : What ? Let me guess you're bald ? I guess I'll stick with Madison then. I can't be with no bald chick
Me : Bald where ? And boy I don't want you either !! Can't stand a double ass nigga and PS I took this today
Baby Daddy : That's all you ? Wowwwww and Lmfaoooooo damn sis ! You just came for my whole life !
Me : Yes that's all me and lol shut up
And Roman snatched my phone from me again. I didn't even fight for it back, Paisley should be on her way anyways.
"You like?" Pam asked after finishing up with my hair. I don't know why, but I put all of my trust into Pam's hands when I let her do my versatile Malaysian body wave, but as for now I had it split in the middle. I stood to and moved closer to the mirror. Examining my new hairstyle, I spun around and stared back at Paisley and Pam while they stared back at me. "Expect a new loyal costumer." I smirked while passing off the hundred and fifty dollars. "Yes thank you boo boo." She smiled and kissed her daughter's forehead. "Later ma and you're welcome." Paisley smirked flipping her freshly done hair as well. On the way to the hair salon, Paisley informed me that Pam was actually her mother. Which made the ride much more easier for me because I was on the verge of worrying all the way until we got here. "You really like it?" Paisley smiled as we walked towards the exit. "Yes and why didn't you been tell me this?" I nudged her. She shrugged smiling. "And I'm going to spank Cle ass too! She let me panic all night and even helped me take out my hair." I said and we started laughing. "Her mind was probably somewhere else." She giggled. "Right? Her random self." I laughed. We got inside of her car and put on our seatbelts. "So about the Legacy dude....." Paisley smiled while pulling out of parking. "What about him?" I laughed. Everyone was enjoying the gossip about the "new couple". "That's what I'm trying to figure out." She smirked and quickly looked my way with a smirk. "We're friends, that's it." I shrugged and Paisley pinched my thigh. And it didn't help that I only had on leggings. "Ouch! What was that for?" I asked ready to pinch her back, but she was driving and I love my life. So I just sat back and rubbed my stinging thigh. "Why are you holding out on your girl?" She smirked. "I swear I'm not, we are really friends! Cause if we were more I can promise you that everyone would know starting with his lady friends." I laughed making Paisley laugh with me. "Hmmm fine I'll take that." She smirked and turned up the music as Xanny Family by Future was playing. "Oh that's crazy I haven't heard this song in forever." I smiled while turning up up some more. Going on snap, I was using all of my favorite filters until the song went off and Take Care by Drake came on. I locked my phone, I love me some Drake but my singing face ain't too cute. Especially if I swear I'm on stage and all eyes are on me. The drive was quick getting back to the campus. School must've officially ended it because the campus was looking like rush hour about now. "Pai and Kay! I was looking for you girls!" Zillah yelled rushing over to us. "What's up? And hi baby." I smiled hugging her. "Hey babe and please tell me that you know how to braid like the salon." She asked still trying to catch her breath. "Who?" We both asked. I just did Calvin's hair the other night and Legacy been texting me about the compliments he's been getting. So I guess I can do a thing or two. "Any one of you, it would great if the both of you do." Zillah fanned herself. I giggled, I wonder how far was she when she spotted us ? Poor baby. "I do. Hold on let me ask Calvin to send a picture of his hair." I said unlocking my phone. "Calvin?!" They both yelled at me. "What?" I laughed at them. We walked into the building and stood in front of the elevator. "Bitch you got the juice. Can I have some?" Paisley asked holding her hand out to me. "Wait how?" I laughed at her and that damn hand. "You are talking about Legacy's, Calvin right?" Zillah asked with a raised eye brow. I laughed while nodding my head. These heffas better not think that I want or talk to him as well. Yes I was enjoying the attention from the boys, but Calvin ? That would just be low. "How the hell did you get him to let you touch his hair?" They both asked as we walked onto the elevator. I shrugged and started smiling. I guess I did have the juice. "No don't shrug. How? I've been trying to braid that good ass hair from the first day we all got here." Paisley asked making me laugh at her. "Uh I did Legacy's hair first and then Calvin kept on talking about his braids so I offered to braid his hair." I shrugged. Their jaws hung open which made me laugh again. "Can ya stop?". "Clemmy isn't going to believe this!" Zillah laughed as we got off the elevator and walked down the hall. "She was right there." I said making them laugh at me. "You're playing right?" Zillah asked. I shook my head 'no' as I unlocked the door. Clementine was too into herself while staring at the mirror. "I'm going to pull up to that party and be likeeeee flips weave, well hair cause its mine!" She yelled before making herself laugh. "Girl you need help." I laughed while kicking off my fluffy Nike slides. She looked back at us while laughing. "I had to hype myself up and yessss I like your hair!" She cooed smiling. "Thank you and Zillah do you have the braiding hair?" I asked crossing my legs. "Yeah....
Actually I do." Zillah smiled while pulling out her packs of hair. "Yes let's get down to business and look if you want to make sure that I'm ill with the hands." I said showing her a picture of Calvin's braided hair. "Girllll why didn't you been tell me?! We could've been did business!" Zillah squealed passing me the bag. "Business? I don't charge my babies." I cooed while grabbing the comb and big container of Dax grease. "What?!" They all yelled at me. I laughed and shook my head. "I've never charged my friends." I shrugged. Doing hair was always a fun hobby to do, so when someone needed their hair done I'll do it. Unless I'm busy or don't feel well. "Nah it won't feel right me not paying you, so I'll give you a hundred dollars." Zillah said taking off her scarf. Her hair was super long and curly. "You foreign?" Paisley joked making us laugh at her. Zillah shook her head 'no'. "I am natural though." She smiled making us cheer her on. "Pai complicated ass knew that already though." Zillah playfully rolled her eyes. Paisley snickered and tried ignoring Zillah's comment. So we all started laughing uncontrollably.
Hearing a knock at the door, Clementine and I both looked up at each other. Paisley and Zillah been left our room hours ago. "Expecting company?" I smirked at Clementine. That's one thing I've learned about Clementine, yes she talks to people on the side. But its very low key, I found that out on the day we broke night and she couldn't stop blushing at her phone. And I had to beg it out of her with my nosey ass. "No. You?" She returned the same smirk. "Not that I know of." I furrowed my eye brows. Climbing out of my bed, I walked over to the door with Clementine behind me. Thank god she's not no scary ass roommate. "Who?" I asked with the only attitude. It was going in one o'clock in the morning, so what was so important that they needed to come here right now. "Legacy." He said making Clementine suck her teeth and walk back over to her bed. I opened the door and poked my head out. "What's up? We were sleeping." I asked and he pulled me out of the room. "I don't even have anything on my feet." I whined holding onto him. "My fault, but I just realized we didn't speak all day." He said and I couldn't help but to frown. I wonder what he had up his sleeve now. "You realized that at one o'clock in the morning Legacy?" I raised my eye brow up at him. He nodded his head and stumbled a little. "Are you drunk?" I scrunched my face up at him. "I could be." He smirked while trying to hold his balance. I shook my head and grabbed his hand, it was only Wednesday ! Why was he drinking ? And who would let him get this drunk ? Some friends he has. "Take a seat I'm going to call Calvin." I said making Clementine head pop up but then looked back down at her phone. "Where's your phone Legacy?" I asked looking at him while he laid across my bed. He was dressed in all black with his gold chain hanging from his neck and his earring almost falling out. But what made me frown was the big two hickeys that were displayed on his neck. "Here Kay." He groaned passing me his unlocked phone. I remember him saying when he gets drunk that he unlocks his phone just in case if he needs help or somewhere to crash if he's close enough. I searched through the call log ignoring all of the girl numbers that he called today until I found Calvin's name. I tapped on the call icon and waited for Calvin to pick up his ringing phone.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Hey Calvin, its Kaylee. Um your best friend is sloppy drunk and I was wondering would you mind if I ask for you to come get him?" I asked now pacing the floor.
"Why? Weren't you the one who got him drunk?" He retorted making me laugh at him. "What ya niggas not alone anymore so now bro gotta dip? Heard the rapist." He chuckled. I bet he couldn't even last one day without saying something rude !
"No, actually I didn't. He just came to my room talking about he just realized he didn't talk to me all day but couldn't even stand straight without almost falling over." I spoke back calmly. He's lucky I wanted to make sure Legacy would get home safe or this phone call would've been turned into a disrespectful conversation.
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