《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 10
"You know you could've called me right?" I raised my eye brow up at Legacy. We were finally back on the campus and happened to see Legacy with his little friends. "My phone died." He lied. I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, but Clementine and Legacy were still talking. So I just stood by the entrance not wanting to stand in Legacy's face any longer. "Tahdah!" This girl cheered walking over to them. I scanned her cute, but basic outfit and smirked. "Are you ready?" Legacy smiled as he spun her around. My mouth dropped as I stood there in complete shock !! Did he really just spin her around ? Wow, disrespectful. "Yeah we can go and hey Clementine, I seen that you and your friends had a blast this week. Why weren't I invited?" She faked a pout. "Awwwe sorry! I didn't even know that you were back in town, but next time you'll be the first one I'll invite." Clementine smiled. No she will not. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs. Waiting for the elevator my phone started ringing. It was Mr. Crush a lot; Quentin.
"What's up?" I sighed.
"What's wrong? And you have to come over. Remember tomorrow is the day we give in our baby." He said sounding like he just have woken up.
"I'm coming in like twenty minutes, I have to shower." I said.
"Aight, my room door is 109." He said.
"Okay I'll text you when I'm on my way." I said as I walks onto the elevator.
"Aight." He said before hanging up. I pressed my floor and waited to get there. Once the elevator doors opened, I rushed to my room and quickly got undressed. Hopping in the shower, I didn't even get to charge my phone for the little time that I was showering. So when I got out I quickly put it on the charger. Taking a seat, I rubbed some cocoa butter all over my body before putting on my PINK sports bra, panties and a plain white shirt. "Heyyy I see bootay!" Clementine cheered as she walked in. "So gay." I smirked while grabbing my hot pink PINK sweat suit and put it on. "What Roman on his way?" Clementine asked undressing herself now. "No, I have this little paper that I have to do." I said lowering the zipper some and slid my feet into my Nike slides. "So why are you leaving?" She asked grabbing her towel. "Its with Quentin." I said combing my hair down then placed my chargers, wallet, keys and laptop into my black H&M double strap bag. "Ohhhh okay!" She cheered making me laugh. "Its not like that!" I laughed grabbing my lip gloss as well. This campus will never be able to say they seen these lips dry. "Mhm lip gloss popping, but text me if anything." Clementine said walking towards the bathroom. "Okay." I said before walking out and locking the door. I quickly texted Quentin as I made my way into the elevator and downstairs. Walking out of the building, Legacy was still there with that girl and his boys. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking while using the dog filter on Snapchat. Both pictures came out looking extra cute. "Kaylee!" I heard Dallas yell my name as I posted both pictures. "What?" I looked back at him. "Come here." He said in a duh tone. "I'm actually on my way to somewhere. What's up?" I asked ignoring Legacy stares. So Dallas jogged over to me while smiling. "Why are you dressed like ya boy?" He smirked. I looked over his outfit and started smiling. He had everything I had on just in royal blue, he even had on his Jesus head piece chain on. "Boy what did I tell you about peeping through my window?!" I playfully hit him. "Chill." He laughed. "But where are you going though?" He furrowed his eye brows at me. "To a friend's house." I shrugged. "To a friend's house? Your friends live with you." He said frowning at me. "Not all of them, but I'll catch you later." I hugged him. "Yo why do you smell so good?" He damn near moaned in my ear. "Thank you and that's because I showered." I laughed breaking our hug. "You smell good as hell, but be safe aight?" He smiled at me. "You do the same." I winked at him before walking towards the boys dorms. Before I even walked into the building, Quentin was outside waiting on me. "Where were you Ms. Twenty minutes?" He asked with the mean glare on, but with the glasses he had on, I couldn't take him serious. "Sorry everyone kept on stopping me, but are you ready?" I smiled. "Yeah we in the room." He said walking inside of the building, so I followed him. Once we got inside I halfway mugged Quentin. He know this ho hates me and he invites me over anyways ?! Too messy. "Hi Kaylee." Madison rolled her eyes. "You could've kept your hi, no one wants your man." I rolled my eyes right back and sat down on Quentin's roommate's bed. "Chill ya and look QJ mommy's here." Quentin said then placed the baby on my lap. "QJ? Since when?" I asked him. "Since his mommy wants to dress all sexy on snap, yeah I seen you." Quentin plopped down next to me. "I must be pussy." Madison said sliding to the end of his bed. "What?" Quentin and I both asked her. "I said I must be pussy! Why are you calling her sexy?!" She snapped at him. "Nobody called her sexy, I said she was dressing sexy. There's a difference Madi." Quentin said making Madison roll her eyes as she sat back. Thank you, stay quiet. "Now let's get down to this paper." I said turning on my laptop. "Yeah. What are you going to say? Cause you can't mention how cute I am. That doesn't make me a good father, just a good looking person." Quentin smirked while rubbing his face. "Boy bye! Don't even go there." I laughed while rolling my eyed at him. "Nah how about this, we write our mini paragraph then go over it together?" Quentin suggested. "That's much better." I shrugged plugging my headphones into my ear. Music makes me focus and makes typing much faster.
"So do you like it?" We both asked each other. "Yeah it's cool even though you didn't mention how good I look." Quentin joked. "Oh whatever!" I laughed. "Are you hungry?" Quentin asked while closing his laptop. "Starving. What we about to get into?" I asked saving my work then closing my laptop as well. "Chipotle or In and Out?" Quentin smirked making his dimples appear. "In and out." Madison answered with the only attitude. She was so quiet, I forgot that she was still here. "Sounds cool to me." I shrugged. "Aight come on then." Quentin said grabbing his keys. I packed my things then got up off the bed while holding the baby and its belongings. "Yo Q?" I'm guessing his roommate called him as he walked into their room. As fast as my mouth dropped open, as quickly as it closed. "Yo Z, we were just about to go get something to eat. You pulling up?" Quentin asked taking off his glasses. "Where to?" He asked as I still stood there staring at him. And Clementine sent me a text.
Cle : Where are you ? 👀😩
Me : At Quentin's still. You want something from In & Out ?
Cle : Yeah my favorite and is it just you two ? 😉
Me : K
Me : And no Madison is here now his roommate. Why are there so many cute guys around this campus ?! 😩😩😩
Cle : I used to ask myself the same thing until I tried girls
Me : Quit playing Cle !! And no seriously you have to see this boy
Cle : Sneak a picture ! 😍💦
Me : No !!
Me : Lmfaoooooo !! Okay fineeee 😩
Looking up from my phone all eyes were on me. "What?" I asked them all. "I asked are you ready?" Quentin chuckled. "Oh yeah come on." I smiled. So we all left out of the room then the building. "You can go in first sweetheart." Z said holding the door open for me. "Thank you." I smiled staring in his hazel with a hint of green eyes. "You got it." He smiled showing off them white teeth. I lowly gasped and sat inside of Quentin's car, but slid down so he can sit too. "How rude of me? Z that's my annoying baby momma Kaylee. And baby muvaaa that's my bro Zeus. "Hey." I smiled showing off my braces. "What's up?" He smiled. His teeth, he needed to stop smiling before my heart gives up on me. They were so white and perfectly straight. "Baby mother?! Why do you insist on playing with me Micah?!" Madison yelled at Quentin, calling him by his middle name. "You take shit overboard love, we day that for the baby." Quentin said putting on his seatbelt. "Yeah Quentin is like my little big brother." I said making Zeus laugh. "Shut up New New looking head ass." Quentin said while we drove off. "I do not look like her, but thank you." I cheesed making Zeus laugh at me again. "I see you have yourself a cheerleader Kaylee." Madison said. "And I see you got yourself a spokesmen Kaylee." Zeus said making me laugh at them both. I already knew how this situation came about, Madison and that nasty ass attitude of hers. "Chill ya." Quentin laughed while turning up the music drowning any voices out. I sat back and kept on stealing stares from Zeus until we got there. Waiting for the line to finish, I was making snaps while songs changed. "Quentin do the dog filter with me." I said leaning forward. "Yesss!" He cheered turning on the car light while we all laughed at him. "Hold on let me play the perfect song." Madison said while scrolling through Quentin's phone. So we waited for her to play a song until Once upon a time by Mariah Lynn began to play. "Once upon a time not long ago, I was dog and I'm admitting it!" We both bragged making her roll her eyes. Yeah she thought I was going to get mad off of that, no only hoes get mad for getting called a ho sweetie. "I won't take it back cause I did the shit." We both shrugged as the video ended. "I'm the cutest dog yo." Quentin bragged making me laugh at him. "How? When I'm the cutest dog ever." I tilt my head to the side. "Ya filling ya heads up cause I'm the cutest dog ever." Zeus said making us laugh at him. "Nobody in this car is as cute as me." Madison flipped her hair. "Kaylee is." Zeus said making my heart do back flips. "Thank you." I smiled. "Bullshit!" Madison yelled making us all laugh at her. "What, that you're the ugliest one in the car?" Zeus shrugged. "Baaaaabe!" Madison whined. "Chill bro." Quentin said. "Cry baby ass." Zeus mumbled. I giggled and shook my head. That was so cute and childish.
When they dropped me off, everyone was basically outside of the girls dorm building. "Don't we have class tomorrow?" I frowned to myself. "Kaylee baby!" Zillah yelled making me smile. So I walked over to them and passed Clementine her food. "Hey baby and hey Yoshi." I hugged Zillah. Then halfway hugged him since he was standing behind her. "What's up?" He smiled at me. "Where are you just coming from?" Paisley asked while leaning on Jayde. "Hi sexy chocolate and Quentin's. We had a paper to do, Jayde did you do yours?" I asked her. "Yeah I did that Friday and who was that in the car with him?" Jayde asked raising her eye brow up at me. "Madison and his roomie Zeus." I said catching Clementine's attention. "Hmm." She smirked making me laugh at her. But no one knew what were we talking about. "What's all of this about though?" I asked looking around. "Its called the link up, you do know there's no class tomorrow right?" Clementine smiled. "No way?" I gasped excitedly. "So serious." She laughed. "Jayde can I invite Quentin back?" I asked her. "No, nobody feel like dealing with Madison or that slut Cassandra." Jayde said. So I nodded my head. "Guess who?" Roman spoke while he covered my eyes. "My real ugly best friend who I missed!" I cooed and he dropped his hands. "Ladies do ya see ugly?" He asked as they all giggled. "Ignore him. Hi Roman!" I cheered tightly wrapping my arms around him. "I guess I was missed." He chuckled hugging me back. "You was, where Kaiden? I miss him too and we have people to talk about." I said breaking our hug. "Over there and who we talking about?" He chuckled as we walked away together. "A lot of people starting tomorrow." I said making him laugh at me some more. "I swear I'm serious." I said and he laughed. "I got you. So you're sleeping over?" Roman looked down at me. "Yeah I can do that." I smiled. "Kaylee when you got here?" Kaiden smiled. "A few minutes, but I missed you!" I cooed hugging him. "I missed you too, I was looking for you when I pulled up." Kaiden said still holding me. "Yeah I had to do a paper, but now I'm back!" I cheered making him laugh at me. "You staying with us?" Kaiden asked. "No cause I'll be with ya all night." I said breaking the hug. "Aight cool and tell Jayde stop staring, all she have to do is ask." He smirked receiving a few snickers. "She don't want you boy. I already schooled her about you." I said making him playfully mug me. "I thought we were family Kay." He frowned. "I'm just playing but no stick to your Cassandra. I'll see ya later." I laughed while walking away from them and back to my friends. "Were you watching Kaiden?" I laughed at Jayde. "Who me?! No! But he keeps on flicking his tongue when I look that way." She laughed making us all laugh at her. "Thought so." I laughed shaking my head. He's such a bad liar. "Ayeeee!" Everyone cheered as Body by Dreezy began to play. Girls started dancing while boys watched them like TV. "You stay on snap. Why you not giving play boy no play?" Victoria nudged me. I laughed while posting their video. "Who's play boy?" I smirked, but I seen Quentin, Zeus and some other boy strolling through the crowd. So I ran off to him. "Where ya demon seed?" I snickered. "Shut up, you played me putting me in the friend zone." He playfully mushed me. "Ewww you have a girlfriend!" I laughed at him. "Tell him again." Zeus chuckled. "You have a gi--- and Quentin covered my mouth. "Don't I know what I have?" He asked me. "So can you act like it?" I asked popping his hand. And we all started laughing. "Why didn't you put me onto this?" He smirked looking around. "I didn't even know myself." I shrugged. "Oh. Yeah this shit on tilt. Who you here with?" He focused his eyes on me. "Clementine and them." I shrugged. "Oh I see them and Jayde mean ass mugging me. Watch this." He smiled and waved at her. I looked back seeing her stick up her middle finger; that's my baby. We all laughed and shook our heads. "We'll catch you later." Quentin hugged me. "Bye, be safe guys." I smiled. "Thank you" Zeus smiled while Quentin was probably trying to find his victim for the night. I smiled before walking away. "Why did you make him say hi to me?" Jayde squinted at me. She had to be on her way over to us because she met me halfway. "I swear I didn't. He pointed you out on his own." I said making her smirk. "His no good ass, but who's that boy with him?" Jayde stuck out her tongue. "His fine ass roommate, Zeus." I smirked. "Yes you better!" Jayde twerked making me laugh at her. "Let me stop, but why Legacy acting new?" She scrunched up her face. "I'm just as clueless as you." I shrugged and we started walking away again. "Later for his ass let's go get that Zeus boy." Jayde grabbed my hand. "But what about Quentin?" I asked. Jayde smirked then stuck out her tongue. I already knew what that meant, she was about to get some revenge on Madison. So we found them again and they were by all the "popular" boys. But I didn't care, if Legacy wants to act like a stranger; I'll treat him as one. Starting with not paying him no mind. "Quentin so you couldn't say hi this close?" Jayde pulled on him. And he started smiling real hard. "Smile any harder them teeth are going to fall out!" I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes. "Kaylee wants Zeus attention that's why she pulled up." Quentin snickered. We both looked each other's way and started smiling. "Don't listen to him." I rolled my eyes. "So would it be pointless of me telling you that I want your attention?" Zeus asked then licked his lips. "Noooo!" I whined moving closer to him, making them laugh at me. "What?" He laughed staring at me. "Not to sound like this but you're another cute boy that wants me and I'm not trying to lead anyone on." I pouted. "I respect it, but you could still be here with me." He shrugged grabbing my hand. "Oh shit!" Jayde and Quentin cheered him on. "Stop don't even do that!" I laughed covering my blushing face. "I don't know about him, but I'm jacking ya. Zaylee and Keus." Jayde teased making us laugh at her. "Shut up Jayde." I laughed while playfully rolling my eyes at her. She's so fake, she was just asking about Legacy. But that's what friends are for.
"I could use some hot wings right now." Kaiden said interrupting Insidious 3 for the third time. Roman and I both looked his way with the 'nigga!' look. "So why don't you order them?" I rolled my eyes. "Cause a nigga funds a little low right now." He said rubbing his stomach. "Order them. Do you want something Roman?" I asked digging in my bag. "Yeah, but I'll pay for it so drop that wallet." He stood up then went to his room. "Fat ass." I teased Kaiden. "I'm not your friend." He faked a pout. "Why?!" I laughed as my phone buzzed twice. Kaiden started smiling while staring at my phone then frowned again. "Cause you put Jayde back on with Quentin just to be in that nigga face." He said. Well did he really like Jayde ? Watching her all night and shit. "That was her idea." I laughed while unlocking my phone and seen that Legacy was the one who texted my phone. "Hold on Kai." I said reading the messages.
Legacy : Oh that's your word ?
Legacy : That's what we do now ?
Me : Wow you remember me now ?
Me : Cause just a few hours ago I was see through
Me : Such a lame
Legacy : Come in the hallway big head
Me : I'm at Roman's
Legacy : I know
Me : Creep.....
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