《More Than 12 Rounds》Chapter 8
*Two weeks later*
"A sleep over? How old are ya?" Roman asked with a smirk. "Shut up! You know you and your thirsty ass god brother want to be in there." I laughed playfully pushing him. Roman and Kaiden came to pick me up after my last class of the day so we can spend time together. Which was haven't done in a minute, Quentin had the baby for the day. So we planned to go bowling and out to eat somewhere. "I know I do, but them girls ain't got no booty." Kaiden sucked his teeth. "Lies! The only one with no booty is June and she's probably not even going to be there!" I defended my girls. They didn't own stripper asses, but they didn't own flat asses either. We were all blessed in different shapes and forms. I know I had a little something going on back there. "Oh June is sexy ass fuck!" Kaiden cheered making us laugh at him. "But what about Cassandra?" Roman snickered. But I stopped listening after Quentin had sent me a text.
Baby Daddy : Yo
Me : Kaylee* But what's up ?
"Who the fuck is baby daddy?" Roman asked me. "Oh shit Kay got her a nigga!" Kaiden hyped the argument that was about to start, if he didn't shut up. "Its a joke that Quentin and I shared being that we're partners for the baby project." I shrugged sighing. "So change it back to his name." Roman said. "But that's our joke." I furrowed my eye brows. "So you plan on making that nigga yo baby daddy?!" Kaiden asked. I looked back at him with the only mug on my face. "Shut up." I rolled my eyes at him. "So you're not going to change it Kaylee?" Roman asked looking over at me. "No, why should I? Its a doll, its a joke and besides that's Jayde's ex." I explained to them both ! "Aight man whatever." Roman brushed me off and started driving again. "If you're mad then I could change it, damn you're acting like you're my man." I mumbled while rolling my eyes. "Me?" Roman asked making Kaiden laugh at him. "Yes you, Roman." I said staring at him. "You already know you're not my type so acting like your man? Could never happen. I'm just trying to help you from falling for one of these--- and Kaiden cut Roman off. "Niggas like me." He sound as if he was bragging. "I'm so glad I made friends." I mumbled. "Why?" They both asked. "Cause ya always love teaming up on me." I rolled my eyes and Roman plucked my thigh. "Don't say that." he said with his eyes on the road. "Don't team up on me than, ya act like I cut in on ya life." I rolled my eyes trying to ignore Kaiden stupid ass mumbles. He's probably just naming all the girls that I blew his chances of being with them. But that's the thing it wasn't my fault, I always mind my business while they're always worried about me. Little ole innocent Kaylee. "Huh can't hear you." I said looking back at Kaiden. He just wouldn't shut up !! "Nah I'm done talking." He mumbled. "So stop mumbling bih." I said ready to mush him. "And that goes for you too, if I want to have someone under my baby daddy then I'll have that. It's not like I want him or he wants me, well it really wouldn't matter if he wants me cause I don't want him." I shrugged rolling my eyes. Roman nodded his head and we all kept quiet. Once we pulled up into the parking lot, I took off my seatbelt and swiped over 'answer' since Jayde was calling me.
"Hey baby!" She yelled making me laugh at her.
"Hey Jaydy Jayde." I giggled getting out of the car. "What's up sexy?! I'll do them braids for you girl!" Kaiden yelled making us laugh at him.
"Who's that Kaiden? Tell that boy have a seat." She laughed and I could already tell she was rolling her eyes. "Kaiden she said she got fuck boy repellent for you." I giggled while she yelled in my ear saying 'no I didn't!'. "Oh word? She know she wants me." Kaiden bragged rubbing his face.
"Why are you with that big headed boy anyways?" Jayde asked making me laugh at her.
"We're going bowling and out to eat they miss their baby." I bragged making Roman smirk his face. "So you didn't miss me Ro?" I asked looking his way. "Nah." He said making me gasp.
"Hold on Jayde, let me call you back!" I said and didn't even wait for her to answer, I hung up and slid my phone in my shorts back pocket. "So you don't miss me?!" I yelled ready to fight him. Like we haven't seen each other in a minute being that we both work now and both come home very tired. So him saying he didn't miss me was rude, especially since Kaiden even said that he misses me. "Nah I do shut up." Roman chuckled wrapping his arms around me. "Thought so." I smirked dropping my hands. "What you were about to fight me?" He chuckled while I nodded my head 'yes'. "Awwwe, this all types of cute but don't make it seem like I'm the only one without a date." Kaiden said separating us from each other. "What a third wheel?!" We both laughed at him. "Yeah that bullshit and Cassandra acting up too." He complained. I wasn't going to even comment on their relationship or whatever the hell they have. Cause them hating ass hoes still don't like me or my baby Jayde, but now Clementine is included since she picked me up from class a couple of times. "What's wrong now bro?" Roman asked him. I swear I wasn't going to comment on them. "She's trying to make a nigga cuff her." He sighed and I started laughing. "You're so messy Kaiden! It's not even funny!" I laughed as we walked into the bowling alley.
"Alright later boys and I'll see ya tomorrow right?" I asked getting out of the car. Roman, Kaiden and I had so much fun today ! Like Kaiden didn't run down on any girls, no girl tried to talk to Roman and interrupt us and surprisingly my phone did not ring once. So we planned to hang out again before Monday comes and dictate us all. And hopefully we all can have the same peace as we did today. "Yeah, but be ready this time Kay." Roman warned me. "I will." I said while rolling my eyes. "You lucky you're not in this car now go enjoy that dry ass sleepover." Roman snickered. "So jealous it's unbelievable, but anyways later guys!" I waved while stepping back. "Aight Kay." They both said and pulled off. Shaking my head, I turned around and ended up bumping into Dallas. "Oh shit, my fault." He smirked. Yes he was still mad at me and kept his distance, but no he didn't stop liking me either. "If that was on purpose, you're corny." I scoffed walking into the building. "Nah it wasn't but I was coming here to speak to you anyways." He grabbed my hand. "What cry baby?" I snatched my hand out of his. He chuckled then licked his lips. "I don't care how you talking, I want to be on your good side again." He smirked. You were never on my bad side, but okay. "Why now?" I asked pressing the elevator button. He stared at me like if he really had to think about it, he probably thought I was easily going to say 'okay'. But no I wasn't. And that's why Legacy and I still don't talk. Cause it's like, who the fuck you think you are treating or talking to me in such way ? A nobody, thought so. "Cause you're mad cool, like you were probably the only freshman that I fuck with and you're not easy." He said which made me laugh. "Boy I think you need to do a little more brainstorming and I'll holla at you." I laughed walking onto the elevator, but he slid on with me. "Going to your boo house?" I started at him. I only asked because he was dressed in some basketball shorts that loosely hung off his hips and a Nike pullover hoodie with some Nike slides. "Nah about to get my hair braided." He chuckled taking off his hoodie. Even with his hair all wild and crazy, it still looked cute. "Can I touch it?" I asked making him chuckle and shake his head 'no'. "Cause you not fucking with me." He smiled as his eyes basically closed. "You shouldn't smoke that much and besides that's your fault, but be safe play boy." I softly tapped his chest as I walked off of the elevator. Once it closed he yelled "I hate your fine ass!". I started laughing as I made my way to my room. Unlocking the door, you could hear that the girls were already here. "You're late." Zillah smiled at me. "I know its cause I was with Roman and Kaiden." I faked a pout placing my bag down on our 'bag chair'. "Oh that's fine! But are you ready?" Paisley asked. We planned to have our sleepover in a hotel close by so we can all sleep in the room comfortably. "Yeah I knew that they were going to hold me up so I packed my things before I left." I said digging in the closet and picking up my blue Nike duffel bag. "Ready." I cheesed making them laugh at me. "Oh and I almost forgot this!" I said going to my side of the bed and grabbed my charger. "Now we can leave and hi hi hi my babies." I cooed walking back to the door. "Ya really do act alike." Jayde laughed making Clementine smile. "That's my mini me, but let's go girls!" She cheered, so everyone grabbed their bags before walking out of our room. Clementine locked the door and we all walked towards the elevator. "So who's the host again?" This girl asked, but directly staring me down. She was pretty as well, but her vibe was so off. Its either she didn't like me or she's not friendly with strangers, but that's the thing. I've been around, where was she ? Her nose was all flared up and her eyes was ice grilling the fuck out of me. "I didn't know there was a host." I shrugged slowly. She wouldn't stop staring at me though, did have a interest in me or something ? And where the hell was the elevator. "I'm the host since I planned it. Why?" Clementine asked the girl. The girl smiled and playfully rolled her eyes. But her eyes landed back onto me, so Jayde nudged me. I looked her way and we both started smiling. She was seeing the same shit I was seeing. "Kaylee." I smiled, like just get the fuck out of my face. She kept quiet for a few seconds then forced a smile. "Kimberly". I nodded my head then unlocked my phone since Quentin had sent me a text.
Baby Daddy : Kaylee
Me : What's up ?
"Who's your baby daddy?" Jayde laughed being extra nosey. "Quentin, but don't think nothing of it. Its our joke." I quickly said. Not cause I was scared, but its just for the respect of Jayde. "Oh ya play too much and I swear I don't care." She laughed. "Nah I'm just saying." I shrugged and slouched on my left hip. "You know how these females are". Jayde nodded her head and rolled her eyes extra hard. "Damn Jayde." I laughed and I followed her eyed direction; which happens to land on Kimberly. And my phone started ringing, Quentin better not be playing. "Let's take the steps." I suggested so we can leave this building already. "Yeah that'll get us moving." June smiled. So we all walked down the stairs while I answered my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Yo I'm mad bored and ya kid is sleep." Quentin said and I could already tell that he was smirking. That's all that boy do is smirk.
"So go out with your friends like I am." I shrugged holding the door for everyone.
"Friends? Who Jayde?" He asked them chuckled lowly.
"Nope, Madison and Cassandra." I laughed making him suck his teeth. "But all jokes aside, the week is almost up and we'll get that hundred." I cooed making him laugh at me.
"That's a fact...... We're still going to be friends right?" He asked me.
"Yeah. Sure, why'd you ask?" I asked letting the door go. Clementine was telling the uber driver to come now.
"Nah cause you fuck with Jayde and I know her ass hate me." He said.
"She doesn't hate you, my bae doesn't have a hate bone in her body. But how would you treat someone if they did that to you?" I asked while Jayde smiled real big.
"I would hate them, but really let her know that I'm sorry." He sighed. I looked at my phone and started smirking.
"You can tell her yourself, but clean up that mess before you even dare to open your mouth." I said and Jayde laughed but quickly covered her mouth.
"Aight I'm about to do that right now." He said.
"Okay cool, so call me back." I smiled.
"Later baby momma." He chuckled.
"Bye baby daddy." I giggled before hanging up on him. I looked over at Jayde and she shrugged. "Don't even tell me." She laughed. "Okay fine." I laughed.
"Ya better not make me fall!" I laughed trying to hold myself up from falling. We were playing Twister all in our pajamas or lingerie and whoever was the cause of making everyone fall had to take a shot of Hennessey; no juice ! And this would be my fourth drink if I fell. Mind you my right arm was under Kimberly's body, my left arm was across Jayde's right foot and my right leg was just under everyone. "I don't think I can hold up any longer!" Clementine laughed while twinkling her pretty toes in front of Kimberly's face. "You drop, you drink!" Paisley teased her. "Who hands are going numb? Not mine bih!" Clementine yelled making me laugh uncontrollably and I fell making them all fall with me. "Bae so silly!" Clementine giggled hopping up to pour me a shot. "Bae about to be light headed too." I sighed and stood to my feet. "What else are we going to play?" Kimberly sighed with her hands on her hips. She really needed to check her panties or her calendar because if its not here, her period definitely was on its way. "Um let's play never have I ever, Kaylee since you're not a drinker you can sit out this one honey." Clementine said passing me some Ritz crackers and a bottle of orange juice. "Thank you." I smiled before taking a seat on the bed and rest my feet up. I was feeling more than nice, them shots were starting to hit me. "Uh uh Lee you fucked up baby!" Jayde laughed as she leaned on me. I'm guessing they were going to play on the bed in a circle cause everyone started climbing on the bed. And when I opened my eyes they were all smiling holding a empty shot glass while two gallons of Green Apple Ciroc laid in the middle of their circle. Oh yeah I was most definitely going to miss out on this game. But I sure was going to watch this game, this is easy spilled tea; mainly about boys. I already know how this is going to go. Victoria was the person that was going to keep track of how many drinks were drunk and she was going to pour the drinks as well. See I say I'm not a casual drinker, but she doesn't drink at all. But she'll smoke a whole quarter to herself. "Okay let me start off by saying this, whatever is said in here stays in here. No judging no one. So now, never have I ever kissed a girl." Clementine smirked while staring at all of the girls. Kimberly and Clementine were the only ones who took a drink. I smirked okay Cle. "Okay Katy Perry's, never have I ever had fallen in love at the first sight." Zillah blushed. "Now why would you lie?" I teased her. We all started laughing. "Shut up lightweight." She slapped thigh. "Wait what she's lying about?" Kimberly asked so clueless. I wonder how in the hell are they friends with her, all day she's been clueless. "Yoshi." Jayde snickered, see she even knew what was going on. "Wait how did you know that?!" Zillah asked caught off guard. Jayde shrugged smiling. "Awwwe ya got me ready to call my baby." Zillah cooed. "Aye! Aye! Aye! Not all of us have boyfriends in this room, so may you put some respect on the singles?!" Victoria yelled making the single ones agree with her, including me !! "Hmm ya haters, but like I said never have I ever fallen in love at first sight." Zillah said already raising her cup to her lips. They all threw their drinks back. "But sadly he wasn't nothing but good dick!" Rema yelled making us laugh at her, she was another one that I met today. She's so cool and very free spirited. "Can you please say that again?" I asked as all eyes fell on me. So Kimberly smirked and just had to open her mouth. "Never have I ever gotten my heart broken. Care to join Kaylee?" She faked a smile. This bitch, I thought to myself. "No, that wasn't my boyfriend. He was my crush that had hating bitches ready to fight over him. Now when are you going to sip?" I smiled and mouths began to drop open. "Can I drink just to drink?!" Victoria yelled making them laugh at her. I was no longer in the mood, why the hell am I always someone's target ? It never fails. Jayde looked my way then looked over to salty ass Kimberly. "Pause this game real quick. Yo what's your problem with Kaylee?" She snapped at Kimberly. And this is why I love Jayde already. She doesn't play that shit !! "And I'm going to need to hear this loud and clear because you were being shady all day towards her." Clementine raised her eye brow up at Kimberly. That's my baby also. I smiled as I watched Kimberly roll her eyes in annoyance but forced a smile. "I don't have anything against Kaylee." She shrugged. Bullshit. "Are you sure because I don't feel like breaking any fights up." Rema sighed while shaking her head. "I'm cool, we're cool." Kimberly smiled ever so fake. "Great! Besides we all look too good to be fighting." Zillah winked at me before flipping hair. "Yessss!" Jayde cheered her on. "Okay so back to the game, go Pai." Clementine said. Paisley smirked and stuck out her tongue. "Never have I ever had a threesome while being in a relationship." She bragged making me laugh at her. We all looked around the circle and no one's cup moved, but Victoria hand was holding the bottle. "I did, three times. Shit was bomb as fuck! Ya should try it." She said making us all laugh at her. "Yes ask another question Pai." I giggled opening up my crackers. I totally forgot I had these in my hands. "Hmmm." Paisley smirked with her thinking face on. "Never have I ever slept with someone boyfriend." She snickered, she knew how to turn the game up a notch. "Let's all close our eyes and whoever glass is empty then they have done it before." June suggested while smirking. "Ohhh that sounds fun!" Kimberly cooed. So all closed their eyes and they all tossed their shots back. "Ohhhh !! Now ya have to tell us who!" Victoria and I yelled at them. I wish I had the balls to sleep with someone's boyfriend. Cause I know if I had a boyfriend a ho would be wishing the same thing because I'll kill them both. And leaving them hanging upside down on their parents porch. Especially if I was in love with him. "It was a highschool dare." Kimberly shrugged like if that was okay. So they all started saying who's boyfriend they have slept with. I couldn't believe the things they were saying but I also found it very interesting. Wow I guess I'm the only good noodle here. "Who won?" Jayde asked Victoria. "Alexis have to ask a question then it'll determine who won." Victoria said looking down at her tallied up paper. "Okay cool, um... Never have I ever went skinny dipping!" Alexis laughed, she was probably still super high. That's the first thing she did once she got in her silk night gown. And they all threw their shots back again. "I have to hang with you girls more often, ya be living." I giggled making them laugh at me. But I was serious though, while they were having the time of their lives making some of the worst and great memories of their lives, I was too busy getting bullied by the Three Muskasluts. But its okay, I can make memories now. "Jayde won! She's not a fast cat like you hoochies!" Victoria joked while passing Jayde a personal peach Ciroc bottle. "Owww thank you!" Jayde cooed making us laugh at her.
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A normal school day on its end. A young man by the name of Ciaran suddenly drops dead under the eyes of his little sister along with some other students and a teacher because of the mistake of a god .He wakes up in the body of a Gifted baby sharing his name, in an unknown world sharing some similarities with Earth. But his fate is not a pretty one. Led by poverty and a lacking sense of mother-ship, his new mother abandons him to the hands of peculiar slavers. But Ciaran's Gift is not an ordinary one, and from the pain and humiliation of countless experiments, his will becomes set in stones. He will go back to his old world, take care of his orphaned sister, and finally start a new relationship with the woman who haunts his heart. No. Matter. What.Meanwhile, his classmates slowly learn to live in this new world, and hidden powers are scheming a new future that doesn't only concerns this estranged world. I put the "sexual content" warning not because it's a ero-novel but because I plan something special for the 69th so better be safe than sorry.Though the warnings for gore and strong language aren't there just for the show. Especially the gore part. Ciaran has a gruesome past and lives a gruesome life. The release schedule is set for 1 chapter every day with a break at the end of each week. Might change depending on how my creative side is feeling, though I'm quite serious on this wn. Will probably change the release schedule once I go back to school but that's for september.Comments and (constructive) reviews are warmly welcomed! Also published on Scribblehub. Cover made by myself.Better res available here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10xfsVQdzmNZYQXhHWvbA0_g4UlZQzIeP/view?usp=sharing
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