《Drugs You Should Try It》Chapter Four


Jacques looked through the screen door and on into the living room to see his best friend sound asleep on his uncles couch. He couldn't help the smile that stretched across his face as he looked at the sleeping girl.

" Why won't you just go ahead and make her your girl Jacques ?" Travis asked his nephew as he took another swig of his beer. He really couldn't understand why his nephew was being a punk about this hell he practically wifed the girl the first day they met.

" Not until I can give her the world like I promised her. I meant what I said when I said it I'm going to fly out of here with her by my side and it's just going to be me and her against the world. " Jacques took the last puff of the blunt he had between his fingers before putting it out in the ash tray beside him.

" So that's what the whole birds thing is about? It's a promise. I've never figured out what y'all meant by that but now I get it. "

Jacques looked up at his uncle while playing with one of his braids. " Yeah, birds. We were on this field trip for our biology class at the zoo and this big ass eagle managed to get out the cage and Zephyr just stared at it. "

Jacques let out some wind from his chest and continued to pull on his braids. He looked back at Zephyr once more until his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw that it was Chase.

" What's up nigga. "

" Get your ass down here man Ash came in high as fuck and he's fucking up these beats man. "


" Nigga why the fuck you need me down there to take care of his crazy ass and what the fuck I tell you bozos about fucking around in the basement. That's not a fucking playground. " Jacques said his voice raising a few octaves. Jacques honestly didn't know why he chose these two idiots as his friends but they were his day ones and shit wasn't going to change now.

" Damn dad shit I'll get the nigga out of here but me and you are coming back here to work after I get this nigga home. "

" Alright, bet. "

" Bet. "

Jacques ended the phone call throwing his phone on the table next to the ashtray. Travis started laughing at his nephew who seemed to be a little pressed. He knew his nephew took his music seriously and he expected the people around him to do the same. That's what his uncle instilled in him from the time Jacques picked up his first instrument, to take his music seriously. He taught Jacques that music was more than just sounds and beats music was much more than that. Music was the very blood in our veins and he made sure that Jacques understood that.

" I'm gonna dip in a few Unc got to go handle some business down at the basement. " Travis said shaking his head from the imaginary stress he was starting to feel. It was only his anxiety starting to rear its head in his conscience. Times like this he wished his best friend didn't fall asleep so easily. Zephyr always managed to keep him grounded when he started to feel uneasy but he couldn't bring himself to wake his sleeping angel she just looked so peaceful as she slept.

" That's fine with me nephew just handle your business you know what I taught you boy. " Travis said sternly to Jacques whose focus was on the screen door as he looked off towards his friend. Well wife in Travis's opinion.


" I won't ever forget Unc trust me. "

" I know kid I know. Go wake Zephyr up so I can give my child some loving before y'all head out. "

After saying their goodbyes Jacques found himself in the passenger seat due to the fact that Zephyr wanted to drive this time. Even though the man in him wanted it to be opposite of the current situation he couldn't say no to her. Deep down Jacques knew Zephyr had him wrapped around her finger. When she said " Jump " he replied " How high " and wouldn't think twice about the consequences to come afterward. That's just how things were between them.

Hi everyone !! First I would like to say thank you for the support in my writing this book it is greatly appreciated. Second of all I would like to address the sad fact of my writers block which seems to be almost chronic at the moment. Just know that I am a high school senior and if you could relate the stress that comes with that then you know exactly where I'm coming from. I would just like to ask for patience and peace. I will continue to update the book as much as I can not for me but for you guys and once again thank you for the support so far. Besos 💕

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