《》Chapter four.


"Oh, I have to finish an experiment." "Oh, you do?" "Yes, you can leave now.." I nodded and got up and left. I decided to walk back to the City and claim my commission rewards.

I had arrived back in Mondstadt and I walked up to Katheryne, "I finished my commissions." "Thank you." She said, then I received the rewards and I walked around..

I was walking around the Favonius church when I saw Signora and her minions walking towards Venti and Aether, I slowly crept up towards them and kicked Signora in the back of her head, "Ow, who did that?!"

She screamed as she turned around to face me, "You..-" she was cut off by herself getting knocked out. I freed aether and he quickly got rid of the recruits, I picked up Venti and said, "I'll bring you over to the tree." He smiled up at me while I brought him over..

I placed him down under the tree, "How did you know to bring me here Y/n?" "Uhm.." Venti sighed and then said, "Never mind, it's fine. You dont have to tell me." I nodded and got up, "Wait! Stay here with me.."

"Oh, okay." I agreed as I slowly sat back down. "So.." "Y/n, how are you?" "Good. How about you?"

I arrived back in Mondstadt and saw Aether, "Oh! Thanks for your help earlier!!" "You're welcome Aether!" "Huh..? Did I already tell you my name?" He questioned, and Paimon answered. "No, you didn't."

"Uh, I guess I must have heard it from someone?" "Okay.." And then I quickly walked off..

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