《》Chapter twenty.


"We should go visit Venti!" "Alright, let's go." Zhongli started to walk ahead of me, then paused. "I don't know where Venti is.." "Oh, I know where he usually is." And we both walked over to Venti's statue..

I saw him playing his lyre for the people, and we waited for the crowd to disperse while listening to him.

After the crowd was gone, we both walked up to him. "Y/n!" Venti squealed as he ran up to me and gave me a huge hug. "Venti!! I missed you." "I missed you too Y/n~ Wait, is that..-" "Yes, it's nice to see you again, old friend."

"Yeah! It's been quite a while." I laughed and hugged them both.

"Hm.. Oh, who should we go and see now?" "You're leaving already?~" "You can come with us if you want?" "Hmph!" He said, and he turned away. "Well, I don't really know anyone else here. You may pick." "Hm.. We could go see Lisa?" "Okay."

We eventually found Lisa, and I walked over towards her. "Lisa, hi! I'm ba-" I was interrupted by a kiss on my cheek and a tight hug. "Oh, how I missed you cutie~" "I-I missed you too." Zhongli stared at us, with a weird look on his face..

"Zhongli? You okay?" "Yes. I am fine." Oh.. Was he jealous? Lisa scoffed then said, "Well, I'm afraid that I have to go back to work. I'll see you later cutie!" She said with a wink as she walked off..

Next, we found Kaeya.

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