《》Chapter twenty two.


"Wow, you seemed to have had quite an eventful time in Liyue."

"Yeah, I did."

"I'm happy for you, I don't even get vacations anymore.."


"Oh, no don't apologize. It's not your fault, I guess I just can't find the time to go somewhere new.." "Well, if you ever do get the chance to, I would recommend going to Liyue. I don't think anything like what happened while I was there will happen a second time.."

"Hm, I really do hope I get the chance to go someday.."

"Well, I'll be getting back to my friend, I left him with Kaeya and Diluc.."

"Okay, goodbye Y/n." "Bye!"

And, Diluc had left but Kaeya and Zhongli were still there.

They looked like they wanted to kill each other.

"You guys look, tense.. Is everything alright?" "Yep, we're fine." "Yes." "Okay~ Whatever you guys say. So, where did Diluc go?"

"He walked away, I think he was annoyed."

"Annoyed with you, I'm sure." "Hey! Play nice Zhongli." "I- Uhm, okay." "I was being nice." "Yes, I can see that Kaeya."

He smiled proudly to himself, but quickly wiped his smile off his face as Zhongli gave him a menacing glare.

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