《Chasing The Bad Boy (J.JK ♥ S.CY)》Halloween
"Hey, Bad Boy, Good Morning!" I Greeted Jungkook As I Hopped Towards Him. As Usual, He Was Waiting For Me Outside The Mansion To Pick Me Up, It Was The New Routine. I Was No Longer Driven By Hoseok. It Was Always Jungkook. Gah, I Don't Even Know What's Hoseok's Job Anymore. I Should Fire Him. Kidding, Hoseok Still Drives Me When I Go Out Shopping Or Out Of Town Unplanned.
My 'Relationship' With Jungkook Was Getting Better Every Passing Day. The Silent Bad Boy Was Getting More Open And Talkative Around Me. It Was Quite An Achievement, Really, Making Jungkook Talk About His Life. To My Delight, He Was Only That Way With Me. Taehyung Told Me That Jungkook Wasn't The Type To Talk; He's More Of The 'Action' Type Of Guy. Even When Jungkook Was With Taehyung And Felix, He Hardly Talked. But I, Son Chaeyoung, Was Able To Make Him Spill His Guts Out. Felix Also Told Me That Jungkook Finds It Hard To Say What He Feels. SCORE! I Didn't Only Get Him To Talk About His Feelings; I Also Got Him To Admit A LOT Of Things. So I Think Jungkook And I Were Both Making Progress In The Relationship. We Were Both Growing Up As Our Relationship Grew Too.
"Hey Rich Girl, You Look Tired." He Told Me.
I Got Into His Motorbike As He Started The Engine And Drove Us To School.
"My Dad Visited Me Last Night." I Informed Him.
"Oh?" He Arched An Eyebrow.
"He Told Me That Jiwon, My Step-Mom Is Pregnant." I Continued.
"Aren't You Happy For Them?"
"I Am. But..... He Also Told Me That Jiwon's In Critical Condition Since She's A Little Old For Conceiving A Baby. Dad Is So Worried." I Sighed.
He Nodded As A Sign That He Was Listening.
"Dad Also Told Me That He Wants To Meet You." I Blurted Out.
He Stop As The Spot Light Turned Red. Jungkook Turned To Look At Me. He Was Wearing A Deadpan Expression, Not Giving Me A Hint What He Was Thinking About.
"So, What Do You Say?" I Asked As The Silence Grew Uncomfortable.
"Do You Want Me To Meet Him?" He Asked Back. He Started Driving Again As The Light Turned Green.
"Why Not?" I Wondered Out Loud.
He Shrugged. "I Don't Think He'll Like Me."
"Why's That?"
"Rich Girl, Look At You Then Look At Me."
I Did What He Said. Well, I Was Pretty And He Was Hot. That Was What I Noticed. We're Really Perfect For Each Other. I Mean, There's Chemistry. It Was Obvious How We're Really Meant For Each Other.
"Not The Physical Appearance." He Interrupted My Thoughts As He Smirked. "I Mean, I Think We're On The Same Level Physically." He Looked Smug. Gosh, He's So Hot.
I Rolled My Eyes. "You're So...... Egoistic And Narcissistic."
"Just As You Are, Babe."
I Blushed When He Said 'Babe'. He Rarely Called Me Babe. Oh My Gosh, He Just Called Me Babe. He Likes Me Just As Much As I Like Him..... I Think.
"Hey, Snap Out Of It!" He Called My Attention.
I Shook My Head To Clear My Thoughts.
"What Were We Talking About Again?" I Asked.
"We're Talking About How Hot You Think I Am." He Smirked.
"Haha, Funny, I Think We're Talking About My Dad Not Liking You. Why Do You Think That?"
"Rich Girl, You're Filthy Rich While I'm Not. I Even Have To Work My Ass Off To Get To College. My Sister Is Your Maid." He Told Me.
"So What?" I Scoffed.
"Don't You Think Your Dad Will Be Disappointed That His Only Daughter's Dating Someone From The Lower Class?"
"Bad Boy, Whoever I Date Is Not My Father's Business. And Believe Me, My Dad Will Like You."
"Isn't He Going To Marry You Off To Some Rich Guy?" He Said Through Gritted Teeth.
"What Is This, 15th Century Or Something? It's 2020, Bad Boy. I Don't Think Fixed Marriages Still Exist." I Giggled.
He Let Out A Deep Breath. "So When Are You Planning To Introduce Me To Your Dad?"
"I Don't Know..... When You're Free And My Dad's Not Busy. I Haven't Thought About It Yet."
He Nodded His Head.
"By The Way, I Can't Drive You Home Later." He Told Me.
"Why?" I Asked.
"I Got Some Things To Take Care Of." He Was Being Evasive.
I Knew There Was Something He's Keeping From Me. And I Suspect That It's About His Drug-Dealing. I Still Haven't Talked To Him About It. I Haven't Even Told Him That I Knew Everything. What Was I Going To Say? 'Hey, I Know You're Selling Drugs.' Then He'll Be Like, 'How Did You Find Out?' And Then I'll Be All Like, 'You Know, I Was Stalking You As I Was Going Home And Caught You With Some Gangster-Looking Guys Dealing With Drugs.' I Can't Just Tell Him That. He'll Freak Out. So I Didn't Question Him Any Further And Just Told Him That I'll Ask Hoseok To Pick Me Up.
The Day Passed By In A Blur. I Was Hanging Out With Tzuyu, Taehyung, Felix And Of Course, Jungkook. Tzuyu Informed Me About The Coming School Halloween Party On Friday Night. We Were Required To Have Costumes. Tzuyu And I Were More Than Ecstatic To Oblige, Much To The Boys Dismay. Tzuyu And I Agreed To Go On Shopping. We Invited The Guys But They Strongly Refused.
I Went Home That Day And Got Dressed. Tzuyu Told Me That She Would Just Meet Up With Me In The Mall Because She Was Living Near There.
"Dahyun!" I Called Out.
Dahyun Walked To Me. "Yes, Chaeyoung?"
"Tell Hoseok That He'll Be Driving Me To The Mall." I Told Her As I Fixed My Hair.
"Chaeyoung, Hoseok Is Not Here."
"What? Why?" I Asked.
"Last Night, Hoseok Asked Permission From Your Father To Take A Leave For 2 Days. His Daughter's Sick And No One Will Take Care Of The Poor Girl Since Her Mom's Also Going Out Of Town. So Hoseok Left Last Night.
"Oh, Okay Then. I'll Just Walk To The Mall."
"Chaeyoung, It's Dangerous Outside. It's Getting Late."
"Dahyun, I Can Take Care Of Myself. I'm 17 Not 13." I Smiled.
"Are You Sure, Chaeyoung? If I Only Knew How To Drive, I'll Drive You There."
"No Need, Dahyun. You Needed Here."
"Why Don't You Call My Brother For A Ride?"
"He Told Me That He Had Some Stuff To Take Care Of."
Dahyun Just Nodded. "Are You Sure You'll Be Fine, Chaeyoung?"
"Yes, Dahyun, Don't Worry About Me." I Assured Her.
I Walked To The Mall. As I Was Walking In A Secluded Area, 3 Guys Blocked My Path. I Stopped In My Tracks. I Recognized Them As The 3 Guys From The Other Gang Jungkook Was Talking To. My Heart Rate Went Fast. I Smelled Trouble.
"So, You're Jungkook's Girlfriend, Huh?" The Biggest One In The Middle Snickered Evilly.
I Took A Step Back.
"Awww, Are You Running Away From Us, Little Girl?" The One At The Right Taunted. He Was Wearing Piercings.
"Hey, Guys, I Recognized This Girl." The One In The Left Suddenly Smiled Evilly.
I Swallowed A Lump In My Throat. 'Please, Don't Say That I'm Son Chaeyoung. Please Don't Say That I'm Son Chaeyoung.' I Chanted In My Head, Silently Praying.
The Two Turned To Look At Him. "It's Son Chaeyoung, The Daughter Of That Son Bastard."
How Dare He To Call My Dad A Bastard!
"How Dare You To Call My Dad A Bastard!" I Angrily Shouted.
The Three Smirked. It Wasn't The Same Smirk Jungkook Does With Me. It Was An Evil One.
"So, We're Hitting Two Birds With One Stone. We Get To Have Our Revenge To Jungkook And We Also Get To Have Millions By Getting This Girl." The Leader Said.
They Took A Step Closer As I Took A Step Back. And Then My Instinct Just Shouted, 'RUN!'
I Went Off Running, Not Looking Back. My Feet Were Aching Because I Was Wearing Heels. As I Was Running, My Ankle Twisted. I Groaned From The Pain. It Hurt So Much. I Knew I Couldn't Run Anymore. I Went Into A Dark Alley, Hiding Behind A Large Bin.
I Saw Three Shadows Looming Nearby.
They Stopped At The Dark Alley.
"I Think Little Son Is Here, What Do You Think Guys?" The Leader's Voiced Boomed.
They All Chuckled Evilly.
I've Never Been So Scared In My Life. I Didn't Know What To Do. I Was Cornered. I Closed My Eyes And Put My Hand Over My Mouth To Avoid Making Sounds.
"Little Son, Where Are You?" One Of The Three Shouted Like He Was Playing Hide And Seek With Me.
Seriously, Why Aren't There Any People Around?
"I Think She's Behind The Trash Bin."
I Stopped Breathing.
And Just That, The Three Appeared In Front Of Me, With An Evil Glint In Their Eyes.
"No, Please, No." I Begged.
The Leader Grabbed My Arms In One Hand, His Other Hand Pulling My Hair Back.
"So, Why Were You Hiding From Us Little Son?" He Laughed.
"No, Please." A Sweat Dripped Down The Side Of My Face.
Another Guy Went In Front Of Me And Was Tracing My Curves.
"I See Why Jungkook's Crazy Over You. You're Hot." He Said.
To My Horror, The Leader Darted His Tongue Out And Licked My Sweat. I Shivered From Disgust. They're Planning To Rape Me, No!
"Why Don't We Have A Little Fun First? The One Beside Me Suggested, The Two Agreed Enthusiastically.
I Step On The Leader's Foot And He Howled From The Pain. I Was About To Run When The Other Two Grabbed Me. Each One Was Holding An Arm Of Mine. The Leader Glared At Me.
"You Little Bitch!" He Slapped Me.
I Kicked His Private Part And He Groaned From The Pain. The One Holding My Right Arm Pulled My Hair Back, I Cried Out From The Pain. "You Just Never Learn, Do You?"
The Leader Was About To Punch Me So I Close My Eyes And Waited.
The Punch Never Came. Next Thing I Knew, Jungkook Was Beating Up The Guys. My Eyes Widened. The Two Were Knocked Out. The Leader Was Standing Behind Jungkook, Holding A Wood. He Was About To Smash It To Jungkook's Head.
"Jungkook! Watch Out!" I Shouted.
Jungkook Turned Around And His Fist Collided With The Leader's Face. They Went On Brawling. The Leader Was Groaning From The Punches Jungkook Threw. I Grabbed Jungkook's Hand And Dragged Him Away From The Alley. We Got On His Motorbike And He Drove Off. When We Were Far Enough, He Stopped.
"Get Off!" He Commanded.
I Agreed Immediately, Sensing His Anger.
What's His Problem.
"What The Fuck Were You Thinking, Chaeyoung? Walking To The Mall Alone At This Time!" He Shouted At Me.
"What The Fuck Is Your Problem?!" I Retorted Angrily.
"You Were Being Stupid! You're Son Fucking Chaeyoung, Not Some Ordinary Girl! You're Bound To Get Kidnapped! You Almost Got Raped! If Dahyun Hasn't Called Me To Tell Me Where You Are, You Could Have Gotten Raped!"
"God! Stop Blaming This On Me! If You Weren't Dealing With Drugs, I Wouldn't Have Been Caught On This!" I Yelled Back.
He Froze The Same Time I Did. I Didn't Think What I Was Talking About.
After A Moment Of Silent, He Spoke.
"You Know." He Stated.
I Nodded My Head. "I Saw You With Them." I Whispered.
He Got On The Motorbike; I Thought He Was Going To Leave Me There. But He Handed Me The Helmet. I Immediately Got On. He Drove Me Home Without Another Word.
Jungkook And I Haven't Talked For Days. He Was Obviously Avoiding Me And I Was Too Upset To Apologize. Why Should I Even Apologize? It Was Friday; I Didn't Want To Ruin The Fun And Spirit Of The Halloween Party. So I Went On With My Plans With Tzuyu, Shopping For A Costume. I Was Dressing Up As An Angel. I Couldn't Help But Still Be Gloomy. Tzuyu And Taehyung Were Busy Making Out; Felix Was Making A Move On This Certain Girl. It Was So Cute. But Everything Would Be Better If Jungkook Was With Me.
I Was Seating On The Round Table Alone. Everyone Was Dancing. The Chair Beside Me Moved And I Looked Up.
"What Are You Doing Here?" I Whispered, Shocked.
"Am I Not Allowed To Attend This Party?" He Smirked.
"Can I Have This Dance?" He Held Out His Hand To Me.
I Smiled And Took It. He Dragged Me To The Dance Floor As A Song That Requires Slow Dancing Started. I Put My Hands On His Shoulder.
"Sorry" We Said At The Same Time. He Chuckled As I Giggled.
"You First." He Said.
"Sorry For Not Telling You That I Know. Sorry For Getting Mad Instead Of Thanking You."
He Took A Deep Breath. "You Shouldn't Be Sorry. It's Not Your Fault. You're Right, Because Of Me, You're Getting In Trouble."
I Looked Down.
"So I Stopped."
"My Eyes Shut Up To His. What?
"What Do You Mean?" I Whispered.
"I'm Out. I Stopped Selling. I Talked To Our Leader And He Allowed Me To."
I Smiled At This News. So I Mean That Much To Him, To The Point He'd Quit For Me?
"Thank You." I Said And Pecked His Lips. He Just Smiled As Went On Dancing.
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