《Chasing The Bad Boy (J.JK ♥ S.CY)》Dinner
I Was Having A Hard Time To Breathe As I Stared At JK..AKA..Jungkook In Front Of Me. To Make Things Worse, He Was Just As Shocked As I Was. So Seconds Passed And I Actually Gawked At Him Like A Moron. Yes, I Gawked At Him. I Couldn't Help It. He Was Only Covered By A Towel For Goodness' Sake! So I Took The Opportunity Of Seeing My Future Husband Half-Naked. I Didn't Think He Noticed Anyway Because He Looked Like He Was Contemplating Things. After A Moment Or So, He Broke The Silence.
"If You Wanted To See Me Half-Naked, You Could Just Have Asked Me Instead Of Stalking Me In My House."
My Eyes Widened When He Said That. Me? Stalking? Psh, I Would Never Stalk A Guy. Like...Psh... Okay, Fine. I Stalked A Lot Of People In My Life But I Wasn't Stalking Them. I Was Just Following Them, Spying Them And Stuff. That's Not Stalking! Besides, I Didn't Follow Him Intentionally. I Didn't Know He's Dahyun's Brother!
"You Can Stop Gawking, You Know?" He Stated More Than Asked. He Crossed His Arms Over His Chest, His Dripping Wet Yummy Chest.
I Finally Spoke. "Sorry To Burst Your Bubble But I Wasn't Stalking You! Like Psh!" I Waved My Hand Dismissively.
"Then What Are You Doing In My House, Specifically In My Room?" He Had That Smug Look On His Face Again.
"Just To Inform You, I Came Here With Dahyun!" I Crossed My Arms Over My Chest.
He Looked Taken Aback And Stared At Me From Head To Toe. I Felt Like Shrinking From His Gaze. It Was Like He Was Judging Me Or Something. And I Was Sure That He Was Thinking That I Was Overdressed. I Know Normal Girls Wear Pants. But I Don't Like Wearing Pants. It's Just Not Me. I Love Wearing Dresses Because I'm Girly. But If I Really Had To Wear Pants, I Do. I Mean There Are Places When You Can't Wear Pants. I Don't Know What Place Because I Wear Dresses Anywhere I Go.
"So You're The Great Heiress, Son Chaeyoung." He Smirked.
For Some Reason, I Felt Like That Comment Was Said As An Insult. And I Suddenly Realized I Was Being Mean To Him. I Was Panicking Inside. Shit! What If We Became Enemies Because I Was Talking Back? But If I Tried To Be Sweet, He Might Think Of Me As An Easy Girl. What Should I Do? Act Like A Mean Girl And Play Hard To Get Or Be Sweet And Seductive? I Thought Hard About It Then I Finally Came To One Easy Solution. I Would Act Like My Usual Self Around A Guy I Like.
"Yes, I'm Son Chaeyoung." I Smiled At Him. He Looked Like He Was Confused Of The Sudden Change Of My Actions.
"That Must Be Why You Look Familiar."
I Was Clueless For A Moment. "Huh?"
"You Know, You're Always In The News. Like ALWAYS. It's Ridiculous How You End Up In The Headlines Just Because You Went To A Party In A Club Or You Walked Around The Park."
He Walked To His Closet And Opened It.
"Oh. It's Not Like I Can Control The Paparazzi Or The Media For Making Everything I Do A Big Deal."
"Of Course, You Can't. So.... Why Are You Snooping Around In My Room?"
Just When I Was Starting To Think He's Nice, He Had To Ruin It By That Question. And So Ladies And Gentlemen, Mr. Hot Egotistical Jerk Is Back. Let's Give Him A Round Of Applause And Kissed The Ground He Walked On. *Clap* *Clap*. He Should Be Thankful That I Was Drooling Over His Hot Body Or I Would Have Smacked His Head. No One Dared To Talk To Me That Way. And I Wouldn't Let Anyone Get Away With Talking To Me Like That.... Only Him Because He's My Future Husband. I Must Be Forgiving Wife That Would Teach Him A Lesson So Our Future Kids Wouldn't Pick Up His Attitude.
"I Wasn't Snooping. I Was Looking For You."
He Turned Around To Look At Me. I Tried Hard To Keep My Eyes On His Face, Away From His Yummy Abs. He Walked Towards Me And I Backed Away Until I Realized I Had My Back Pressed Against The Wall. As I Was About To Escape, He Put His Both Hands On The Wall, Trapping Me
We Were So Close To Each Other. I Was Hyperventilating. He Leaned To Me, Our Lips Just An Inch Away From Each Other. I Could Tell That He Was About To Kiss Me Because He Closed His Eyes. I Didn't Close My Eyes In Case It Was A Trick To Humiliate Me. I Just Watched Him Getting Closer And Closer And.......
The Door Bust Open With Dahyun Looking From Me To JK/Jungkook Then Back To Me. We Stood There Frozen. There Were Lots Of Emotions That Crossed Dahyun's Face; Surprise, Confusion, Happiness Then Concern. Wait, What? Concern?
JK/Jungkook Walked Away From Me, Leaving Me Flustered.
"I Went Here Because You Guys Were Taking Too Long." Dahyun Explained But Jungkook And I Remained Silent.
Dahyun Took A Deep Breath. "C'mon, Chaeyoung. Let's Leave JK So He Can Put On His Clothes."
She Grabbed My Wrist And Dragged Me Away From His Room And Then Shut The Door Once We Stepped Out Of It. She Continued Walking Then Brought Me To The Other Room.
"What Was That?" Dahyun Asked, Her Voice Was Incredulous.
"Dahyun.... I Have A Confession To Make."
She Looked At Me Warily But Nodded, Urging Me To Go On.
"Dahyun, Remember The Guy I Told You I Was In Love With? I Asked Her.
Realization Crossed Her Face. It's My Brother!" She Gasped And I Nodded.
"Is That Why You Wanted Me To Visit My Family?" There Was No Hint Of Accusation In Her Tone, Just Mere Curiosity.
"No, I Didn't Know He's Your Brother. I Thought His Name's Jeon Jungkook!"
"Yes, His Name Is Jeon Jungkook."
"Then Why Do You Guys Call Him JK?" I Asked Her.
"He's Name Is Jungkook, We Call Him JK For Short, We Never Called Him By His Last Name Because He Couldn't Pronounce Jungkook When He Was Younger. He Could Only Pronounce JK."
I Put Two And Two Together. JK Is Jeon Jungkook. I Was So Stupid! How Could I Not Think Of That? I've Always Known That Dahyun's First Name Is Jeon. It Was No Coincidence That They Share The Same First Name And Live In The Same Small Town. I Should Have Realized That They Were Somewhat Related. But They Don't Look Alike So I Never Thought Of That. Ugh! Jimin Was A Lousy Investigator. How Could He Found Out That He's The Jungkook I Was Looking For But He Didn't Find Out That Jungkook Is Dahyun's Brother? He's So Gonna Feel My Wrath.
"But How Come You Didn't Find Out That He's My Brother? I Thought You Asked Jimin To Do Some Spy Stuff?" She Asked.
"Well, Apparently, Jimin Did A Lousy Job."
She Chuckled Then Looked Concern Again.
"Chaeyoung, You Know How Much I Love You. You're Like A Sister To Me So I Think I Should Warn You. My Brother.... He's Not Your Ideal Type Guy. He's A Heartbreaker. Everything Is Just A Game For Him. He Doesn't Take Girls Seriously. I'm Saying These Things Because I Don't Want My Brother To Hurt You." She Held My Hands In Hers.
"I Understand It, Dahyun. But It Doesn't Matter. I'm Madly In Love With Your Brother. I Don't Care If He'll Play With My Heart. Anyway, It's Not Like I'm Going To Let Him Play With It. I Guarantee You He'll Fall In Love With Me." I Smiled And I Knew My Eyes Sparkled As I Said Those Things.
"Chaeyoung, If You Two End Up With Each Other.... We're Not Rich. I Don't Think He Can Give You The Luxuries You're Used To. I Don't Think He Can Give You The Kind Of Love You Lived."
"Dahyun, I Don't Care About The Money. I Can Forget About Everything As Long As I Have Him."
She Smiled As I Said That.
"Well, I Already Warned You. But If You Really Love Him Then Go For It. You Got My Support."
I Grinned. "Will You Help Me With Him?"
"I'll Do What I Can But No Promises."
I Nodded.
"Wait, Will You Wait For Me? I Want To Call Jimin."
She Smirked And Nodded.
I Dialed Jimin's Number. The Phone Rung Twice Before He Answered.
"Hello, Ms. Chaeyoung?"
"What Have I Done Wrong, Ms. Chaeyoung?"
"You're Really Asking Me That? How Did You Find Out Who's The Jungkook I'm Looking For?"
"Well, When I Search For Guys With The Name Jungkook In The Town, There Were At Least 50 Of Them. But 10 Of Them Are Babies. 30 Are Kids. 5 Are Old Men. Then There Were 5 Left. They're All Teenage Guys. But There's One Who Stood Out Because He Looked Like Your Type. So I Figured It Was Him."
"Great Job But How Come You Didn't Find Out That He's Dahyun's Brother?"
"Yeah, You Heard Me Right. Expect My Punishment Soon, Jimin. We Would Talk Longer About His Abs."
I Almost Saw Him Shuddering As I Said That. I Rolled My Eyes Then Hung Up. Dahyun Looked At Me, Smiling.
We Went Downstairs And Headed To The Kitchen. Wendy Was Waiting Patiently There. Jungkook Was Seating Beside Dahyun, In Front Of Me. We Took Are Seats And I Discreetly Glanced At Jungkook. Unfortunately He Was Staring At Me So He Caught Me Glancing At Him. He Snickered While I Blushed From Embarrassment Of Getting Caught. There Was An Awkward Silence In The Air. I Felt Like It Was Because Of Me And Jungkook. It Was Obvious That Wendy Knew Something's Up Between Me And Jungkook Because She Was Staring At Us With An Evil Glint In Her Eyes. It's Not 'The I Know Something's Up' Stare. It Was More Like 'You Guys Are Caught And I'm Planning Something Evil' Stare. She Smiled At Me Knowingly. I Fidgeted In My Seat Nervously. I Focused On Listening To The Rain That Was Pouring Hard Outside. There Was A Loud Thunder. Dahyun Started A Conversation With Wendy. I Wasn't Really Listening. Jungkook Wasn't Listening Either. He Would Just Glance At Them Then Nod If They Asked Him A Question. I Don't Think He Even Knew What They're Asking Him. He Just Nodded His Head Nevertheless. To My Surprise, In The Middle Of Their Conversation, Wendy Turned To Me.
"So, Chaeyoung. You Got A Boyfriend?" Wendy Asked, Smiling. Jungkook Looked At Me, His Expression Was Blank.
I Looked At Her Questioningly Before Answering. "No, I Don't."
"That's Good. So What's The Type Of A Guy Do You Like?"
"I Don't Really Have A Particular Type.... Any Type Would Do. I Mean, It's Not Like I Can Choose Who I'd Fall In Love With."
They Smiled In Response.
Dinner Went On With Wendy And Dahyun Talking About A Random Stuff. When We Finished Dinner, I Tried To Help Cleaning Up The Table But Wendy And Dahyun Refused To Let Me Help. They Told Me Jungkook Was Supposed To Be Cleaning Up The Table And He Did. Dahyun, Wendy And I Seated On The Couch In The Living Room. I Was Trying To Call Hoseok But He's Out Of Reach. The Rain Hasn't Stopped Yet.
"Chaeyoung, I Don't Think It's Safe For You To Go Home. It's Late And It's Raining Hard Outside." Wendy Told Me.
"Ugh, I Can Call The Driver To Pick Us Up."
"That Won't Work. There Would Surely Be A Traffic Jam. Your Driver's Going To Have A Hard Time Driving Here. Why Don't You Stay For The Night Instead?" She Asked But I Don't Think She Would Take 'No' For An Answer. The Looked On Her Face Said It All.
"Oh..... Okay. Are You Sure It's Okay With You?" I Asked.
"Of Course, We Don't Have A Spare Room Though. Dahyun And I Will Sleep On The Same Bed."
"It's Okay. I Can Sleep On The Couch Or--"
"Don't Talk Nonsense! You're A Lady; You Wouldn't Sleep On The Couch. You're Going To Share A Room With JK." She Smiled Knowingly Again.
Then It Hit Me.
She's Setting Me Up With Jungkook. She Knows That I Have A Thing For Her Son. I Was That Obvious? She And Dahyun Glanced At Each Other And They Both Giggled Like School Girls. They Knew That I Figured Out What Was Happening. Well, I Would Never Say 'No' To An Opportunity. So I Nodded My Head, Trying To Looked Nonchalant. But Deep Inside, I Was Giddy With Excitement. Their Stares Said 'Go Get Him Girl' And That Was What I'm Planning To Do. Wendy Called Jungkook And He Walked Into The Living Room. He Looked At Her Curiously.
"Your Sister And Chaeyoung Can't Go Home Because Of The Storm."
"And What's That Supposed To Do With Me?" He Asked.
"Chaeyoung's Sleeping In Your Room."
"Mom! I'm Not Going To Sleep In The Couch. It Hurts My Back." He Looked Like A Little Boy Whining.
"You're Not Going To Sleep On The Couch Silly. You'll Just Share Your Bed With Chaeyoung."
"What?!" He Looked Surprise.
"Aren't You Supposed To Keep Us Away From Each Other Because We Might Do Something?" He Asked Incredulously.
"Yes, But I Trust You Two Not To Touch Each Other.... Intimately."
"Mom!" He Actually Blushed From Embarrassment. Dahyun And I Just Watched The Whole Exchange Trying To Hide Our Smiles.
"No Arguments Here, Mister."
He Looked At Wendy, Dahyun And Me Like He Was Figuring Things Out.
"Whatever." He Said Then Walked Upstairs.
When We Heard The Door Close, Wendy Turned To Look At Me.
"Don't Mind Him. I'm Sure He Enjoyed The Idea Of You Sleeping With Him. And Although I Approve Of You As My Future Daughter-In-Law, I Don't Want You Doing Stuff With Him Under My Roof. Are We Clear?" She Tried To Look Stern But Failed.
"Thanks Wendy." I Walked To Her And Hugged Her. She Hugged Me Back.
"I Assume You're Going To Shower Before You Sleep."
I Nodded.
Dahyun Suddenly Smiled. "I Have Some Clothes. I'll Give Them To You Later With Spare Toothbrush, Extra Blankets And Pillow."
"Okay, Thanks Dahyun And Wendy." I Smiled.
It Was Going To Be A Long Night.
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