《Chasing The Bad Boy (J.JK ♥ S.CY)》Meet Son Chaeyoung
2 Weeks Before Summer Vacation Ends....
"Ms. Chaeyoung, I'm Begging You To Get Up Now. Your Father Will Kill Me." I Heard A Woman's Pleading Voice.
But I Decided To Ignore It Because I Was Still In My Dreamland. For The Past Few Weeks, I've Been Obsessed With The Harry Potter Series; I've Even Got All The Collectibles. And I Was So Obsessed With That Every Night, I Dreamt Of Different Situations From The Book And I Was Included On It. Sometimes I'd Be Hermione Or Ginny In My Dream. If My Maids Wake Me Up Before My Dream Ends, I Always Throw A Fit.
"Ms. Chaeyoung, Please. It's Your Father's Wedding Today. You Can't Miss That." The Woman Spoke Again.
That's When Her Words Sunk In. My Eyes Fluttered Open As Soon As I Heard Her Words. I Jumped From My Bed And Ran To My Bathroom.
I Quickly Took Off My Nightgown And Jump To The Bath Tub. Good Thing Dahyun Already Prepared My Bath. I Love Taking A Bath With Lots Of Bubbles. But At Night, I Prefer My Bath With Rose Petals And Scented Candles Around Me.
Dahyun Entered My Bathroom, Holding My Bath Robe.
"What Time Is It?" I Asked Her.
"You Still Got An Hour And A Half. Ms. Chaeyoung.
"Is My Dress Ready?"
"Yes, Ms. Chaeyoung."
"Okay, Thank You Dahyun." I Smiled At Her As I Continued Playing With My Bubbles.
Dahyun Is My Personal Maid. She Has Been With Me Since I Was 13. She's 21 Now, I Think. We've Been Really Close To Each Other. I Consider Her As My Best Friend. She's Always There For Me When I Need Her And She's Very Nice Too. Sadly, She Came From A Poor Family That's Why She Ended Up Being My Maid. She Didn't Continue With Her Studies But She Once Told Me That She's Supporting Her Family And Half Of The Money Goes To Her Brother Who's Studying In A Public High School.
"Dahyun, I Don't Get It. I Love Jiwon And All But Why Can't She Just Choose A Church In Seoul Instead Of Choosing A Church From This Small Town?" I Asked Her Curiously.
Jiwon Is My Soon-To-Be-Step-Mom. Just So We're Clear, Jiwon Is Not Your Cliché Wicked Step-Mother. She's In Her Late Thirties And Has Been With Dad For 5 Years. She's Also Poor, Just Like Dahyun. But She's Very Kind To Me And Acts Like A Mother. She's Also Pretty. My Real Mom Died While Giving Birth To Me. When I Was 12, My Dad Introduced Jiwon To Me. She Was Working In One Of Our Malls. Dad Said It Was Love At First Sight. They Were Pretty Inseparable After They Met.
That Day Was My Dad's Wedding Day With Jiwon. I Don't Even Know Why They Waited For 5 Years Before Getting Married. Anyway, Jiwon Chose To Get Married In A Small Town's Church. So Yeah, I Was In A Small Town Instead Of Living My Posh Life In Seoul.
"You Know Jiwon, Ms. Chaeyoung. She's A Sentimental Person. This Is Jiwon's Hometown And She Wants To Get Married In The Church Where Her Parents Got Married." She Smiled Happily.
"Is There A Reason Why You're Smiling Like That?"
"Well Ms. Chaeyoung, This Is Also My Hometown."
"My Eyes Widened At What She Told Me."
"Are You Serious?"
She Nodded.
"So Are You Gonna Visit Your Family While Where Here?"
"Can I?" She Looked Hopeful.
"Of Course, Dahyun! But Can I Go With You? I Want To Meet Your Family."
"Yes, Ms. Chaeyoung."
I'm Son Chaeyoung, The Heiress To Every Business Of My Dad, Son Joongki, Owns. He's An Owner Of Malls And Hotels. I'm 17 Years Old And I Study In An All-Girls Private School. But I Hate It There. The Girls There Are So Mean Just Because They're Rich. I Went To A Small Town For My Father's Wedding. At Least, I Was Staying In One Of His Hotels Here.
After 15 Minutes, I Was Done With My Bath And My Hairstylist Started Styling My Hair While Someone Painted My Nails And Another Put On Make Up On My Face.
When They Were Done Fixing Me Up, I Only Had Thirty Minutes To Go To The Church. I Almost Ran To The Car. But I Felt Like Fate Hates Me. There Was A Traffic Jam. All I Could Think About Was How Bad My Father Would Feel If I Wasn't In His Wedding.
So I Did The Thing I Never Thought Of Doing.
While We We're Stuck In The Traffic, I Went Out The Car And Ran Off With My Stilettos. My Feet Hurt Like Hell. I Could Hear Dahyun And My Driver Shouting My Name. But I Ignored Them And Kept Running, Hoping I Could Reach The Church In Time.
Then I Saw A Guy On A Motorcycle. I Had This Bright Idea. I Ran To The Guy.
He Was Wearing A Black Leather Jacket And White Shirt. He Was Wearing A Helmet.
I Patted His Shoulder.
He Turned To Look At Me But I Couldn't See His Face Because He Was Still Wearing His Helmet.
"Uh, Could You Give Me A Ride To The Church?" I Asked Hesitantly.
He Didn't Give Me An Answer. He Just Took His Helmet Off And Handed It To Me. I Accidentally Touched His Hand. But My Attention Was Focused On Him Already.
It Was Love At First Sight. I Felt The Sparks When My Fingertips Touched His Hand. It Seemed Like The Time Stop And Everything Was Frozen. He Was The Only One I Could See. It Was Like We're The Only People In There. I Got Lost In His Brown Eyes. He Has The Features Of A Badass Guy. Well, I Haven't Noticed It Before But He Really Looked Like A Lead Character In Some Action Movie. He Looked Like He Was 19 Or 20. He Was Only Wearing A Shirt And Black Leather Jacket And Yet He Looked Like A Freaking Model. Oh, And I Could See Yummy Abs Underneath His White Shirt. I Just Wanted To Rip That Shirt Off Him And Do Kinky Things. At That Moment, I Knew That I Fell In Love With Him. It Was Exactly How Dad Described It; The Sparks And How Time Seemed To Stop When Our Eyes Met. I Knew That He'll Be The Guy I'll Spend The Rest Of My Life With.
"Are You Hopping In Or Not?" He Asked Me, His Expression Was Blank The Whole Time I Was Fantasizing About Our Future.
I Wanted To Tell Him That The Helmet Would Mess My Hair Up But I Didn't Want To Leave A Bad Impression To Him. So I Wear The Helmet And Hopped In, Not Caring That I Was Wearing A Dress And Stilettos.
"Wrap Your Arms Around My Waist Or You'll Fall." He Told Me.
"I Already Fell For You." I Muttered Under My Breath.
"What Did You Say?" He Asked, Turning His Head To Face Me.
Gosh! Did He Hear That? He Wasn't Supposed To Hear That!
"I Didn't Say Anything." I Smiled Angelically At Him.
He Just Shook His Head And Smirked.
At Least, I Had A Reason To Wrap My Arms Tightly Around His Waist. I Smiled To Myself As I Thought Of That.
He Started To Drive And It Was One Hell Of A Drive. I Thought I Would Die. On The Brighter Side, I Was Able To Wrap My Arms And Lean My Head On His Back.
He Stopped Driving But I Haven't Removed My Arms From His Waist Yet.
"We're Here." He Said.
"Oh." It Was The Only Thing I Could Say Because I Was Disappointed.
I Hopped Off His Motorcycle And Handed Him His Helmet. He Was About To Drive Off When I Grabbed His Jacket. He Looked At Me And Stared At My Hand On His Jacket.
"What?" He Asked Me.
"I Don't Have My Purse With Me So I Can't Pay You."
"You Don't Have To." He Told Me.
"Can I Asked For Your Name? I Grinned.
That's The Last Thing He Said To Me And He Drove Off. Jungkook? Jungkook What? He Didn't Give Me His First Name. Oh Well, I Would Just Ask Someone To Search For This Jungkook.
Jungkook. Jungkook. Jungkook. I Repeatedly Said His Name, Smiling As I Did So. I Already Felt Obsessed With Jungkook Even Though We Just Met. I Knew It Wasn't Our Last Meeting. I'd Do Everything To See Jungkook Again. I Walked Inside The Church. They Were Already Saying "I Do". My Dad Must Have Heard Someone Come In The Church. He Turned To Look At Me With A Look Of Disapproval. I Nodded My Head At Him And Mouthed "Sorry, I'm Late." He Smiled In Return And Said His "I Do".
The Wedding Ended Happily. We Went Off To The Hotel For The Reception. I Gave My Speech. Then I Found The Guy I Was Looking For In The Wedding.
He Was Drinking A Wine In His Seat. I Walked To Him.
Jimin Looked At Me And Quickly Stood Up "Ms. Chaeyoung, What Can I Do For You?"
Jimin Is One Of My Dad's Employees. Looking For People Is His Specialty. He's The Same Age As Dahyun.
"I Want You To Look For Someone"
"Sure, Ms. Chaeyoung"
"His Name Is Jungkook. I Don't Know His First Name. But He Lives In This Town And I Want You To Give Me All The Information You Can Get."
"I'll Do That, Ms. Chaeyoung."
"Okay, Thanks." I Smiled At Him And Walked Off.
1 Week Before Summer Vacation Ends.....
"Ms. Chaeyoung, Is There A Reason For That Bright Smile?" Dahyun Asked Me, Knowingly.
I Just Chuckled At Her Question. It's Been A Week Since I First Meet Jungkook But I Couldn't Forget Him. I Spend Most Of My Time Seating On My Bed And Daydreaming About Jungkook. I Couldn't Help But Think About His Smirk, His Eyes, His Finger-licking Good Abs.
"Dahyun, I Think I'm In Love." I Smiled, Dreamily.
Her Eyes Widened And Sat Beside Me, Looking So Excited.
"Who? Who?" She Asked Me.
"It's A Secret For The Meantime." I Grinned.
She Nodded. "By The Way, Jimin Called."
My Head Snapped In Her Direction.
"What Did He Say?" I Asked Her.
" He Asked Me To Tell You That He Got The Information."
"Can You Call Him For Me, Dahyun?" I Asked Her Handing My Phone To Her.
"Sure, Ms. Chaeyoung. What Would I Tell Him?"
"Ask Him To Come Over At Lunch."
She Nodded And Grabbed My Phone From Me.
But Before She Dialed Jimin's Number, She Looked At Me Michievously.
"What?" I Asked Her.
"It Has Something To Do With The Boy, Huh"
"How Did You Know?" I Frowned.
"So I'm Right, I've Know You For 4 Years, Ms. Chaeyoung. You're Predictable. So This Guy....Is It Safe To Say He's Your New Obsession?"
"You Can Say That, I Guess. He's All I Ever Think About. I Think He's Becoming My World."
"I'm Happy For You Ms. Chaeyoung. But Be Careful When It Comes To Love. Love Hurts. It Makes People Do Stupid Things."
"I Know, Dahyun. But Isn't That What All About? When You Love Someone, You'll Do Stupid Things. Because You Can't Call It Love Unless You Do Stupid Things."
She Smiled At Me. "It Seems I Underestimated You."
I Chuckled.
Jimin Come Over Like I Asked Him To.
"So You Got The Info?" I Asked Him.
He Handed Me Some Papers.
I Looked At It.
Name: Jeon Jungkook
Age: 19
Occupation: Mechanic, Works In A Fast-Food Chain, Student In A Public High School (Senior)
Status: Single
I Smiled At Jimin As My Thanks.
"Do You Know Where He Studies?" I Asked Jimin.
"Yes, Ms. Chaeyoung."
"Good. Dahyun!" I Called Her. Dahyun Walked To Me.
"Yes, Ms. Chaeyoung?"
"Jimin, Tell Dahyun The Name Of The School. And You, Dahyun, Enroll Me To That School."
Both Of There Eyes Widened At What I Said.
"Are You Serious, Ms. Chaeyoung?" Dahyun Laughed Nervously.
"Is There A Problem?" I Asked Them.
"Ms. Chaeyoung Your Father Would Surely Get Mad If He Finds Out That You're Not Studying In That Exclusive All-Girls School." Jimin Explained.
"I Can Handle Dad. Just Enroll Me To That Public High School, Okay? I'll Tell Dad That Girls In That School Are Bullying Me."
"Are You Serious About This, Ms. Chaeyoung?" Jimin Asked Again.
I Nodded And Walked Out Of My Room.
But Before I Left, I Heard Jimin Mutter "She's Obsessed Again.
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"𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢'𝐦 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐫"✯✯✯"I want to kiss you so bad" he whispered huskily running his thumb over my bottom lip."What's stopping you?" I asked slowly leaning into his touch."I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to stop" he replied in a hoarse voice kissing my neck."Then don't" I mumbled gulping down the nerves.Isabella Rosa UsoroA ordinary 21 year old , but her life not so ordinaryshe is the heiress to the italy's second most richest company in Italy Roso Industriesshe lives a happy life with her parents and brother but what happens when it all goes south.Leonardo Matteo GiovanniA not so ordinary Italian Mafia bossOwns the richest company in Italy as coverup for his real buisnessKnown as the Hottest yet coldest billionaireis known to show no type of affection and has been like that since his parents murder.join the rollercoaster ride to the life of Isabella Usoro and Leonardo Giovanni full of love, betrayal,pain, anger and bloodA/N Hey guys hresha here this is my first Wattpad story so bare with me. do comment how you like my story but gonna go on a limb and say it do not fucking post any hate comments or start a fight (No offense love you guys) i guess that's it oh wait i forgot do vote and commentuntil next time Adios bitches
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