《Kiddnapped (A parent's worst nightmare)》When it all began


"You all wanted to see us ?" Amelia asked.

North and South America were called for a Continental American meeting. They only had one of these before.

But that was only to discuss trading.

"Yeah we did please still down" Her boss responded.

"So what is this about ? Trading ? Security ? Jobs ? Our economies ?" Venezuela asked.

"Something like that" her boss responded.

"Okay we might as well get started." Canada's boss stated. "Your economies are fine, so there's no need to worry about them for awhile. They be fine while your gone."

Madeline looked at her boss confused. "Gone ? wait what do you mean gone?"

"Well" Argentina's boss started. "You all are still very young countries compared to those European and Asian countries. And well-"

"The younger you are, the more careless you can be" Bolivia's boss cut him off. "So that's why were taking precautionary measures."

"Wait what ?" Brazil said standing up.

"Brazil sit down" his boss said.

"No" Argentina said standing up too. "Tell us what these precautionary measures are"

"Please sit, we don't want to do this the hard way." The Mexico's boss said.

"Tell us dammit !!" Peru yelled.

Colombia's boss sighed. "Fine... you all will be put in a specialized government buliding. There we can monitor you all."

"No !! You can't do this !!" Maria aka South Mexico yelled.

"Yes we can and we will. Look guys, you all are very young and as we said earlier, the younger you are the more careless you can be. Which means if one of you play a prank on another country who your not on good terms with. It could lead to war. And none of us want that." Suriname's boss said.

"So please sit down and don't make us do this the hard way." Chile's boss said.


At this point every single country was standing.

"Yeah we're out." Amelia said. As North and South America were walking to the door.

"You all had your chance. We didn't want to do this the hard way." He picked up a pen. "Get them" he said into it.

All of a sudden. People dressed in black with gas masks busted in the door that they were about leave through.

"Are you guys serious?" Uruguay said with an are you crazy face to their bosses.

"Last chance. This is for your own good." Brazil's boss said.

"We're not doing that !!" Guyana yelled.

"We tried to go easy on you all" America's boss said back.

All of a sudden one of the people in black threw a smoke bomb while the bosses were escorted out.

The men grabbed the countries. Amelia kneeled the guy who grabbed her where the sun don't shine.

Argentina punched the person who grabbed him in the stomach. Brazil kicked the person who grabbed him.

Kumaijaro and Madeline were fighting together.

The people in black were getting tired of it. And started to get a bit more violent. Argentina, Canada, both Mexico's, Venezuela, Colombia, and Peru were tasered.

Brazil, Guyana, Uruguay, America, Suriname, and Chile were put to sleep with chloroform.

They started to carry the countries out the meeting room.


"Are you guys sure we're doing the right thing ?" Venezuela's boss asked the others from inside the security room.

They were able to see what was happening because if the cameras.

"We're doing what's best for our countries. Nothing wrong with that. Besides they had a chance to go peacefully." Brazil's boss said calmly sipping tea.

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