《Stories Of The Agency (FN Chapter 2, Season 2) [ DISCONTINUED! ]》Hanging Out
Hey! I just want to say, thank you for the comments and support on the last part, I really appreciate it! Anyways, let's get on with the story!
It was a bright, sunny morning again, and both Meowscles and Peely woke up, and got out of bed.
"I had a lot of fun with you yesterday, I'm glad we got to hang out a bit!" Meowscles said happily.
"Yeah, me too! I loved spending time with you, and we did a lot of fun stuff all day!" Peely said, also happy.
"Yeah! Though I did notice one thing..." Meowscles said.
"Oh? What is it?" Peely asked.
"Well, I noticed that you were blushing a lot at times, I wonder why though." Meowscles asked, curious.
"O-Oh there isn't a reason or a-anything! It's just um...uh..." Peely said, starting to get nervous.
"Just what? Everything alright, Peely? You can always tell me if something is wrong." Meowscles said
"N-No nothing is wrong! It's just...um.." Peely said.
"You don't really have to say anything if you aren't comfortable, or you could just tell me another time instead. Last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable or something." Meowscles said.
"Y-Yeah, I think I'll just say it another time, is that fine with you?" Peely asked.
"Of course! Besides, I have an idea for something we can do!" Meowscles said
"Oh? Let's do it then!" Peely said, excited to spend more time with Meowscles.
"Alright! Follow me!" Meowscles said, walking with Peely to the outside of The Agency.
Skye and Bushranger were behind a wall in the hallway at The Agency, peeking out and watching Meowscles and Peely walk to the outside of The Agency.
"Hmmm...those two seem to be really close friends with each other.." Skye said, watching the two.
"Well..I did notice that as well, but why mention that? I thought you and others may have already noticed." Bushranger asked.
"Well...I mean, they have slept in the same room multiple times together. Probably in the same bed as there is only one bed in Meowscles' room, and they have been spending a lot of time with each other the past few days." Skye started.
"Soo...although I know there are those rumors with Lynx, which he told me are false, what if...." Skye said.
"Are you trying to suggest that..?" Bushranger asked, knowing exactly what Skye was suggesting.
"Yeah! I mean, the two have been friends for a while, I think. And I mean, have you even seen Peely with him sometimes?" Skye asked.
"That is true..do you think Peely might..?" Bushranger asked.
"Maybe! Ooo! We could maybe spy on them to find out!" Skye said
"Are you sure? I don't want them to get mad at us..." Bushranger said, unsure of the idea.
"Oh come on! It'll be fun and interesting! Plus we'll get to learn more about them!" Skye said, trying to convince Bushranger.
"Well, I am a bit curious myself... Alright. I guess I'll go along with you then." Bushranger said, convinced.
"Alright! Let's go!" Skye said, heading outside with Bushranger following behind her.
Meowscles and Peely were still outside The Agency, talking with each other.
"Well, I had a few ideas. Maybe we could go watch a movie, or shopping, or even to Apres Ski for fun!" Meowscles said.
"Well, Apres Ski does sound fun, but that is all the way up on that mountain area by Misty Meadows, and I'm not really sure if it is worth going there. The other two could possibly work though." Peely said.
"Alright, sounds good! Let's head over to Retail Row first then!" Meowscles said, getting inside a motorboat
"Right behind ya!" Peely said, getting in a backseat on the motorboat, as Meowscles began to drive.
"Shopping huh? Well, I guess we'll just have to follow them!" Skye said
"But another motorboat could be too loud, and obvious, and I don't really have anything like your grappler or Ollie." Bushranger said.
"Well, I guess the Choppa is our best option, although it isn't exactly the quietest thing, if we stay far enough and aren't too obvious, we should be fine!" Skye said.
"Alright then. Let's go for it!" Bushranger said.
Skye went to a Choppa landing pad, and went into the driver seat of the Choppa. Bushranger went into a passenger seat on it, as Skye started the Choppa up, and began to fly after Meowscles and Peely's motorboat, keeping somewhat of a distance.
Meowscles parked the Motorboat on land, near the bridge leading to Retail Row, as he and Peely got out.
"Well, it's not the best parking spot, but it works. Let's head to Retail!" Meowscles said, as he and Peely quickly went to Retail Row.
Skye parked the Choppa a bit away and out of sight from the Motorboat, getting out with Bushranger.
"We'll have to watch from a distance from here." Skye said.
"Alright, that works." Bushranger said, taking out a telescope.
Skye had a telescope as well, and also took it out to watch.
Meowscles and Peely went inside two different stores at Retail Row.
Peely went inside a store that sold a variety of things, such as food, snacks, and other similar items. Meowscles went inside a store that sold some flowers.
"Strange...why is Meowscles going to buy flowers? I mean, at least from my knowledge, I never really knew that he liked flowers or...anything like that." Bushranger asked
"Hmm...well, maybe he is buying it for someone? That's a bit more likely. If so, we probably have an idea of who it may be for, but we can't be so sure yet." Skye said.
"Yeah, true...if that is the case, that is kind of him to do." Bushranger said.
"Okay...where is the stuff Meowscles likes...?" Peely asks himself.
Peely looks around, and finds something, some fish!
"Perfect!" Peely walks over to the fish, and grabs some. Three floppers, two slurpfish, and one small fry.
"Now...I think he'd also probably like a drink, and I know exactly what to get!" Peely walks over to a sort of fridge in the shop that had some drinks, and Peely grabbed the milk from it.
"I think that's about all I need from here." Peely said, as he walked over to the cashier.
The Cashier looked at Peely.
"Alright that'll be about...$20!" The Cashier said.
"Here!" Peely said, giving The Cashier $20.
The Cashier put the $20 into the cash register, and gave Peely a bag to put the stuff he bought in.
"All set!" The Cashier said
"Thanks!" Peely said as he quickly put the floppers, slurpfish, small fry, and milk in the bag, and left the store.
Meowscles was looking at some flowers in the store he was in.
"Hm...what would they like from here..?" Meowscles asked himself as he looked around the store.
Meowscles found some rose flowers in a pot, and quickly decided that he will go for that.
Meowscles grabbed the rose flower pot.
"I hope he'll like this.." Meowscles said, walking over to a cashier to buy the rose flowers.
"That'll be about...$15!" The cashier said
"Alright, here!" Meowscles gave the cashier $15 for the flowers, which the cashier put in the cash register.
Meowscles put the pot with the rose flowers inside a box, to keep it a secret, and brought it with him outside.
Meowscles and Peely met back with each other in the middle of Retail Row.
"Oooo I wonder who those flowers were for!!" Skye said excitedly.
"Me too, but you're being a little loud Skye."
"Oops, sorry." Skye said.
Meowscles' ear twitched slightly, and Meowscles looked around a little.
"Huh?" Peely asked, noticing Meowscles' ear.
"I don't know, I thought I heard something." Meowscles said.
"Strange..." Peely said.
"Anyways, you everything you needed?" Meowscles asked Peely.
"Yep! You?" Peely asked.
"Yeah, I did. Want to head back to The Agency for now?" Meowscles asked.
"Sure!" Peely said, as he and Meowscles began to walk towards the motorboat
"Quick question though, what's in that box?" Peely asked
"Oh nothing to worry about, it's a secret!" Meowscles said
"Ohh I see, interesting." Peely said.
Meowscles got in the driver seat of the motorboat as Peely got in the back. Meowscles placed the box on the boat, and drove back to The Agency.
"Hm...I wonder what Peely bought. Let's follow them!" Skye said, getting back inside the driver seat of the Choppa.
"I'm not sure myself. We may find out soon though!" Bushranger said, also getting inside the Choppa, as Skye flew after Meowscles and Peely.
Once Meowscles and Peely arrived at The Agency, Meowscles parked the Motorboat, and the two got off. Peely took his bag, and Meowscles took his box, and they both walked back inside The Agency.
"Oh yeah, I have to show you something Meowscles!" Peely said, a little excited.
"Oh really? Cool! But um...can you show me in my room?" Meowscles asked.
"Huh? I'm not sure why specifically there, but sure!" Peely said.
Meowscles and Peely then walked to, and inside Meowscles' room, closing the door behind them.
Skye landed the Choppa on the landing pad, and walked out into The Agency with Bushranger.
"Darn it! I think they want into Meowscles' room, so we can't really see anything. Ah well, at least that was fun though!" Skye said.
"Yeah, it was, surprisingly." Bushranger said.
"Well, what did you need to show me Peely?" Meowscles asked, a bit curious.
"Oh! It was this!" Peely said, as he took out three floppers, two slurpfish, one small fry, and milk.
"I bought these for you! I um..I hope you like them. Sorry if they aren't the kind of thing you like." Peely said, blushing a small bit, and also nervous to see Meowscles' reaction.
Meowscles seemed surprised, and then really happy, and hugged Peely.
"Thank you so much Peely! I love it! You really didn't have to do that, you know." Meowscles said, smiling.
Peely blushed more. "Aww, it wasn't really anything that special, honestly! But I'm glad you like it!" Peely said, smiling as well.
"Oh yeah! I actually have a question too!" Peely said
"Huh? What is it?" Meowscles asked.
"Well, I wanted to ask, why did you want me in here specifically?" Peely asked
"O-Oh, well, um...you'll see in a um...s-second." Meowscles said, as he turned around and put down the box, and opened it.
Meowscles took out the rose flower pot, started to blush. Meowscles turned back around towards Peely, and gave the rose flower pot to Peely, blushing more.
"H-Here, I bought this for you. Sorry if it isn't good enough, I wasn't sure if you what you would like, so I chose this one." Meowscles said.
Peely looked both very surprised, and excited, which surprised Meowscles.
"This is...for me? I love it so much!! Thank you Meowscles, I absolutely love it!!" Peely said, grabbing the flower pot and putting it on a table.
Peely then hugged Meowscles.
"Thank you!" Peely said happily.
Meowscles hugged Peely back, blushing even more, and purring a little.
"I'm so glad you liked it, Peely. I was worried you wouldn't." Meowscles said.
"Of course I would, why would I not?" Peely asked, blushing more as well.
The two eventually released each other from the hug.
"Would you like to eat something now? We haven't eaten anything all day." Meowscles asked.
"Of course!" Peely said, as the two walked out of Meowscles' room, and to the kitchen together, still blushing a little.
"What do you think happened?" Bushranger asked Skye.
"Well, I at least know Peely gave Meowscles the stuff he bought. Not sure what Meowscles did exactly." Skye answered.
Meowscles ate the floppers Peely bought him, and was also drinking some of the milk from a cup, having warmed up the milk beforehand.
Peely was eating some cereal in a bowl, and drinking some water.
"You know, the past few days have been really fun for me, especially because I got to spend it with you." Meowscles said.
"Same here!" Peely said.
"Would you still like to watch a movie with me, or just hang out together?" Meowscles asked, finishing the milk.
"Sure! I'd love to watch a movie!" Peely said, finishing the cereal and water.
Meowscles and Peely then went back inside of Meowscles' room, and watched a movie on Meowscles' TV.
--------2 hours later, after the movie---------
"That was a nice movie!" Meowscles said.
"Agreed!" Peely said.
It was now night, and the two were getting tired.
Meowscles yawns.
"I think I'm a little tired, want to head to sleep now?" Meowscles asked.
"Yeah, maybe we can hang out with Skye or another agent tomorrow as well, or do something fun." Peely said, yawning as well.
"Yeah maybe, that sounds nice." Meowscles said, turning off the lights in his room, and getting inside his bed, Peely getting in next to him.
Meowscles was close to Peely in the bed, and wrapped his arm around him.
Meowscles smiled, and purred a little.
"Goodnight, Peely." Meowscles said, blushing a little.
"Goodnight, Meowscles." Peely said, also blushing a little.
The two soon happily fell asleep together.
And that is it for this part! I'll actually mention this here, I was a bit unsure as to how people would react to the last part, but I'm glad some of you seemed to have enjoyed it!
I actually have a question for you here as well, if you want to answer it.
Would you rather me stick closer towards the sort of canon story in Fortnite, or branch off a bit? I'm curious on what you think.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this part, and as always, have a good day!
- In Serial52 Chapters
Dragon: Birth of an Ancient
Deep in a secluded forest, within the depths of a long forgotten cave, an unnatural silence that has reigned for little over a million years is shattered as a hatchling takes its first breath. To the various species that called this world, one of seven, home, the matter seemed beyond insignificant. The hatchling, like all monsters, had no divine backing and with its age, could only be considered a lesser existence. A being to be used by the Chosen and noble monster bloodlines in their never-ending pursuit of power, fame and immortality. However, how could any of the short-lived races, Chosen and Monster alike, know that the tiny, weak, lizard-like creature was much more than it seemed. That it was an entity only spoken of in myth and legend. From a species that their ancestors, with the backing of the Gods, paid a huge price to remove. A heretical existence that threatened the fragile peace that had descended upon their world. A Dragon. ==== ** Cover done by the amazing Felix!*** I am writing this story for a friend who is currently in hospital and in a very precarious situation. He gave me the plot/ concept and, after my own health issues, I wanted to try and brighten his day and provide a distraction from the monotony of their hospital stay. I am posting it on RRL mainly in case anyone else can find enjoyment from the story and to show the readers of my other stories that I am not permanently MIA (and will 100% return to those stories in the future).
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Instead of Fantasy and Sci-fi, I went with a Vrmmo theme that would actually be relevant, something along the lines of GTA 5 but Vrmmo, and better....The main character is the creator of the game, but when he is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit his computer throws him into the game world that he helped create. He takes the place of his crime-lord counterpart, but he soon learns that it wasn't just him that was thrown into the game, the entire city was!If you like Mature fictions with : Slavery, Violence, Gore, Sex, Language Problems, A Harem, Crime-lords, Sociopaths, and a healthy serving of pure unadulterated bad-ass for your main character, step on up, because this is the book for you...
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The things that carry over. Over and over
A hero, a demon, a fight, an end, a beginning.Attention( english is not my first language. And this is just a side project aside of my busy daily life)I'm still dont know how this story will go on. And i'll update when i'm feel like it. But be assure because me too want to see the end of this story)
8 88