《Tumse Na Jaane Kyuin✓》chapter- 15


I beg for Inlines

Everything was virtually perfect, Shyam & Anjali were awaiting the arrival of their princess, Subhadra Devi Mallik was maintaining a fair distance from the couple for which Shyam couldn't have been any more grateful, Dheeraj Kharbanda aka DK was still an unsolved mystery, every time they they're close to DK, It ended up in a dead-end and the patience of Arnav Singh Raizada was running out with every day that passed without a proper lead.

Khushi was yet another time in the premises of her favorite deity's temple doing her morning prayers, The priest did the veneration in Arnav and the Family's name as instructed by Khushi and gave her the offering along with her pooja thaal.

Khushi thanked the priest and with quick final prayers turned to leave the temple. She had just reached the stairs when dizziness overcame her making her take a few steps away from the stairs and lean against the wall to try and get rid of the dizziness.

Shyam got out of a car dressed in a crisp black suit and climbed the stairs of the temple whilst talking on his phone.

"It's not possible Mr. Sharma, You'll have to handle that meeting. " He barked into the phone

"I've attended my share of the meetings, and the teleconference as well. I need to be back before Anjali's appointment." He explained to the caller. He was about to go inside the temple when he noticed Khushi who was on the verge of fainting.

"I'll call you back Mr. Sharma" He spoke before cutting the call and going towards Khushi.

"Khushi-ji-?!?" He prevented Khushi from collapsing on the floor and patted her cheeks in an attempt to bring her back to consciousness.

"Khushi-ji!" Shyam patted her face but seeing no response from her side decided to take her to Shantivan.

"At least now he'll talk to me" Shyam thought relieved and called Arnav telling him to come home at the earliest.


"What is your problem Shyam?" Arnav shouted opening the front door of the house revealing Shyam carrying an unconscious Khushi in his arms.

"Khushi-ji fainted in the temple, We can talk later right now take her to your room I've called the doctor. She'll be here in ten minutes." Shyam answered calmly.

Arnav took her in his arms and walked towards his room with shyam following behind.

"Did Raani-Saheba leave for her appointment?" Shyam asked.

"Payal took her." Arnav answered tucking Khushi in the bed. "How did she faint?"

"I don't know, I just saw her fainting and brought her here. You should call the Guptas and ensure them about her being with you least they worry." Shyam suggested.

Arnav looked at him surprised, Shyam smiled.

"She's still wearing vermillion and a Nuptial chain, Either she has remarried or the two of you have reconciled and I think that the second option has more chances of being true." Shyam said smirking.

"How can you be so sure?" Arnav asked trying to retain his emotionless face.

"I read that letter." Shyam said plainly making Arnav's eyes go wide

"The letter fell from the file when NK was taking the Registration papers to Khushi and I happen to see it. No one else knows though" Shyam said

"Why.. why haven't you done anything yet?" Arnav asked surprised.

"I have been trying to talk to you for almost a month now Arnav while you've been avoiding me like plague. I know I have done things and you aren't comfortable talking to me, but I have no intentions of disrupting your happiness. I don't want to hurt you or Khushi-ji, believe me." Shyam said sincerely.

"How can I even trust you?" Arnav questioned

"I don't know, I have only the truth to offer and you will have to believe me." Shyam said.


A few minutes later, The doctors came and checked Khushi.

"Is Khushi fine?" Arnav asked the doctor as soon as she came out of his room.

"Mr. Raizada your wife is absolutely fine. You don't have to worry about anything on the contrary you should be happy, Congratulations Mr. Raizada You're going to be a father." She congratulated Arnav.

Arnav stood flasbaggered for a few seconds "Doctor are you--??" He stuttered overwhelmed

"Congratulations Mr. Raizada, You need to take very good care of her during this period. You need to keep her away from stress and anxiety. I'll take your leave Mr. Raizada, Make sure you bring her for a proper check-up in two days time." She explained.

"Yes Doctor." Arnav nodded. The doctor left.

"Congratulations Arnav" Shyam smiled at him.

Arnav entered the room without responding to Shyam and went up to Khushi who was sitting on the bed with a smile on her lips.

"Hey" Khushi whispered softly. Arnav pulled her in his arms kissing her forehead.

"Thank you so much jaan" He whispered.

"I can't believe this Arnav-ji" Khushi confessed.

"I can't either, but it's the truth. You're going to be a mother. We're going to be parents." He said happily.

"I love you Arnav-ji." Khushi confessed.

"I love you too" Arnav kissed her forehead.

Shyam knocked the door, "May I come in?"

"Shyam-ji? Why are you here?" Khushi asked surprised

"Congratulations Khushi-ji" Shyam greeted

"Thank you, But definitely you're not here just for the sake of congratulating me." Khushi said skeptically

"I'm not.. Anyway, I haven't had a chance to talk to Arnav in the last one and a half months.. It's about time all of us talk." Shyam said

"We don't have time to have idle conversations Shyam." Arnav said blatantly

Shyam chuckled "Why? Do you have a meeting fixed with DK?" He asked.

"What's the deal with you? Who has been giving you this information?" Arnav asked angrily. Shyam was taken aback.

"Wait.. What? You do have a meeting with DK? Is that what Mr. Sharma was talking about?" Shyam whispered.

"Come again?" Arnav scrunched his brows

"You have a meeting with Dheeraj Kharbanda at 12:30? And the reason that you want to meet him is because you want to enter the construction industry? And the name of your company is AK?" Shyam said, confused at first but then something dawned upon him.

"Just because you changed your name doesn't mean you aren't related to Arvind Mallik anymore." Shyam said in an undertone

"I have no idea what you're talking Shyam.. How do you know these details?" Arnav asked confused

Shyam closed his eyes, "You know.. That's exactly what your father did. He said he wanted to venture into the construction business and Giriraj Kharbanda fell for his lie. He helped him create an image, a reputation, He did everything a mentor could do for his disciple." He said

"Shyam-ji.. Aap itna sab kuch kaise jaante hain? (Shyam-ji.. How come you know so much?)" Khushi asked astounded

"Because I am the Dheeraj Kharbanda Arnav wants to meet. I'm the DK you're looking for"

So guys... Here's the next part.

Hope I'm not too late. I'm being lazy But I've given two updates in two days so that calls for an applause now doesn't it??

So.. many revelations?

Is the Pregnancy thing becoming a Normal thing in my stories? I mean.. I know I am a sucker For ArShi pregnancies but is it becoming monotonous?? Is that addition a "not needed" one I hope not.

Anyway, coming to the update. How's it?



Not bad

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