《Tumse Na Jaane Kyuin✓》Chapter: 6


"" Shashi gasped seeing Arnav crouching in front of him

"(Chuckling dryly) " Arnav looked hopefully at Shashi

Shashi looked at him blankly

"" Arnav apologized in a vulnerable low voice

"" Shashi confided in him

"" Arnav mumbled audibly


"" Arnav said sadly

" (Babuji, I lost the two most important women of my life just because they never let their life, their existence to be their own.... Their lives revolve around their husbands only.... I have never wished Khushi to become this helpless.... Babuji, how can I be happy after destroying the very girl who gave me life?? How can I celebrate after breaking that girl's heart who taught my heart to beat??)"

"" Shashi said bitterly

"(Can I meet her, Please?)" Arnav asked

At the question, Every head in the hall snapped up in protest Except one.

" (You can hate me all your life. I know that I've earned your hatred. But today, Just today let me see her. Just once. Please)" Arnav pleaded

"Come Arnav bhai.. She's in the room)" Payal stood up from her place to escort Arnav towards Khushi's room

Shashi looked at her astonished

" (Babuji.. That child is broken. And the only way to heal her is to make Arnav meet her)" Payal said

" (You do know what he's done, Don't you Payal?)" Akash asked

Arnav looked at Akash with a small smile. He was indeed proud of his brother for standing up to him defending his sister-in-law Yet a certain amount of sadness crept in uninvited. For not being able to tell him what he really wants.

Payal looked at his brother-in-law cum brother sadly.

"" Payal said

"" Shashi asked

"(Today.. The fault isn't his but of the circumstances. And you cannot punish a human for the circumstances' mistake babuji)" Payal said taking Arnav's hand and leading him inside Khushi's room.


"" Payal gave him a gentle push

"" Arnav said

"" Payal said

Arnav nodded

Arnav entered the room only to find it in semi-darkness. He looked around to find Khushi sitting on the bed hugging her knees.

" (Go from here jiji.. I want to stay alone)" Khushi said in a hoarse voice

Arnav took a shuddering breath and made his way towards her. She didn't acknowledge me.

"" Arnav cupped her face in his hands after switching on the lights illuminating the room

Khushi closed her eyes tightly due to the sudden light. That's when Arnav saw her profile for the first time. Her face was pale, Eyes swollen due to the crying for hours. She was looking weaker than the last time he'd seen her. The usual smiling face of Khushi was missing. Her face sunken and sad. He inhaled sharply taking in her appearance. As if he needed anymore reasons to hate himself

"" Arnav called in a broken voice

Khushi's eyes snapped open the minute his voice reached her senses. She stared at him longingly taking in his appearance.

"" Khushi whispered in disbelief staring at him

"" Arnav apologized softly

"" Khushi asked touching every fibre of his face as if making sure of his presence

"" Arnav assured wiping her tears

Khushi hugged him tightly catching him off guard making him stumble backwards. Arnav regained his balance and wrapped his arms around her petite form hugging her back

"" Arnav cooed to her

"" Khushi sobbed into his shirt wetting the fabric

"" Arnav said caressing her hair soothing her

" (Why didn't you come?)" Khushi asked

" (I-)" Arnav stuttered. What do I tell you Khushi

" (You were there.. You were near me. Then why didn't you come to the altar?)"

"" Arnav whispered bewildered

"(You were there right? You were there. Somewhere near)" Khushi asked coming out of the hug. Looking at him hopefully while Arnav stared at her shocked


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