《blocked | yoonmin》89


it was the day before yoongi would leave for tour and jimin was spending it alone. yoongi had tour rehearsals so he couldn't spend the day with his boyfriend, the news disappointing the two of them.

jimin was currently sat in his living room on the couch, a large fluffy blanket over himself while he watched some movie he didn't know the name of, it was on when he turned the tv on and he was just too lazy to change it.

really jimin wasn't paying much attention to the movie, he was thinking about the next 3 months of his life are gonna go. he's only known yoongi personally for almost 3 months now but he's had such a huge impact on his life, jimin didn't know how he was going to survive without him.

he'd have jinyoung and jackbam to keep him company most of the time, even youngjae too. although it would remind him how lonely he was, having to be the third wheel so often.

jimin sighed, getting up of the couch but not unwrapping himself from the blanket. he made his way to the kitchen, looking around to see if there was anything for him to eat but as he expected, there wasn't. he hadn't been food shopping in a while since he was always out for food or over at yoongi's dorm being fed by seokjin. he decided that he would go out shopping. at least it would take his mind off of not being able to see yoongi.

when jimin got to the supermarket, he wandered about, lifting up things that caught his eye and put them in his basket, which in the end contained more junk food than actual food that he could use to make meals, but he honestly didn't care.

"oh sorry, i didn't see you there." jimin looked up to see a tall boy with black hair standing in front of him, an apologetic smile on his face as he looked at the smaller brunette. "no, no it's fine. i should've been watching where i was going."


"i'm yugyeom." the boy, who's name jimin now knew spoke, reaching his hand out. jimin took his hand and shook it without hesitation, always being up to make new friends. "i'm jimin."

"are you free? i'd love to make it up to you by taking you out for coffee maybe..."

"uh, sure. i think i'm meeting my boyfriend later tonight but other than that i'm free. you don't have to take me out for coffee though, it was just an accident." jimin explained, not wanting the boy to get the wrong impression. jimin didn't know if the boy was straight or gay or even bi, but he just felt like he should mention the fact he had a boyfriend. hopefully yugyeom wasn't homophobic.

yugyeom raised his eyebrows as he nodded, smiling. "that's fine, i still wanna treat you though. i love making new friends."

"me too."

jimin went and paid for his things, informing yugyeom that he had to leave his stuff back home before they could head out for coffee so yugyeom joined him in the passenger seat of his car, the two chatting to one another the whole drive to jimin's apartment block.

when they got out of the car, yugyeom helped his new friend carry his stuff into his apartment before they ready to go, until jimins phone dinged, notifying him that he had a new message.

should be finished rehearsals at 8 pm. come over & bring ur stuff, ur spending the night. guessing ur coming to the airport tomorrow too? xx

that's great! just hanging out with a friend now, then i'll come over when ur finished. yeah i'm coming to the airport tomorrow. couldn't miss saying goodbye to you x

jimin instantly got a reply, causing a smile to appear on his face.


ok that's good. hope ur having fun, which friend is it? can't wait to see u. miss u xx

he's called yugyeom, we just met today. i'll tell u about him later. i miss u too. i've gotta go now. see u at 8 x

jimin locked his phone and slid it in his back pocket, looking up to see that yugyeom was already looking at him. "you ready to go now?" jimin just nodded and smiled sheepishly, "sorry, i had to text yoongi."

"wait — you're park jimin as in min yoongi's boyfriend, aren't you?"

jimin hummed, picking his keys up from the table he had sat them on when he came in. "i am, yeah. you ready to go?"

yugyeom got up and the two of them left the apartment and headed for jimins car, getting inside. it was quiet until yugyeom spoke up. "so jimin, how did you start dating yoongi?"

"it's a long story."

jimin and yugyeom spent 2 hours together before finally, it was time for them to depart, which jimin wasn't too sad about. yes, he had fun with the younger but he was just happy to be able to go back and hang out with his boyfriend before he would leave him.

"i had fun today, jimin. thank you. take my number incase you wanna hang out again, you know if you're feeling lonely since yoongi's gonna be gone. good luck for tomorrow. you two can do it, it'll fly in."

jimin smiled gratefully, taking yugyeoms number before saying goodbye to him and rushing off to his car, driving to yoongi's dorm after he got a text saying that the latter had returned from rehearsals and was waiting for jimin.

jimin grabbed his backpack from the back seat as soon as he had parked the car before he got out of the car, quickly heading inside, saying hello to security as he entered. as soon as he reached the door, he knocked three times and waited for someone to open up.

"hi chim, yoongi's in his room." taehyung told him and jimin instantly ran past him and into his boyfriends room, dropping his bag on the floor before dashing over to the bed where yoongi was laying, throwing himself on top of him, instantly wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.

"is everything alright?" yoongi lifted his hand and started running his fingers through jimins hair, raising an eyebrow. "everything's fine. i just missed you."

"i missed you too." yoongi replied, placing a soft kiss on jimins head as he continued to run his fingers through the brunettes hair, and that was how they spent their last night together. cuddling with each other and barely saying anything, while they both asked themselves how on earth were they going to survive without seeing the other for three whole months.

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