《Adeena Cole: At World's End》Chapter Eleven: Stolen
I can't describe the calm feeling that I had. I suppose I can call it knowing. I knew what to do, suddenly, what to say.
If Jack or Barboussa or someone interrupted me, someone was going to die.
Preferably that someone would be Sao Feng.
He appeared to be the one behind the obvious mutiny; it was him, after all, who stood smugly on the center of the deck staring around at the crew held hostage.
Only his crew and William Turner II remained free. I fixed my stare on Will, narrowing my eyes.
"Sao Feng, ye showing up here, 'tis truly a remarkable coincidence." Barboussa rasped, warning flickering in his beady eyes.
"Shut up, Hector. I'll deal with the filth." I said coolly, not bothering to strain at the men who held my upper arms.
Sao Feng smiled at me, and I shuddered. The only person allowed to lust after me was Jack, and Jack alone. Sao Feng needed to go die in a hole. Hopefully a hole filled with boiling lava. Weighted with a sack of bricks.
"Jack Sparrow." He let his gaze travel to Jack, held similarly to me. Jack smiled innocently in greeting. "You paid me great insult once." He breathed out heavily, trying to control his anger.
Jack thought for a brief moment, then grinned nervously. "That doesn't sound like me."
Sao Feng's eyes flashed, and he socked Jack square in the nose. I heard the unmistakable snap of it breaking.
"Hey! Don't touch him!" I growled, yanking at my captors.
"Shall we just call it square, then?" Jack said, adjusting his nose. It clicked back into place.
William stepped forward. I tried catching his eyes, but he avoided my gaze. My irritated feeling grew in volume. "Let them go," He pointed at Elizabeth and I. "They aren't part of the bargain."
"And what bargain is this?" I demanded, kicking Sao Feng's leg. He glared at me but said nothing regarding my lashing out.
"You heard Captain Turner, release them," He told the Chinese men holding us.
"What?" I hissed, rubbing the area they had grasped me. I might have bruises.
"Captain Turner?" Jack whispered, almost talking to himself.
"Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Gibbs said, glaring at Will.
I stared at Will, my recently honorary brother, feeling betrayed. "Will?" I whispered.
"I need the Black Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage." He said venomously, resolve in his voice.
"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth stomped over to stand in front of him.
"It was my burden to bear." He said softly in reply, although his voice was one of someone retorted to an insult. Elizabeth took a step back, her eyes wide and suspiciously shining.
Yes, I thought. Let her cry. Let her be miserable.
Jack couldn't keep himself silent any longer.
"He needs the Pearl!" He announced sarcastically, breaking free and spreading his arms. Everyone stepped back to give him a wide berth. "Captain Turner needs the Pearl!" He gestured angrily at Elizabeth. "And you felt guilty." He pointed at Barboussa. "And you and your Brethren Court," He all but spat at him. "And you love me." He said to me, resulting a blush spreading across my cheeks. "But besides the beautiful Adeena, did anyone come to save just because they missed me?"
The crew all gave each other glances conveying, Is he nuts? But despite that, Gibbs (With an eye roll), Marty, Cotton, Pintel and Ragetti, and Jack the Monkey raised their hands. I rolled my eyes, waving my hand slightly before letting my arm drop.
More than you know, Jack. I thought at him. I wish all of you was here...
Jack grabbed my hand, effectively startling me, and began to drag me toward his supporters. "Great! I'm standing over their with them!" He called, grinning.
Sao Feng brought his hand down on our entwined fingers, separating us. I muttered an ouch and stepped back, staring as Sao Feng forcibly grabbed Jack.
"I'm sorry, Jack." He said, not sounding sorry at all. "But there is an old friend who wants to see you first."
I knew Jack better than most, and I could tell when he was afraid. Now was one of those moments. The fear flickered in his chocolaty eyes, although he was adept at keeping the rest of his face passive.
"I don't have any old friends. Only new ones." He said, swallowing. I supposed I didn't quite count as a friend anymore. "And I'm not sure I can survive many more visits from 'old friends'."
Sao Feng snarled and threw him at his goons. "Here's your chance to find out!" Jack cast me a glance over his shoulder as he was yanked away.
Don't die, I mouthed, smiling.
He rolled his eyes, and was taken across a plank, to the next ship over...
Jack was a mixture of emotions.
Definitely anger. His ship, well, he thought of it as their ship now, was being stolen again by bloody Cutler Beckett, of all slimy Englishmen. Had it been Norrington, Jack could've been a bit more optimistic. But Lord Cutler Beckett was someone that could match Jack with wits, and that was a problem.
And that problem was what forced the hint of fear in his stomach.
His bored and smug voice came from the window, where the tiny man stood, holding back the curtain and staring out at the Pearl with a faint smile. "The last I saw of that ship she was on fire."
That was the Wench, my Wicked Wench, Jack thought angrily, rubbing at his wrists, raw from the cuffs.
"A blackened hunk, sinking beneath the waves." Beckett went on, not turning. Jack threw him a sarcastic look, hating every inch of his five-foot existence. Does he want to die? He moved into the room, casting the many storage container decorating the room a glance. Perhaps...
"We had a deal, Jack." Cutler said, getting to the point. Jack priding himself in the fact that he had not reacted, while perusing the many trinkets, opening lids and removing caps. "I contracted you to deliver cargo on my behalf." He italicized cargo pointingly. "You chose to liberate it."
Jack quietly lifted the heavy lid of an oriental box, his sleeve falling, his brand that marked him a as a thing becoming visible.
Jack almost lost himself to an onslaught of memories, but regained focus and said softly, "People aren't cargo, mate."
Cutler Beckett ignored him. Jack's growing fury sizzled. "You paid a heavy debt to raise her up again, didn't you?" Jack continued his search.
"It's not here, Jack."
Jack dropped the tin lid, the metal making a slight clang, and whirled around. Cutler Beckett hadn't changed much in appearance, besides perhaps he had gained a bit of weight. Which was a good thing; he had been downright frail the last time they had spoke.
"What? What isn't?"
"The Heart of Davy Jones." Cutler said the very thing Jack hadn't wanted to hear. He was not surprised, however. "It's safely aboard the Dutchman and so unavailable for you to use as leverage to satisfy your debt to the good captain." His eyes were cold.
Jack 's gaze fell to the floor.
He swaggered away, toward a painting of Beckett. He made a face at it; Cutler Beckett did not look that heroic, nor was he. "By my reckoning, that account is already settled." He picked up the staff Beckett had modeled with for the painting and posed like the frozen Cutler in the picture.
"By your death." The smaller man sounded almost amused. "And yet...here you are."
Jack turned toward him, a small grin on his lips. "Close your eyes and pretend it's a bad dream," He swayed, "That's how I get by."
And Adeena. But you, Cuttlefish, do not need to know of Adeena.
"Your 'good deed' cost me, Jack," Beckett said through gritted teeth.
Jack bit his lip, thinking quickly.
An East India Trading Company ship?
Oh, no... I thought, immediately uneasy. The EITC meant Cutler Beckett. I had never met the bastard, but I knew what he had done and what he wanted to do...and he controlled Davy Jones; he was in possession of the heart.
Mercer boarded soon after that, to talk with Sao Feng. I hung onto their words, standing beside Elizabeth and behind Will. I furious with the both of them and didn't bother to meet their eyes.
"My men are crew enough." Sao Feng said, eyeing the EITC sailors boarding the Pearl.
"Company ship," Mercer drawled, his Scottish accent the only feature of his voice. Other than that he was emotionless. "Company crew."
The light dawned in Will's eyes.
"The Black Pearl was to be mine!" He exclaimed, stepping forward angrily.
"And so it was," Sao Feng said, gesturing lazily at one of his men. William was promptly kneed in the stomach and dragged off, a shocked look in his eyes.
"And you have spared me the possibility of becoming anything other than what I am!" He said, walking around the table that they stood on opposite sides of. "And for that, I truly thank you." He reached down and fiddled with the many miniature ships that represented the EITC's fleet.
He thought of the brand. Yes, he enjoyed being a pirate. It was the general disgust people had for him that bothered him sometimes.
He lifted the tiny ship, frowning at it. Then, curling his lip slightly, he asked, "Will someone be in soon to...draw you a bath?"
Ugh, baths. Another memory he did not want to visit.
Beckett smiled at that. He let out a small snort of laughter.
He walked around the table to face Jack again. "It would be nice if all of us could be on holiday year round."
Jack peered at the globe that was set in the table. He put his eye to the small spyglass-looking thing, viewing the tiny continents that were painted in.
"But someone must ensure that the world turns properly!" He spat, violently spinning the model, startling Jack enough that he drew back.
Yes, I'm sure that my comrades affect the turning of the world.
"People are what they love, Jack," Jack winced at that, "And what they love is cargo." He fixed the little ship that Jack had knocked over with a metal poker of sorts. Jack walked leisurely around the room, listening because there was nothing better to do. "They love spices, and linens, and silks."
Jack came to a stop beside the large desk Cutler occupied when doing business. He sniffed, and peered over the top to see a peanut. Eyes lighting up, he popped it in his mouth.
"And as long as it is delivered on time and in sufficient supply, they are content to be nothing more than figures on a ledger." Beckett raised his eyes to look at Jack, who faced away from him.
He walked up to the pirate, a head shorter, as always. "You're a clever man, Jack." His eyes gleamed. "You know I'm right."
Jack rolled his eyes, turning to face him. "If you're offering me a seat on the board, I am neither depraved enough nor drunk enough to accept." He said, his eyes hard and his smile threatening.
"Well then, perhaps you'll consider an alternative arrangement." Cutler reached down and picked up two shots of amber liquid. Not rum, to Jack's disappointment, but any alcohol would suit him. "One that requires absolutely nothing from you but information."
Jack eyed the drink. Probably not poison, Beckett obviously needed him for something.
While debating whether or not to cooperate, his eyes found the original Nine Pieces of Eight that sat on the desk. Now that he was thinking about it, he could hear the faint ringing.
Suddenly, Jack knew what Lord Cutler Beckett wanted. He'd be mad to answer truthfully any questions, or give the full truths, at any rate. Jack would have to play his own cards.
Jack took the shot glass, signifying that he was listening. "Regarding the Brethren Court, no doubt." As Cutler raised his glass to down it, Jack stole it from his hands. Beckett took on a rather dry look.
"In exchange for fair compensation," He drank the first. A strong brandy. "Square my debt with Jones." He set it down and poured the second into his mouth. "Guarantee my freedom."
"Of course." Cutler poured himself a glass, as Jack had robbed him of the first. "It's just good business."
Jack picked up a miniature Cutler Beckett from the desk, studying it. "If I were in a divulgatory mood, what might then would I divulge?"
Beckett stepped closer to him. "Everything." He said quietly. Jack gave him an incredulous look. "Where are they meeting?"
Ah, that was what he wanted. He wanted to attack Shipwreck Cove and eliminate the big names, which meant he was at risk. He was Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, after all. Jack pocketed the tiny doll.
"Who are the Pirate Lords? What is the purpose of the Nine Pieces of Eight?"
"We're pirates, Will," I called icily as he was taken away. "And we can never be trusted."
He met my eyes, confusion reflected in his own.
Sao Feng then whirled around to Mercer, noting the amount of new crew members. "Beckett agreed the Black Pearl was to be mine!" He snarled.
Mercer smirked, a rather nasty expression. "Lord Beckett's not going to give up the only ship that can outrun the Dutchman, is he?" He turned and walked away, smug.
Sao Feng looked about ready to explode.
Finally, my turn.
"It's truly a shame. They aren't bound to honor the Pirate's Code, are they?" I stepped forward, ready to practice whatever negotiation skills Jack had taught me. "Honor is a hard to come by these days, wouldn't you say so?"
He eyed me untrustingly with his sharp, beady eyes. I hate this man. "Adeena Cole. What would you know of honor? There's no honor in remaining on the losing side." He ran his eyes down my figure. I resisted the urge to slap him. "Leaving it all to the winning side, that's just good business."
"We are on the losing side?" I asked, almost laughing.
Sao Feng gestured with frustration. "They have the Dutchman, and now the Pearl. And what do the Brethren have?"
I smirked, doing my best to look every inch the beautiful, mysterious, female pirate. The men tended to fall more easily to seduction; it was laughable.
"We have Calypso." I whispered, grinning.
Sao Feng gazed at me like I was crazy. "Hmph, Calypso. An old legend."
Tia Dalma, who watched me from behind Sao Feng, grinned maliciously.
"No," I said. "The Goddess herself, bound in human form by some hooligans. I intend to release her along with my comrades." I smiled. "But for that, I need you. The whole Court." I let my fingertips brush his necklace; his Piece of Eight.
Let's say Jack has taught me a lot.
Jack chewed the inside of his cheek before responding. "I think I'd prefer to keep my monopoly on those answers." The slightest smile played on his mouth. "Just good business, y'know."
Cutler looked mildly annoyed, as if he hadn't been expecting much. "You haven't changed," He said dryly. Then, as he lifted the drink to his mouth, his voice grew colder. "Enjoy the gallows."
Jack hurriedly took the goblet before it reached Beckett's lips and sauntered away. "I've been. Once you've taken in the view there's really not much else to it." He paused, turning with an extravagant flair.
"Now, it may be beyond me to give advice to you," He said, "But if I were me and you were you, we both share the same lack of trust in the other. Imagine you're me. You being me would propose that rather than you telling me being you where the Brethren Court is meeting, you'd lead me there instead. Whereupon, you could serve up to me being you the Pirate Lords and the Nine Pieces of Eight and the whole of the Brethren Court on a silver platter." Jack paused his speech to make sure that the smaller man was following. "And you being me..." He paused theatrically. "I would likely accept such an offer if I were you. Savvy?" Jack chose then to consume the goblet of brandy.
"On a silver platter." Beckett contemplated.
"With a frilly linen napkin," Jack added.
Beckett chuckled and once again filled a goblet. Jack made to grab it again, and Cutler paused, giving him a sharp look. Jack did his best to appear innocent and gestured for him to fill his glass again.
Sao Feng smiled slightly, showing his nasty teeth. "And I wonder, Adeena Cole, what is in this supposed agreement for you."
I dropped my hand, narrowing my eyes. "Let's say I have some...revenge to carry out, and Davy Jones and Cutler Beckett are only in my way."
"In your way?" He asked with a hint of amusement.
"Dreadfully large obstacles," I said. "And I cannot, despite how far my recently gained skills stretch, eliminate them on my own. I intend to use all of my pawns, Captain, as much as I can."
He smiled deviously. I wondered if I had accidentally dug myself into a hole.
"You can keep Barboussa," Jack decided, fanning himself and wishing Beckett had poured him more brandy. "The belligerent homunculus and his with the wooden eye, both..." He thought for a moment, sauntering forward. "And Turner and Swann, especially Turner and Swann. The rest go with me, aboard the Pearl, and I will lead you to Shipwreck Cove, where I will hand you the pirates and you will not hand me to Jones. Sounds like a fair deal, savvy?"
Beckett's eyes gleamed. "And what becomes of Miss Cole?"
Jack leaned on the desk, his eyes flashing, his control abruptly deserting him. "Don't touch her."
"What are you proposing?" He paused, smiling. "Captain?"
Captain Adeena Cole. I see why Jack likes the title.
"What will you accept, Captain?" I replied evenly.
His eyes glittered. "How about you, Miss Cole?"
I gasped, taken aback. "Pardon?"
Jack cursed himself in some of Adeena's favorite languages.
"So you do care for the girl?" Beckett asked smugly. "Governor Swann informed me some time ago that she ran off to become a pirate at your side."
Jack felt a hint of pride. "What interest is she to you? If I recall, you wanted all of my despicable race dead, and here you are concerned about a mere lady pirate."
Beckett suddenly smiled. "Ah, yes! I just remembered," He stood from behind his desk, pacing quickly around to stand behind Jack. "I have this wonderful compass that points to whatever I want, so what do I need you for?" He held up the navigational instrument, grinning.
Jack made a sour face.
I stared at Sao Feng with a mixture of emotions. Anger, spite, fear. I was offended. Did he think me a common whore?
Perhaps my Siren side was something I could not suppress.
William, slumped over to the side, spoke up. "Adeena is not a part of any bargain!"
Barboussa butted in rather quickly, and I glanced at him in surprise. "Out of the question!"
Knew you liked me! I was tempted to say.
Sao Feng gained that dangerous glint in his eyes. He always had it, to be honest, but it intensified when he grew frustrated...
"It was not a question." He said, in that accent.
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