《Case Walker meeting Jonas Bridges》Where Is She



Danei waited patiently in the lobby the received another text from the person who was texting her earlier. The text said.......


The text Said: you look very pretty today why are you all alone in the Dinner on Top and not with Jonas or Deja? She texted back and said How do you know where I am and how to you know Jonas and Deja. The mystery person texted back and said turn around. She said No. Then someone came up behind her and put a bag over her head. He/She took her to their car the put her in the truck and drove off.

°Jonas and Deja Walk Down°

"Danei where are you" Jonas yelled. Deja spotted Danei's phone on the floor then told Jonas. "She would never leave without calling or texting me first and she would never leave without her phone" Jonas said with a worried look. "Where is She"Deja said. "I don't know but I'm going to find out" Jonas said start in to tear up. "Look don't cry we'll find her" Deja said. "But what if we don't" He said. "We will I hope" Deja said.

Deja accidentally hit the power switch and saw the text messages. She quickly showed Jonas. "Who ever was messaging her must have taken her" Jonas announced. "Well let's track the number and find out where she is" Deja exclaimed.

And So The Hunt Begins For Danei

Where is she, Who has her, And what will happen to her.

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