《F.A.C.E. Family X Little!Reader》Pt 3


The end of your kindergarden year, you walked hand in hand with your two brothers Alfred and Matthew, your white stuffed [dog/rabbit/cat] hanging slightly out of your [f/c] bag.

You looked back on your preavious school year...the first time you met your best friends Ludwig, Feliciano (Tough you call him Feli), Kiku, and Mei. You remember how you met each of them.

"Is zis your doll yours?" he asks you holding out [D/n] and you nod still slightly crying.

He hands you [D/n] and then wipes away your tears with his hands, you get a better look at his eyes they are a pretty shade of blue.

"I'm Ludwig, you are?" he asks holding out one hand after Mattie lets you go and Alfie helps you stand up again.

"[Name]..." you say shyly taking his hand and shaking it.

You smile at the memory then you think about how you met Feli.

"Feliciano comes up to you, hidden behind Ludwig because of the gathering crowd.

"Ve~ I'm sorry for knocking you down [Name]. I didn't hurt you did I?" he asks a little worried and you shake your head then bury your face into [D/n]'s back.

"Wanna be friends then? You can call me Feli~!" he asks with a smile and you couldn't help but smile back.

"S-Sure!" you answer shyly.

You smile slightly then think about how you met Mei.

"You sat on the ground [D/n] next to you and you play with different blocks, building them up then knocking them other and doing it all over again.

"Are you okay?" A girls voice asks behind you and you look behind you to see a girl with a large flower in her hair.

You nod then go back to playing with the blocks."Can I play with you?" she asks sitting down on the other side of you.


"Sure...I'm [Name] by the way..." you say softly and pull [D/n] into your arms.

"Its nice to meet you [Name!] I'm Mei!" she says with a smile and the two of you play with the blocks until Feli comes then drags you off somewhere."

You giggle softly then think about how you met Kiku...

"Ve~ Come on [Name]! You got to meet one of my other friends!!!" Feli says grabbing onto your free hand and drags you over to Ludwig and a short black haired boy who was coloring a picture of flower.

"O-Okay Feli..." you say following him cluching onto [D/n] closer to yourself.

"Ve~! Kiku! Ludwig! Look who I brought over here~!" Feli says happily pulling you along until you are in front of the two boys and Feli lets go of your hand.

"Hi Ludwig..." you say with a small wave.

"Hallo [Name]" Ludwig says looking up at you and you give him a friendly smile.

"Oh you know her Rudwig-san?" the black haired boy asks looking up at you and you hide your face in [D/n]'s back agian.

"Ja, Kiku zis is [Name], [Name] zis is Kiku." Ludwig says introducing you to kiku and you hold your hand out to shake his but he just bows.

"Konichiwa [Name]-chan, its nice to meet you." Kiku says.

"I-Its nice to meet you too?" you say a little confused.

You smile happily and when you see Arthur you let go of Alfred and Matthew's hands then run toward Arthur.

"Daddy!!!" You yell happily holding your arms out toward him.

"Why hello there poppet how was your last day of school?" Arthur asks you picking you up spinning you around slightly with a smile on his face.


"Good! We got to make a present for a special person today and I wanna give it to you and Francis!" you say with a big smile.

"Okay, how about once we get home okay?" Arthur asks shifting you to one arm while he holds Matthew's free hand and Alfred follows behind as you all start to walk home.

"Okay, I can't wait till you see what I made you two daddy!" you say with a large smile.

~Time skip to your house~

Once the four of you got home you imediately went up to your room to get the present for Arthur and Francis then you slowly and carefully walk down the stairs then into the living room.

"Daddy...Francis...I have something for you two..." you say shyly hiding your gift behind your back.

"Alright lets see it sweetie." Arthur says looking at you with a smile along with Francis.

"Oui I would like to see what our petite fille has made for us." Francis says with a big smile as he sits down on the ground infront of you with Alfred and Matthew siting close by.

You smile and take the gift out from behind you, it was a very nice drawing of you, Alfred, Matthew, Fancis, and Arthur all together and very happy.

You watch their facial reactions...they looked really shocked at your drawing of all of them.

"...do you not like it?" you ask slightly scared that they wouldn't like it then you see tears in their eyes...but they weren't tears of sadness but of happiness.

"Oh my petite fille I love it!" Francis says hugging you as Arthur takes the picture and puts it into a frame.

"Then why are you two crying?" you ask wiping some of the tears off of Francis's cheeks.

"Because we're really happy and we love it! Right Arthur?" Francis asks with a smile and you look up at Arthur as he smiles nodding.

"We love it very much poppet and we're glad you made this for us." Arthur says hugging you after Francis lets go.

"I'm glad you two do!" you say happily then your tummy growls and Francis laughs.

"I'll go start on dinner oui?" Francis says geting up and goes into the kitchen.

Francis makes a great dinner and then Arthur read you a bed time story when you go to bed effectively making him fall asleep in your bed with you.

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